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I think it's funny that there are people in this thread that believe that "most" women like cute things.

For one thing, broad, sweeping generalizations of what specific genders like and dislike are almost always wrong.

Gender essentialism is poison for your brain.

As far as "most" women liking cute things goes well...

No one tell them about the "Monster Fucker" genre of books/movies/genre trope etc that is predominantly consumed by women. An example would be something like The Shape of Water.
"Most women are not into gore."
I can admit I was speaking anecdotally, but hopefully you also realize that horror and gore are not synonymous? And that the same women who are into horror, many of them would still choose the panda over Scorpion? Right? My Fiance is into horror and Gore and would 100% choose Kuma. Most women I've met would. Not to be mean, but the ones who would choose Scorpion usually have on an Ice Nine Kills tshirt.

I think my point still stands and you and people with your disposition seem to be just fingers in ears, self assured that your opinion is the correct one?

There's a fucking reason that things are how they are. It's not always conspiracy. Nothings stopping anyone from doing or liking anything, but it's so disingenuous and to be dead honest, an obvious lack of critical thinking to think that without all these darn companies telling us what to do, there'd just be no heckin difference between the gender!

Yall are weird. Internet folks being internet folks.
I think it's funny that there are people in this thread that believe that "most" women like cute things.

For one thing, broad, sweeping generalizations of what specific genders like and dislike are almost always wrong.

Gender essentialism is poison for your brain.

As far as "most" women liking cute things goes well...

No one tell them about the "Monster Fucker" genre of books/movies/genre trope etc that is predominantly consumed by women. An example would be something like The Shape of Water.
You're a gay man, right? What exactly do you know intimately about women that isn't from the internet or secondhand?

Most women have not heard of Monster Fuckers. It being consumed by majority women doesn't mean anything in this context.

Women like cute things. They do. It's crazy that that's even an argument, but you'd argue with the wind if you thought it would give you the attention you so obviously, and desperately seek.

It's so sad I'll never hear from you again after I wait for your response and laugh at it and hit ignore :,(
Competitive fighting games literally exist in a nerd culture bubble. We're all in it, lol
Not a bubble, but I see you also don't know what that term actually means. Jesus, dude.

Bubble implies you only interact within that space. You can be a part of a community without being in a bubble.

Yall literally just talk, no thought. No comprehension. That's why they kicked you off the podcast. Pseudo intellect supported by undeserving confidence
Women like cute things. They do.
It's weird opinions like this that make spaces like these less inclusive. People like what they like. We're all individuals, and claiming an entire gender all likes the same thing is pretty strange.

Chauvinistic stereotypes like this are exactly what women have been fighting against year after year.
It's weird opinions like this that make spaces like these less inclusive. People like what they like. We're all individuals, and claiming an entire gender all likes the same thing is pretty strange.

Chauvinistic stereotypes like this are exactly what women have been fighting against year after year.
I did not say all women only like cute things.

You can not read, my guy. That, or you're projecting. Either way, seek help.

This is brain rot.
I can admit I was speaking anecdotally, but hopefully you also realize that horror and gore are not synonymous? And that the same women who are into horror, many of them would still choose the panda over Scorpion? Right? My Fiance is into horror and Gore and would 100% choose Kuma. Most women I've met would. Not to be mean, but the ones who would choose Scorpion usually have on an Ice Nine Kills tshirt.

I think my point still stands and you and people with your disposition seem to be just fingers in ears, self assured that your opinion is the correct one?

There's a fucking reason that things are how they are. It's not always conspiracy. Nothings stopping anyone from doing or liking anything, but it's so disingenuous and to be dead honest, an obvious lack of critical thinking to think that without all these darn companies telling us what to do, there'd just be no heckin difference between the gender!

Yall are weird. Internet folks being internet folks.
It's interesting that you're not only strawmanning those that disagree with you, but also dismissing those same people as this weird caricature you've made up in your head.

Obviously, not all horror movies are gory but we can both agree that it is the genre most associated with gore and we can apply our critical thinking skills and surmise that in that 62%, a fair amount have consumed and enjoyed gory movies.

That's what actual critical thinking is.

