I'm going to have to disagree with you here, sir.Ppl traveled for those NRS games because the power levels were massive. Yes, we complained about it, but we STILL traveled for them. Bring back high power levels and ppl will travel again. Will they still complain? Yes.. but at least they’ll travel
This isn't DragonBall Z and I don't personally believe this talk about "Power Levels."
The most popular game in the competitive scene revolves primarily around Strike/throw mix ups and throw loops.
And I also don't agree about "Power Levels" being low in MK1.
Nitara can take half of your Lifebar off of one wrong guess and a bar.
Sub Zero has several true 50/50s off strings with Khameleon.
Homelander vortexes you to death.
Havik can take 40% and then potentially ToD you off an unblockable attack.
You have basically every character in the game able to launch off of normal grabs with the right Kameo.
You have guaranteed launches off grab attempts in the corner.
You have resets. 50/50s, basically everything powerful that you could ask for.
And when you want to, "return to power levels"
Are you asking for Gameplay like this:
Or perhaps this:
There is nothing wrong with the, "Power Levels" in MK1.