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Tekken 8 Post-Release Discussion Thread


Zoning Master
How did you get banned? :laughing:
Got banned for calling too many people fools. :laughing:
No. LOL.

I was having a heated debate about the game's balance, which is true, while being condescending, which is not true.

The following is warning that I had preciously received.

if youve got every other member of a channel telling you youre wrong and are making it a worse place, consider that you might be the problem and it's not worth arguing (even if you are "right")
First of all, someone needs to teach these Tekken Zaibatsu moderators how to use proper punctuation. Second of all, the fact that certain individuals dislike me ought to play no role in receiving infractions. I should be allowed to post whatever I want and argue about whatever I want as long as I follow the rules. Ironically, I was banned while engaging in "Salt Factory", a section of the Discord designed to let out some steam.

Albeit I called nobody a fool on Discord, the current Tekken Zaibatsu consists of many modern Tekken players who are definitely fools. As are the content creators whom they worship.


In Zoning We Trust
No. LOL.

I was having a heated debate about the game's balance, which is true, while being condescending, which is not true.

The following is warning that I had preciously received.

First of all, someone needs to teach these Tekken Zaibatsu moderators how to use proper punctuation. Second of all, the fact that certain individuals dislike me ought to play no role in receiving infractions. I should be allowed to post whatever I want and argue about whatever I want as long as I follow the rules. Ironically, I was banned while engaging in "Salt Factory", a section of the Discord designed to let out some steam.

Albeit I called nobody a fool on Discord, the current Tekken Zaibatsu consists of many modern Tekken players who are definitely fools. As are the content creators whom they worship.
Pretty much the problem with today as a whole. Regardless of the opinion, if literally no one agreed it shouldn't be a problem unless you're breaking the rules. Too many times people don't want to even have a discussion/debate if they think you're wrong about something. Even more of a joke that the warning is literally like "well if people are disagreeing with you that should be your hint to stop arguing". Like what? Lol nah.


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
No. LOL.

I was having a heated debate about the game's balance, which is true, while being condescending, which is not true.

The following is warning that I had preciously received.

First of all, someone needs to teach these Tekken Zaibatsu moderators how to use proper punctuation. Second of all, the fact that certain individuals dislike me ought to play no role in receiving infractions. I should be allowed to post whatever I want and argue about whatever I want as long as I follow the rules. Ironically, I was banned while engaging in "Salt Factory", a section of the Discord designed to let out some steam.

Albeit I called nobody a fool on Discord, the current Tekken Zaibatsu consists of many modern Tekken players who are definitely fools. As are the content creators whom they worship.
I had literally the same thing happen to me except it was a King Of Fighters 15 discord lol. Was debating, being called an ass... someone wanted to FT5 me with me being banned as their prize. When I suggested tekken instead it got quiet.


I like Tekken 8
@M2Dave thanks for holding the Tekken dev team accountable in the latest podcast:

I like the game. It may be the best fighting game I’ve ever played. But there are too many issues (between online, offline bugs, mechanics, and balance (in my opinion)) for Harada to be goofing off on twitter without addressing them.

I agree more Tekken influencers should talk about stuff like Qudans losing multiple rounds in tournaments due to Devil Jin’s bugs than who the broken character of the week is.

The Tekken dev team seems to be listening, so I’ll give them benefit of the doubt.

Also, a topic that @Tom Brady touched on a while ago, is the gap being created between sponsored players and everyone else. High level competitive gaming seems like it’ll no longer be the average man’s hobby in a few years (maybe even right now).

Yagami, a Reina main from Australia, is the only (publicly) unsponsored player on the TWT leaderboard. And most of the top 8s at majors in tekken are taken by full time gamers it seems.

I would think this discourages people from coming out, however Tekken’s tournament numbers continue to grow.

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Deleted member 5032

Considerable Bulk and I are partnering with @R1p's Arena to start hosting streamed Tekken exhibitions every Monday right after R1ps Arena wraps up. We're still looking for a few players for tomorrow's stream. Currently just for fun but we're hoping to have a prize pool eventually. If you'd like to participate, please let me know. @M2Dave @Amplified$hotz @SaltShaker @UghGetOuttaHere
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In Zoning We Trust
Considerable Bulk and I are partnering with @R1p's Arena to start hosting streamed Tekken exhibitions every Monday right after R1ps Arena wraps up. We're still looking for a few players for tomorrow's stream. Currently just for fun but we're hoping to have a prize pool eventually. If you'd like to participate, please let me know. @M2Dave @Amplified$hotz @SaltShaker @UghGetOuttaHere
I can't I'm flying back from NYC today. But in the afternoon most times wouldn't work since I'd be working a lot of times for Monday's, but evenings I can usually plan and schedule.


Zoning Master
Also, a topic that @Tom Brady touched on a while ago, is the gap being created between sponsored players and everyone else. High level competitive gaming seems like it’ll no longer be the average man’s hobby in a few years (maybe even right now).
Excellent point and topic for discussion.

Considerable Bulk and I are partnering with @R1p's Arena to start hosting streamed Tekken exhibitions every Monday right after R1ps Arena wraps up. We're still looking for a few players for tomorrow's stream. Currently just for fun but we're hoping to have a prize pool eventually. If you'd like to participate, please let me know. @M2Dave @Amplified$hotz @SaltShaker @UghGetOuttaHere
I am interested, but I have just returned from Florida, and I need a break from gaming this week.

Thanks for the offer.