Now if we ignore the appeal to nature fallacy you're going on, no one is saying that the way things are are solely because of corporations or what have you. No, that would be silly. It's more nuanced and complex than that, but yes, patriarchy, white supremacy, gender essentiallism do play a role in our current and ever-changing view of sex and gender roles.

You'll likely ignore all of this though and just say people you disagree with are weird because that's easier.
Yall literally just talk, no thought. No comprehension. That's why they kicked you off the podcast. Pseudo intellect supported by undeserving confidence
Spreading false narratives is not fair to Tom or Dave. They asked me to stay on the podcast, but I left because I prefer balanced discussion and covering competitive play to rage-baiting, yelling and constant negativity.

It started to feel like a waste of time, because the conversation was the same every single week.

Not surprisingly when I did the podcast with Pig instead, a lot more top players showed up, discussion was better, and it was a lot more fun.
I did not say all women only like cute things.

You can not read, my guy. That, or you're projecting. Either way, seek help.

This is brain rot.
Not you being disingenuous and strawmanning someone you disagree with, then insulting them so that you can dismiss anything they have to say.

That never happens!
It's weird opinions like this that make spaces like these less inclusive. People like what they like. We're all individuals, and claiming an entire gender all likes the same thing is pretty strange.

Chauvinistic stereotypes like this are exactly what women have been fighting against year after year.
You genuinely think that me, correctly, assuming that the majority of women will enjoy softer and cuter things is what women have been fighting against?

Not objectification, income inequality, human trafficking, ACTUAL discrimination?

That's what makes me go off on yall. Yall are equating genuine facts of life to hate speech or misogyny. And some pretty misogynistic shit has been said, but the things yall latch on to, and the way yall twist words, you're just fucking parroting shit that doesn't even apply or add up.

You are the left wing version of the right wing nuts you mock. It's fucking hilarious but also troubling and sad.

I'm done, yall are far too stupid or stubborn or both for me to talk to.

Most times I get in arguments about this shit with yall on this site, I am venting to my Fiance about the shit yall say and every once in a while she'll tell me I'm getting heated for nothing, but almost every time she says yall just sound like yall are trying too hard to sound like feminists and I agree 100%. Yall are tripping.
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You're a gay man, right? What exactly do you know intimately about women that isn't from the internet or secondhand?

Most women have not heard of Monster Fuckers. It being consumed by majority women doesn't mean anything in this context.

Women like cute things. They do. It's crazy that that's even an argument, but you'd argue with the wind if you thought it would give you the attention you so obviously, and desperately seek.

It's so sad I'll never hear from you again after I wait for your response and laugh at it and hit ignore :,(

First of all, do you think gay men can't have intimate knowledge and relationships with women?

Do you only think intimacy involves sex?

Secondly, I'm bisexual, not gay.

Thirdly, how are you going to substantiate that most women don't know what monster fuckers are? We both acknowledge that it's consumed primarily by women. Additionally, that particular trope in fiction has existed for hundreds of years.

Tons if films, books, poems, etc about it.

You don't know what you're talking about and you have nothing to back up what you say besides, "Trust me, bro."

Actual smooth-brained behavior.

So much for, "bullying the bully."
You genuinely think that me, correctly, assuming that the majority of women will enjoy softer and cuter things is what women have been fighting against?

Not objectification, income inequality, human trafficking, ACTUAL discrimination?

That's what makes me go off on yall. Yall are equating genuine facts of life to hate speech or misogyny. And some pretty misogynistic shit has been said, but the things yall latch on to, and the way yall twist words, you're just fucking parroting shit that doesn't even apply or add up.

You are the left wing version of the right wing nuts you mock. It's fucking hilarious but also troubling and sad.

I'm done, yall are far too stupid or stubborn or both for me to talk to.

Most times I get in arguments about this shit with yall on this site, I am venting to my Fiance about the shit yall say and every once in a while she'll tell me I'm getting heated for nothing, but almost every time she says yall just sound like yall are trying to hard to sound like feminists and I agree 100%. Yall are tripping.
You talk to your fiance about online fighting game forum drama?


I am speechless.
You genuinely think that me, correctly, assuming that the majority of women will enjoy softer and cuter things is what women have been fighting against?

