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Strategy Sindel ~ General Strategies/INFO/Questions


Revenant Jade
If my opponent blocks, I use Sindel's 1,1,1 followed by D1~Cartwheel (it builds meter pretty fast).


Revenant Jade
If Sindel was going to be buffed IF a patch happens, what would you like and why?

I would like an armored Ex Cartwheel, it would help her get out of corners and override poke attempts. I would like Hair Whip to be safe on block with push back, it doesn't look right seeing her hair go through your opponent. I think if her Scream can be canceled too, that would be nice mind games similar to Jax's Ground Pound. Other than that, Sindel is a solid character whose zoning game is excellent.


d4 has a 3 frame startup, active for 20 frames and the hitbox reaches full screen. pls just one buff this is all she needs


Cock Master!!
an armor move would be nice.. not going to hold my breath :/ shes solid thankfully, her lack of armor blows when every character has at least one armor move. shes one of the 8 that deserves it..

if armor never comes then her standing fireball should lose 4 frames or up+4 should lose 4 frames of start up..


Revenant Jade
I forgot about her Up4 X*D I try to use that to prevent jump in punches and cross ups... but that's online.
Noob has no armor, freddy has no armor, Kitana has no armor, cyber sub has no armor, cyrax has no armor, smoke has no armor.... Why are we even discuss about this. Its pointless. Discuss about how to play her better. Sindel players want to make this a perfect character or something?


Revenant Jade
Noob has no armor, freddy has no armor, Kitana has no armor, cyber sub has no armor, cyrax has no armor, smoke has no armor.... Why are we even discuss about this. Its pointless. Discuss about how to play her better
Freddy has armor on his Green Dream Drop. Kitana has armor on her Ex Square Wave.


i think the whole forum should be dedicated to buff and nerf discussion only, TestYourBuff? NerfYourMight? actually a better idea would be split the forum into two sections from the frontpage - two gateways, "I Want to Talk About Strategy and Self Improvement" and "I Want to Cry and Make Metathreads" - problem solved


Revenant Jade
It would be nice but it won't happen, nothing is impossible though. She has a lot of good tools and she is very solid, zoning-based character primarily. I would actually like to see Sindel in the highest level of competitive play though we know there would be more fireballs in any given match.


green is good
Take what sindel has and work with it. Thats what Im doing.
Stop asking for buffs/nerfs, it wont happen

Suck it up
well said friend. But i don't mind telling what i think she should need, like maybe armor on hair whip or cartwheel or unblock-able yell when its fully held something like what cage, ermac and sub have its an idea but meant for mind games not to have the character broken. but having the character the way she is is fine it would just require a high learning curve."was online for a bit and saw ur post for sindel thought id give my two scents."(BT-JOE)

Mr. Mileena

well said friend. But i don't mind telling what i think she should need, like maybe armor on hair whip or cartwheel or unblock-able yell when its fully held something like what cage, ermac and sub have its an idea but meant for mind games not to have the character broken. but having the character the way she is is fine it would just require a high learning curve."was online for a bit and saw ur post for sindel thought id give my two scents."(BT-JOE)
she'd be top 5 if she had mileenas d+4, a small hitbox, faster startup on u+4, AND armor on yell

I don't think sindel has the potential to win a major. i do think she can make top 8 though


green is good
she'd be top 5 if she had mileenas d+4, a small hitbox, faster startup on u+4, AND armor on yell

I don't think sindel has the potential to win a major. i do think she can make top 8 though
yeah i agree no potential to win. d+4 would be a good idea it has adv it would be harder to hit her and nothing else has changed making her 4,4 i guess a little better.


Deus Fulminatus
If she can't win, then why shouldn't she, or any character, be given the tools which would allow a player to win with them?

Otherwise, what objective reason would there be for anyone to play the character seriously at all?


Revenant Jade
Without armor, I just use Sindel's D1 then retreat especially from Cage, Jax, Sonya. Against Mileena, that's really hard because she follows Sindel either Teleport Kick while you are in the air or to close space, also her Roll which follows to (Roll cancel to pressure). I really hate fighting Mileena with Sindel, she goes in the same boat with Raiden, Kung Lao and Smoke.


Revenant Jade
I'm actually having trouble with Sindel's dashing in combo juggles, air to air follow ups and AA counter attack. The rest of her juggles are fun but the one in particular I'm asking for some tips is her standing 1 dash follow up with another standing 1 etc. It's just not online, it is offline too. For example if I did 4,4,1 dash 1,1,1,Hair Whip (the 1 after the first 1 becomes F1 instead). Sometimes I get lucky that F1 ends up connecting with a special which works too but I was trying to be precise with another 1 juggle. Another example would be B1,2, dash 1 dash 1,1,1, Hair Whip - again, the 1 follow up after the first one sometimes come out as F1. If there something particular with her dash cancel follow ups and it seems timing is very strict. I actually saw some stream where Riu48 used Sindel's standing 1 follow up with another 1 which was perfectly executed. Is there a certain way you have to use her dash 1 follow up with another 1 in scenarios of juggling combos, AA, air to air follow up?


Cock Master!!
Wow some people have a stick up their asses in this thread. Is it really awful to want to see slight improvements to a character that won't make them op but perfect. Armored move would make her perfect finally. Especially since 80% of the cast has armor.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
Sindel is solid enough now.

If the rumored patch/hotfix happens, the only thing I would want is armor on Step-Up. She doesn't "need" anything else.

Maybe also try to make Levitate less janky/glitchy.


Cock Master!!
Sindel is solid enough now.

If the rumored patch/hotfix happens, the only thing I would want is armor on Step-Up. She doesn't "need" anything else.

Maybe also try to make Levitate less janky/glitchy.
they can't add armor to step over. They tried but it was too random. :( so hair whip or whatever.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


Cock Master!!
i been struggling with this for the past year.. with f+1 and f+3 i would love if those 2 attacks were removed..

riu has a nice controller so that could be it.. i use sticks so thats my issue..

Mr. Mileena

i been struggling with this for the past year.. with f+1 and f+3 i would love if those 2 attacks were removed..

riu has a nice controller so that could be it.. i use sticks so thats my issue..
Are you kidding me?
Remove f+1?

That removes her f+1, 2, a reset set-up.

I wouldn't mind if her f+3 was removed.


Levi Cancel Sorcery
Are you kidding me?
Remove f+1?

That removes her f+1, 2, a reset set-up.

I wouldn't mind if her f+3 was removed.

f+3 i totally agree. its too slow, nobody really uses it and it also has a way of coming out mid combo when u dont want it to and messing up a combo.

and as far as f+1 i think if they change the command some way then doing a 1 dash 11 dash 111 etc. would be way easier to execute without having a f+1 come out instead of 1 and messing up the whole combo.


Revenant Jade
Sindel's F3 is annoying online, sometimes when I start a combo with B3, F2 (I omit her Scream online or use her Ex Scream to guarantee a combo) but I dash forward to attempt 3,Scream but an F3 comes out instead kicks them away full screen. It comes out by accident but I work with it since it allows Sindel to keep spamming fireballs. I do find F3 only helpful in the corner when you connect Scream for a combo. Now if only her Up3 had some kind of purpose? Overhead maybe?