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Khaos Reigns Official Announcement Trailer


Conan or T1000 are cooler to me than Peacekeeper, I just miss the days when we got ONE guest dlc, maaaaybe 2. I just always hear the argument that guests bring revenue which i think is bullshit. MK has been more popular than ever, MK diehards purchase every game, Conan diehards don't give a fuck about mk or fighting games.
Something that I missed.


At the end of the trailer you see this. Kombat Pack 2 is the 6 characters. What is the Kombat Pack below? The first KP which is given for 'free' if you haven't bought it yet and you purchase Khaos Reigns?
Sounds like I received the tedious 'ThE bOyS mAkEs FuN oF bOtH sIdEs' gatcha, but it's not like I have high hopes from people who wish to debate me on those things.

If you think that a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' special move of Shang morphing to a what-if-because-fucking-multiverse character while the actual characters are 'safe' in terms of design and canon is the same with an established character getting genderswapped for the next 5-10 years, then have I got a bridge to sell you. Might as well tell me that Reptile and Ermac were playable in MK11.

Oh? Why 2024 in particular? Because in 2024, those kind of things are actively being pursued? Because race/genderswapping is now literally the flavor of the day? The goal? Some would say ... an agenda?

In the end, I would have respected your take a lot more if it amounted to "You know what? I SEE this for what it is; But I don't really mind it."
No, 2024 because we’ve been doing this same song and dance since like 2013. I think it’s funny that people are still clinging on to this ten years later. Clearly this agenda isn’t taking off very well, since they have to reinvent a completely new buzzword every couple of years to describe it. Is this the same agenda as the SJW one? Orrrr, wait, is this woke? What the fuck does DEI even mean? I can’t keep up. I think if only people who super chronically online even know what your “agenda” is, you’re not doing a very good job of spreading it.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do think sometimes companies like to do stuff to be like “wow look how supportive we are guys” in an effort to make money from a specific demographic, but that’s not an “agenda” trying to spread a political message it’s just capitalism acting as it does. But I don’t even think that argument works here because it’s a multiverse scenario, of course gender swaps will happen.

I know we’ve moved on from this and im not replying about this topic anymore so we can just actually talk about the game, I just fell asleep last night and wanted to give my opinion again lol
Probably the worst pack they've done imo. Never cared for the cyborgs, feels like we're scraping the barrel for guests. Noob is the only one I'm excited for, he looks great, wish they kept the purple-ish hue with his powers. I like the expansion villain being Havik instead of a full game where he's the conflict. Probably just wait for a discount or just buy Noob and watch the story on YouTube
Please stop insulting people
@Vulgar your posts are nearly as bad as this trailer. Though your pathetic shilling does garner me a chuckle from time to time, which is more than what NRS could provide.

NRS are devoid of ideas. You cats finally get a "promising" patch right before they hit you with another $50 charge. 5 DLC chapters and 6 characters is almost the price of a full fledged title. Newsflash: THEY NEVER FINISHED THE FIRST TITLE.

Despite your "glorious" patch, half the roster feels incomplete outside of a Kameo equip. "Here's a new string or two peasants enjoy."

"Yaaaaaaas thank you master boon."

What a cash grabbing monster NRS has become. Chaos reigns not in the video game, but most certainly in their Chicago office. Fn hacks.

Sextor/Cypax with Wings=Abominable
What tf are they smoking in Chiraq?
Patch is almost universally enjoyed and well received. Of course you've got the occasional mouth breather - like you - that'll dislike it. It's fine. Can't please everyone.

Speaking of chuckling, I do that myself everytime you confirm to me that you STILL don't know what the word, "shill" actually means.

Here's a hint: It's NOT liking something that someone else doesn't.

Hope that helps.
Firstly,where did this leak my guy,do tell

Secondly, considering to which lengths the ultra left cult is willing to go and things they do to justify and push certain things in all sorts of areas,this would be used to present as if there is no specific agenda being pushed,after harsh criticism has been recieved on the subject.

So far the only characters to get gender swapped are male and the race to get race swapped is white,additionally an egyptian women was i guess having that white herratige too much so they decided tanya should be a wakanda foevah instead,egyptian was not divers enough...

So yeah even if the shang morphs thing is true,not only is it incredibly stupid but is also just there to cover their tracks.

Otherwise they would lean in to the whacky unviers as you say and actually gender swap kitant or make jax a white dude,but yeah youll never see that,and to clarify id be against that too but the important thing is that if that actually happend then the very same people that are now celebrating this brave and heroic change of cyrax and sektor would be out with their pitch forks screaming racism racism,the patriarchy dude etc

Hypocrites to their core.
This is what your brain looks like on Quartering videos.
Sounds like I received the tedious 'ThE bOyS mAkEs FuN oF bOtH sIdEs' gatcha, but it's not like I have high hopes from people who wish to debate me on those things.