I like Tekken 8
Considerable Bulk and I are partnering with @R1p's Arena to start hosting streamed Tekken exhibitions every Monday right after R1ps Arena wraps up. We're still looking for a few players for tomorrow's stream. Currently just for fun but we're hoping to have a prize pool eventually. If you'd like to participate, please let me know. @M2Dave @Amplified$hotz @SaltShaker @UghGetOuttaHere
Thanks for the invite. I would join if I was home, but I’m not right now. I’ll join a later one. I’m in NA by the way.


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
IGN posted a 10-minute gameplay overview for Lidia. I'm not at all familiar with Tekken 7 or how she played back then, but she looks honest-to-God cracked to me so far lol.

I hope she drops next week, but it's more than likely she'll be released after EVO. Ah, well. I can wait a bit longer, I guess.

EDIT: Here's an additional 40 minutes of gameplay courtesy of a Polish channel.
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In Zoning We Trust
IGN posted a 10-minute gameplay overview for Lidia. I'm not at all familiar with Tekken 7 or how she played back then, but she looks honest-to-God cracked to me so far lol.

I hope she drops next week, but it's more than likely she'll be released after EVO. Ah, well. I can wait a bit longer, I guess.

EDIT: Here's an additional 40 minutes of gameplay courtesy of a Polish channel.
I'm not one to gas a character up pre-release, but at first glance she looks like she's gonna be on steroids.


I like Tekken 8
IGN posted a 10-minute gameplay overview for Lidia. I'm not at all familiar with Tekken 7 or how she played back then, but she looks honest-to-God cracked to me so far lol.

I hope she drops next week, but it's more than likely she'll be released after EVO. Ah, well. I can wait a bit longer, I guess.

EDIT: Here's an additional 40 minutes of gameplay courtesy of a Polish channel.
She looks cool. I might pick her up. Since my main (Lee) got nerfed quite a bit in the last patch, and my secondary (Devil Jin) is a struggle character.

I want to see what it’s like to have crazy plus frames :rolleyes::DOGE


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
She looks cool. I might pick her up. Since my main (Lee) got nerfed quite a bit in the last patch, and my secondary (Devil Jin) is a struggle character.

I want to see what it’s like to have crazy plus frames :rolleyes::DOGE
Yeah, I'm real curious to see if I'll like the way she plays. Been maining Jun since launch, so I hope Lidia will click as a secondary. Gonna miss getting carried by can-cans though lol.
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Blind justice....
If they leave her as is, with the frames that she has.... she will be imo crazy broken and everybody and their mother gonna play her.... until the first patch that is.. when she gets normalized but hey at that point everybody will already bought her so it will be a win for Namco as always. ;)


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
Arslan Ash’s Tier list. I don’t know enough about the game, but I agree with Lee’s placing. He’s bottom tier. View attachment 21766
If it's ordered, I'm surprised he has Xiayou outside of Top 10. Felt like she was always in the Top 5 conversation alongside Alisa, Nina, Jin, etc.

I'm curious to hear his thoughts on Jun, given her placement. Subtitles don't work currently. I know that her health nerfs had a huge impact on her tournament viability, but I wonder if there's anything else besides that.


Zoning Master
Huh, why is Panda so low compared to Kuma? Is it because Kumas heat moves are just better and they are clones? Are there differences there besides that?
I have read that there is a hitbox difference on Kuma's and Panda's head, but I have personally never observed this difference, and I am Tekken Emperor with Kuma.

Unfortunately for Panda, Kuma's heat moves are some of the best in the game. The heat smash starts up in 13 frames, has long range, tracks fairly well to both sides, crushes high attacks, deals 19 points of chip damage, and causes a wall crush, which leads to +20 on block.

The BWGF (Bear Wind God Fist) is plus on block, crushes high attacks, tracks perfectly to one side, deals chip damage, and consumes little heat meter. You can delay the BWGF and get even more damage, block advantage, and chip damage.

On another note, people, including me, have been ranking Victor low in this version of the game.

In the previous version, you could essentially play Victor like pre-patch Tremor in Mortal Kombat X. You pressured with WR+2, and if opponents attempted to retaliate, you did b+1+2, a safe, fast, long-range armored attack that was (and still is) a heat engager.

While Namco nerfed WR+2 and b+1+2, they gave Victor the best wall carry and wall okizeme in version 1.05.

If you carry to the wall, activate heat, and end the combo with f+4,2~3+4 (Iai stance transition), the opponent is in a precarious position.

Iai d+2 is +8 on block, hits grounded, and does 20 points of chip damage. Practice mode identifies Iai d+2 as a special mid attack, which means that you should be able to crouch block the attack, but you cannot for whatever reason.

You can mix Iai d+2 with Iai d+1+2, a low attack that creates okizeme on its own. d+4 is guaranteed after Iai d+1+2 next to walls. If the opponent does any wake up attacks or moves in any way, shape, or form, d/f+3+4 is guaranteed. Consequently, if the opponent remains on the ground, d+1+2 is guaranteed.

Below you can watch Farzeen's Victor in action against Atif's Dragunov, the winner of CEO, in a Pakistani regional tournament. Pay attention to the okizeme around 3:26, 4:14, and 5:36.



I like Tekken 8


So today black random dots were appearing on the screen while I was either in training mode or online and then my game froze for like 3 minutes, couldnt press any buttons to go back to PS5 home screen.

After that 3 mins the game closed itself, I dont think my PS5 was overheating, my PS5 is just 6 months old. So its a Tekken 8's issue right?
Is this freeze glitch happening to others?