Not objectification, income inequality, human trafficking, ACTUAL discrimination?

That's what makes me go off on yall. Yall are equating genuine facts of life to hate speech or misogyny. And some pretty misogynistic shit has been said, but the things yall latch on to, and the way yall twist words, you're just fucking parroting shit that doesn't even apply or add up.

You are the left wing version of the right wing nuts you mock. It's fucking hilarious but also troubling and sad.

I'm done, yall are far too stupid or stubborn or both for me to talk to.

Most times I get in arguments about this shit with yall on this site, I am venting to my Fiance about the shit yall say and every once in a while she'll tell me I'm getting heated for nothing, but almost every time she says yall just sound like yall are trying to hard to sound like feminists and I agree 100%. Yall are tripping.
Also this is another demonstrable example of your inability to read correctly.

Nowhere did he say that women weren't fighting income inequality, human trafficking, etc etc.

You actually just made that up.
Conan I'm on the fence with. Could be cool, but I'm not sure how to make him interesting other than "big body guy with a sword". Fine on it's own, just not sure how to expand on it.
I figure we're going to get the Mortal Kombat version of Tusk from Killer Instinct.
Also, a thousand apologies, I know this is off-topic, but I wanted to share this. The work that Spike has done to the character models in the Sparking! Zero Dragon Ball game is amazing. It's literally identical to the show.

It makes me so sad to see so much time wasted on these petty arguments when yall could actually be enjoying the game or any other hobbies. Best to just put each other on ignore and live a much happier life.
If it makes you feel any better, I manage a retail store and had this conversation while planning a new store layout. If I'm on here posting, I'm probably at work multi-tasking.

And I put guy on Ignore.

It makes me sad, too. The sentence, "Women like cute things," got me called misogynistic and etc. That's extreme, and an attack.

Yall have obvious problem starters on this site. They incite these conversations, then play victim when confronted while ATTACKING people with different opinions, again, to incite more toxic discourse.

This all started because a few people didn't like new character designs. If no one got name called or attacked for that opinion, would anyone have felt the need to defend that opinion?

I pinky promise I won't argue with people on this site for at least a week or two
It makes me so sad to see so much time wasted on these petty arguments when yall could actually be enjoying the game or any other hobbies. Best to just put each other on ignore and live a much happier life.
See, none of this would have happened had y'all just given me MKX Cassie/Jacqui with the workout outfits for KP2, but no, nooooo, y'all had to bring the boobs Cyborgs instead of the two GOATs that literally had an entire game built around their development. This is the punishment we must all endure now until the real alpha females are introduced.
If it makes you feel any better, I manage a retail store and had this conversation while planning a new store layout. If I'm on here posting, I'm probably at work multi-tasking.

And I put guy on Ignore.

It makes me sad, too. The sentence, "Women like cute things," got me called misogynistic and etc. That's extreme, and an attack.

Yall have obvious problem starters on this site. They incite these conversations, then play victim when confronted while ATTACKING people with different opinions, again, to incite more toxic discourse.

This all started because a few people didn't like new character designs. If no one got name called or attacked for that opinion, would anyone have felt the need to defend that opinion?

I pinky promise I won't argue with people on this site for at least a week or two
No one called you a misogynist. At the very least, I didn't.

Also: How do describe yourself without even the slightest bit of self awareness.
Uh huh, because having 87 ninjas on the roster and people still begging for "Tremor and Khameleon" to be playable over the years is peak originality right? Cetrion could easily have story advancement like every other character has had, including your main Geras who was the ultimate jobber of the same group you criticize, and none of the Kombat Kids play anything remotely alike.
MK lives and dies by their ninjas. People are hype that MK1 has all the male ninjas for the first time since MK9. While people lamented how many Special Forces characters were in X.

The difference with Geras was he was created as a jobber. He was just an enforcer. Cetrion was our first ever playable (non-fallen) Elder God, that's a huge deal, this is one of the beings that Raiden begged and prayed for assistance in MK9. This is the person who was meant to fight Hell itself, and she got her ass mollywhopped by Jax.

I know powerlevels mean jackshit in MK, but they could have easily fixed Cetrion's situation by having her not fully agree with Kronika's plan. Have her hold back against the heroes.