Ashrah's normals look great but some of her specials dont make any sense and it makes her entire kit lack any sense of direction. As it stands, she doesnt look like she does anything specific. Just long buttons with mediocre looking specials. Its not a dig on her design. Not at all. I LOVE her design but her kit needs some more fleshing out IMO.
I think her kit has pretty decent direction. She's weapon based, so I'm guessing most of her normals are going to be slightly slower but longer range, making her more of a mid range character. Her specials and kit all play into this:
- Longer range normals to poke and keep the opponent at mid range
- Light Projectile: Slow startup, less than full screen range, but a mid with huge hitbox. Likely used to harrass/pressure a character to keep them from walking in. Hit advantage likely enough to set up either another projectile, or buy time for her to walk into an ideal range, switch stance, or set up a Kameo
- Sword Slash: Simple go to ender, leaves opponent knocked down at just about or just outside of mid range. Likely a decent range to go for her projectile.
- Sword Uppercut: anti-air to stop opponent from jumping in
- Ghost Dash: punish fireballs, maybe punish normals, move in from full screen to mid range by cancelling. Also offers side switch with the quick hitter, useful in combos.
- Dark Projectile: Looks like faster startup, lets her be a bit more aggressive/zone
- Dark Sword Slash/Uppercut: same utility as before
- Dark Ghost Dash: More movement based, otherwise fairly similar to Light Ghost Dash
- Dark mode lets her stack potential damage, which she cashes in when she's in light mode. I'm curious with it being on a timer if she starts a combo, builds a stack, and then changes to light mid combo if it lets her cash in with her ender?
I think she's going to start the game mid tier or lower, just because her gameplan is the type that takes awhile to settle in, compared to a straight 50/50 character like Smoke or Sub. But given time and knowledge she could end up being pretty formable.