Just woke up.
Trailer dropped so I decided to watch it 3 times and it's - by far - I think the most surprising trailer out of everything we saw.
Side note: I haven't read a single post in this thread yet - not to be unconciously biased by anyone's opinion, so here is mine.
Reptile - when I saw the trailer for the first time, I was like WHAT THE FUCK THEY DID WITH HIM? But then I watched again and again and I'm all in for the new Syzoth's backstory and motives. Damn, he has depth! He will not be a jobber, it's so freaking good to see that. Plus his "human" design is interesting. Simple, yet kind of disturbing. His Zeterran/Lizard form is definitely a throwback to MK movie. But this form is also kind of likable (from lack of more suitable words that are coming to my mind now). His moveset is smooth, his appealing is nice, his story relevance seem to be bigger than in any other MK and his fatality & fatal blows are decent! I have to admit that I love new Reptile.
Ashrah - here is a bit worse. But probably due to all the amazing AI pictures/artworks of talented artists that were posted here and there. There is simply not so much on the WOW factor with her appearance. She looks decent, not gonna say she is not, but based on how she COULD be reimagined, I still feel that she is lacking a bit. In some of the scenes she looks like D'Vorah undercover with human skin. Cannot also say more about her gamestyle/specials, because she is not that memorable in comparison to other kharacters that were presented in the trailer. She is definitely the low light of it, but 1) I will definitely give her a chance 2) it's always nice to see her. I just can't understand the reason they took out her kriss and gave her the plain blade. Her fatality is quite nice though. Feeling the "angelic" vibe.
Havik - I really wait to check the opinion of @Nikolaidas as he was waiting for Havik like crazy. So, it's awesome that we got him! We saw a glimpse of how he plays and it's sick and all, but it all happened so fast that I couldn't focus on what he is doing. So chaotic and yes, some of his moves didn't make sense but that's Havik. Wonder how his moves will be explained in the story, because ye - we know that the guy is breaking his own bones and stuff but what's the explanation for all of this? So the approach on how they gonna motivate it will definitely be something that I wait for. From what we saw on the trailer he looks properly brutal and properly crazy. Less monstrous, but this is ok. And yea, I can see that he takes the position in the pantheon of jobbers in this game. I can't wait to see more of his moves. Btw, sometimes due to the design of his costume he looked a bit similiar to Reiko, not sure if that was only mine impression.
Bonus: Sareena - cool to see her and the moment when she transformed into the demon was like WHOAAAAAH! So good and so cool! Hopefully there are Kia & Jatakaa sneaking somewhere too. Even as NPCs in the story but would be great to see all 3 of them together in one game.