If you think that a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' special move of Shang morphing to a what-if-because-fucking-multiverse character while the actual characters are 'safe' in terms of design and canon is the same with an established character getting genderswapped for the next 5-10 years, then have I got a bridge to sell you. Might as well tell me that Reptile and Ermac were playable in MK11.

Oh? Why 2024 in particular? Because in 2024, those kind of things are actively being pursued? Because race/genderswapping is now literally the flavor of the day? The goal? Some would say ... an agenda?

In the end, I would have respected your take a lot more if it amounted to "You know what? I SEE this for what it is; But I don't really mind it."
I think it's really strange that you're THIS invested in the genitals of fictional characters in a video game.
It's cheap, lazy, and I don't like it. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. Increase the male/female ratio without putting any real effort.

But aside from that, I don't like it because of consistency reasons. Cyrax and Sektor were male so they should stick with that. And frankly, I like them as male-based.

I want the characters to stick to the race and gender they started as. I don't want a male Sonya, I don't want a male D'Vorah, I don't want a male Kitana. I don't want a white Jax. Am I resistant to needless change? Yes, I am. Sue me.

But you're a person who wants to see all your favorite characters get genderswapped, so I literally can't imagine what's it like inside your head and expect the same from you in return.

No, no.

The reason the genderswaps happen IN THE FIRST PLACE is because the male characters are more than the female ones and now NRS are trying to be 'progressive', at the expense of established characters and lore.

Which is literally the goal. The 'big bad agenda' that doesn't exist, but at the same time, actually does, kinda, but we don't like to call it 'bad' because we don't want to be labelled as 'istophobes'.
You're projecting a lot of things with exactly zero evidence.

But what I want to hone in on is the idea that it's "lazy." Friend, animation takes time. Tons of hours in concept art, deciding what designs are functional with the game engine, etc. Thousands of hours of rendering and texture work and so on. Hundreds of hours more of motion capture and the like.

That's before you get the amount of time spent with the voice actors, actually testing these characters in-game, etc.

You've only exposed that you don't know how video games are made.
Conan or T1000 are cooler to me than Peacekeeper, I just miss the days when we got ONE guest dlc, maaaaybe 2. I just always hear the argument that guests bring revenue which i think is bullshit. MK has been more popular than ever, MK diehards purchase every game, Conan diehards don't give a fuck about mk or fighting games.
Couple things: Ed Boon has said numerous times that guest characters oursell all other DLC and that they would keep doing them because of that.

Second, when you say you, "miss the days when we got 1, maybe two guest characters " you're really just talking about MK9 and Injustice 1.

MKX had Jason, Leatherface, Predator, Alien

Injustice 2 had all four Ninja Turtles, Hellboy, Sub-Zero and Raiden.

MK11 had Robocop, Rambo, Spawn, The Joker, and The Terminator.

If these characters didn't sell well, they wouldn't keep doing it.
No, 2024 because we’ve been doing this same song and dance since like 2013. I think it’s funny that people are still clinging on to this ten years later. Clearly this agenda isn’t taking off very well, since they have to reinvent a completely new buzzword every couple of years to describe it. Is this the same agenda as the SJW one? Orrrr, wait, is this woke? What the fuck does DEI even mean? I can’t keep up. I think if only people who super chronically online even know what your “agenda” is, you’re not doing a very good job of spreading it.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do think sometimes companies like to do stuff to be like “wow look how supportive we are guys” in an effort to make money from a specific demographic, but that’s not an “agenda” trying to spread a political message it’s just capitalism acting as it does. But I don’t even think that argument works here because it’s a multiverse scenario, of course gender swaps will happen.

I know we’ve moved on from this and im not replying about this topic anymore so we can just actually talk about the game, I just fell asleep last night and wanted to give my opinion again lol
Remember when they tried to make GamerGate 2 happen, but then it immediately died because no one actually gave a fuck? Notice how none of these chuds talk about Sweet Baby Inc anymore?

It's almost like it's all a grift and these poor dumbasses on this forum fell for it.
You're projecting a lot of things with exactly zero evidence.

But what I want to hone in on is the idea that it's "lazy." Friend, animation takes time. Tons of hours in concept art, deciding what designs are functional with the game engine, etc. Thousands of hours of rendering and texture work and so on. Hundreds of hours more of motion capture and the like.

That's before you get the amount of time spent with the voice actors, actually testing these characters in-game, etc.

You've only exposed that you don't know how video games are made.
Since you're pretending to be dense, I'll humor you.

