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This is my billionth life cycle.
What do people think about the Ermac matchup? Could still be early unfamiliarity but I honestly hate it, feels like his buttons are just way better all around.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Mavado adds some nice stuff to Geras setplay wise. His backthrow can finally become a launcher with kameo, and his command grab is a full on launcher in the corner. That -100 health is absolutely terrifying though, especially for a Kameo that doesn't offer any help in neutral.

Also I tried experimenting with Rewind Cancelling Mavado's Pushblock, didn't find anything useful there.



i was thinking mavado might be the first kameo to make me want to leave stryker due to his block cancel escape, but it doesn't really work how i expected and he doesn't help in neutral, so, here i am still with stryker haha. mavado is a snowball/2-touch kill/escape kameo, and i think that's really good for a lot of characters, but i don't particularly think it's what geras needs. seems really fun and strong with some other characters though


This is my billionth life cycle.
i was thinking mavado might be the first kameo to make me want to leave stryker due to his block cancel escape, but it doesn't really work how i expected and he doesn't help in neutral, so, here i am still with stryker haha. mavado is a snowball/2-touch kill/escape kameo, and i think that's really good for a lot of characters, but i don't particularly think it's what geras needs. seems really fun and strong with some other characters though
850 health is also a serious problem, especially with a kameo that doesn't provide meterless means for building lots of hourglass charges in combos like Motaro / Lao. 900 with Motaro is already pretty brutal.


I've been maining Stryker with him for like 6 months, I don't really mind having less health as long as I'm getting clocks up. Imo rewinding/breaking out of a combo is effectively the same as gaining the amount of life you would have lost in the combo, so Geras pretty often has an effective total health of like 1300 or more per round.

As for Mavado's utility otherwise, after labbing it more I think he might be good for Geras after all! He helps build clocks in combos well, pretty simple series of just B12 xx clock while calling Mavado ground bounce lets you keep the juggle going into S12 ex freeze, etc. He converts weird hits into damage and oki, like if tornado hits anywhere you can turn it into a ground bounce into inevitable etc. More importantly his move that slams you together with the opp gives big meaty plus frames on hit and good plus frames on block, and his mine creates an in escapable launcher when placed just before F12 xx command grab.

I usually pick assists for safety and neutral, hence Stryker but also I played Kano before that. Mavado can't make tornado safe on block, so although it's nice to get combos out of, it's still a big risk in many matchups. But I can see this being good on a Geras playstyle that's more committal. I'm gonna give him a good try for a while, we'll see.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
s mine creates an in escapable launcher when placed just before F12 xx command grab.
I was labbing this yesterday. Unfortunately it isn't inescapable at all. You can easily armor out of it, but even more damning you can just purposely get hit by the 2 and this will make both Geras' command grab and Mavado's mine whiff giving them a free punish


Did you record dummy Geras to do the setup and try to get out of it yourself? I saw the CPU duck it as well when I did the setup against it, but when I recorded it and tried to escape it myself, I couldn't find the right timing. Good work if you did though

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Did you record dummy Geras to do the setup and try to get out of it yourself? I saw the CPU duck it as well when I did the setup against it, but when I recorded it and tried to escape it myself, I couldn't find the right timing. Good work if you did though
Yeah. I think at best, this is just gonna add to Geras's guessing game. But That health nerf doesn't make this worth it imo.

I post how to get out of it in the middle of this video


I've been making myself play without big neutral assists for the past few weeks as an exercise to help me improve in other parts of my game, and it's been very helpful. I've started using BF1 as a counterpoke a lot, like say a character is charging at me with some string that I can't run out of the way of to whiff punish or beat outright with my normals as it's coming. In that case, BF1's 2-3 character length hitbox that fits floor to antiair with no hurtbox in it can be a really nice wall that can start combos depending on whether you use meter or certain ambushes. I've also started whiff punishing really big things with snap more. I always did that against some things, like if Reptile is starting up a ball you can easily punish him on reaction with it, as well as a good number of other examples. But now I'm doing this against normals/strings as well. For example, Kenshi's F2 string is really hard to whiff punish because it goes so far and he can do multiple different enders on it, but they all get whiff punished easily by snap. Same for big things like Tanya S3, Ashrah F2, etc.

As for kameos, I've been playing Mavado, Sub, and Cyrax. Cyrax is the most broadly applicable ofc, with big damage, great setups, great corner carry, plus frames, safety, etc. But imo Sub is a very useful counterpick (for me, mandatory vs a Peacemaker, not just because of ice armor but because reversal kold shoulder beats the gap between F412 into Eagly) and Mavado snowballs big and also punishes lots of things with his B kameo (19f startup anywhere) in a way that helps him shut down some characters' ranged options even without being a true neutral assist. Personally for now I'm going to keep running Geras/Cyrax and Geras/Sub depending on the matchup.


What do y'all think of the latest patch today? Notes here if you haven't seen them yet: https://mortalkombatgamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/30765918154643-Mortal-Kombat-1-Patch-Notes-Hotfix-PS5-XSX-Steam-and-EGS

Here's a video I put up showing some of the impacts of these changes for Geras:
I'm pretty happy with what they did. Faster snap is gonna be really helpful I think. I've been hit out of it just before it activates so many times that just a 5f difference might be enough. Safer sweep is nice, being -9 means almost nothing (maybe actually nothing?) can punish it at range, and it's a bit less of a commitment in neutral vs whiff punishing or jumping opponents. The sandstorm change means that he can now do S12 sandstorm and it launches toward him, which is great imo! I use S1 to interrupt stagger strings more than I use D1, but when I do, I either get little out of it like S12 BF1, or I have to spend ex meter or kameo resources to get real damage. So being able to use his 7f startup, +3 on block S1 more often in a way that'll actually lead to damage is really nice. And then finally, fatal blow now goes legit full screen, which is awesome imo, gives him a really strong presence at the end of rounds even without snap.

In short imo they buffed him in ways that help him feel more unique (full screen control, leaning into big damage on hit) instead of normalizing him (like with farther range D1 or safer buttons), and I think that's pretty cool.

I felt Peacemaker was one of his hardest matchups before, so the nerfs to PM effectively make Geras more viable too.

As for the kameo changes, I already put a lot of time into Sonya, Stryker, & Mavado, so I'm happy for all of them to get better. Sonya gives him more of a full screen presence due to her fireballs, but now she also gives him quick plus frames & more combos. Stryker arrest gives you a way to harrass with ranged F12 xx arrest in a way that's helpful. And imo Mavado gives Geras really good snowballing, but the health nerf was too drastic before, so that makes that style of Geras more effective than before.


Is the Sandstorm buff to its vertical or horizontal hitbox? I remember seeing lots of Geras main ask for a vertical hitbox buff


Hm I don't think it's hitbox size has changed either way, it's just that more of its hitbox will launch the opponent towards Geras for a juggle than before. Used to have to be pretty precise but it's more forgiving now. Might be able to get more conversions in neutral too.


You like how I did That
I found a nice setup to beat wake up armor with Geras and Sektor using missile after F1,2,1+3.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
I found a nice setup to beat wake up armor with Geras and Sektor using missile after F1,2,1+3.
If you like using Geras and Sektor, you can end combos with 122, and Sektors rocket will OTG them into a standing position. Completely eliminating their wakeup options

Reactions: Ace


You like how I did That
If you like using Geras and Sektor, you can end combos with 122, and Sektors rocket will OTG them into a standing position. Completely eliminating their wakeup options

Thanks ,Geras and Sektor was my main team before I stopped playing the game.I knew about 122 otg and I was trying to figure out how to get better Oki with rocket on knockdown.