When I say lazy, I don't mean that the NRS staff was browsing twitter on their phones or masturbating on the restrooms while Boon was expecting them to work. I meant that instead of making a brand new (cyborg) character, instead of making a new cyborg gimmick, a new concept, with a new female character using something other than fire/bombs/paralysis, they simply change the sex and call it a day. It's a quick solution to make a 'new' female character to be added to the female ranks of the roster, without actually making one.
Remember when they tried to make GamerGate 2 happen, but then it immediately died because no one actually gave a fuck? Notice how none of these chuds talk about Sweet Baby Inc anymore?

It's almost like it's all a grift and these poor dumbasses on this forum fell for it.
Gamegate 2 was a term birthed by Kotaku as they tried once more to label the people sick of this forced DEI crap as istophobes. The actual people who are pissed off with this situation continue to vote with their wallets, and based on the recent bombs of AAA (and not) titles, I'd guess they're succeeding.

And if you think people aren't talking about it anymore, you've been hanging out on the wrong social circles. I know that people like you are all for the meme 'this is fine', but calling people names is not going to magically make you right.

There is literally a Steam curator group on Steam with half a million members who immediately boycott every single game which is touched by those racist consulting companies.
Since you're pretending to be dense, I'll humor you.

When I say lazy, I don't mean that the NRS staff was browsing twitter on their phones or masturbating on the restrooms while Boon was expecting them to work. I meant that instead of making a brand new (cyborg) character, instead of making a new cyborg gimmick, a new concept, with a new female character using something other than fire/bombs/paralysis, they simply change the sex and call it a day. It's a quick solution to make a 'new' female character to be added to the female ranks of the roster, without actually making one.
You're assigning intent with zero evidence. But that's okay, I'll hold your hand through this.

One of the ideas Boon mentioned in many interviews leading up to release is re-imagining characters while maintaining aspects of the originals.

You see this all over MK1, like with Reptile. Instead of a reptilian version or a human version, they did a hybrid of the two where he does partial transformations. It's great.

The same applies to Cyrax/Sektor. Cyrax is still using bombs. Sektor is still using the flame thrower. They're still functionally doing the same shit they did in past games, but they're a little different now. It's the same design ethos that's seen throughout the entire game.

You're Quartering pilled though so all you see is a woman in what was a genderless robots role and you shit yourself.
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Gamegate 2 was a term birthed by Kotaku as they tried once more to label the people sick of this forced DEI crap as istophobes. The actual people who are pissed off with this situation continue to vote with their wallets, and based on the recent bombs of AAA (and not) titles, I'd guess they're succeeding.

And if you think people aren't talking about it anymore, you've been hanging out on the wrong social circles. I know that people like you are all for the meme 'this is fine', but calling people names is not going to magically make you right.

There is literally a Steam curator group on Steam with half a million members who immediately boycott every single game which is touched by those racist consulting companies.
The vast majority of game consumers and media outlets, reviewers, etc aren't talking about it anymore. Half a million seems like a lot when it's a red-pilled circle jerk, but it's a drop in the bucket to the entirety of people that buy games.

To use a relevant example: MK1 outsold every other fighting game on the market. No bootleg "movement" of steam users prevented that.

You're fighting a made up culture war that no one but you actually gives a fuck about.
instead of making a brand new (cyborg) character, instead of making a new cyborg gimmick, a new concept, with a new female character using something other than fire/bombs/paralysis, they simply change the sex and call it a day.
  1. Sektor and Cyrax are NOT cyborgs in the new era. That alone should tell you enough of how FUNDAMENTALLY different these characters are compared to their original counterparts. It's very probable the cyber initiative never even happened.
  2. Bringing known character back with a twist makes sense in a new timeline. I would be genuinely mad if they dropped Sektor and Cyrax in favour of your idea of new concepts.
The vast majority of game consumers and media outlets, reviewers, etc aren't talking about it anymore.
And that's perfectly fine. Like I said, this term was never created by the people it alludes to.

To use a relevant example: MK1 outsold every other fighting game on the market. No bootleg "movement" of steam users prevented that.
MK1 was released before the SBI shenanigans became public knowledge, so I am not entirely sure what you are trying to gatcha here. Also, NRS never went out of their way to insult their customers, so they've had one on their favor as well. That said, I think MK2 will sell less than MK1. If there is an MK2 at all, WB is close to bankruptcy right now.

You're fighting a made up culture war that no one but you actually gives a fuck about.
Ah yes, the classic 'I will attempt to demoralize you by downplaying the fact' tactic. Honestly, it has worn out its welcome.
Baraka IS Tarkat infected though. The lore is different but the effects are almost IDENTICAL.

In Sektor and Cyrax's case, they never turned into cyborgs. They are human. In a way, they are human Sektor and Cyrax from MK9. In fact, minus the gender swap it would be literally them with much better gear.
@Juggs As of right now, the Kombat Pack 2 characters can not be bought separately outside of the expansion.

Overall though, this expansion falls in line with a lot of other modern games: I'm not the target audience. It's not made for old-man-me. And that's okay overall.