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The hate for the MK community


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
With the recent announcement of MK9 being included in the MLG Winter Championship, MK player's rejoice around the country. We finally have some spotlight like we did with the PDP national tournament. Sure we have had a lot of exposure at every fighting game major in America, but we don't ever really get the respect or attention the other games get. This is not due to TO's or streamers, not at all. Team Spooky really have supported us since the beginning as well as a lot of TO's. It's the FGC who looks at us as the ugly step child, and treats us accordingly.

There's so much hate and animosity in the FGC. I've said this over and over, so many times. It's like if you play a certain game you HAVE to talk shit or hate on the other fighting games. The MK community has been working their ass off since MK9 was released. We came from 32 MAX entry tournaments for UMK3, to average almost 3 times that for MK9. People say MK9 gets low entrants but you have to realize where we were before MK9. I remember a few years ago getting two digits was a "good turnout". And we've come a pretty far way with that aspect as well as this site. TYM started with just a handful of people long before MK9 was even out. Now through STORMS's hard work and networking plus the strong staff we have, we have acquired over 8,200+ members in a very short amount of time. You would think the sudden rise and success of our community would be something that would be admired and respected. And to be fair it is be a lot of people that are highly respected themselves.

I just don't understand why the MK community gets so much hate. The game gets just about if not more hate as well. I can only assume it's because of how different MK plays than the other fighting games at tournaments. You really have to approach the game differently and that seems to be a problem for most. Every time I see or hear someone trashing MK9, I ask them why it's bad. And it always comes down to "it just does". To be honest, I'm okay with that. That's their opinion and they're entitled to it. But why have this vendetta against it? Why must you crusade against the game and the community every chance you get? If you don't like the game, why are you talking about it every single chance you get? I don't get what the game or the community has done to deserve such hatred.

We are very fortunate to be in a position where we at least have decent tournaments and some exposure. Some communities aren't so fortunate, and some of those games are more deserving. But the reason why we are in the position that we are isn't really because of MK9, it's due to US! It's because of people like 9.95 (Phil), Sabin, Shock, Tim Static, STORMS, CD Jr, REO, Dark Rob, Tom Brady etc etc etc, who have constantly and consistently either organized events or continue to support the game and play the shit out of it at tournaments. Sure the game deserves some credit, considering the state of the community prior to it. Which I mentioned was striving and doing amazingly considering we only had a 15 year old game to play and we didn't have hardly any exposure.

I don't know, I'm just venting. It's just annoying when I see people get extremely salty and act like we don't deserve anything good that happens to us. We have been working so hard to be where we're at and we still aren't anywhere near the level that the SF community is at. So when we finally catch a break like this MLG announcement, it's really insulting and ignorant to hear nearly the entire FGC outside of MK players bash the game and community for it. We need more unity and support of OTHER fighting games in the FGC. That goes for us too, that goes for everyone. How do we expect to evolve and prosper if we're constantly being immature children and bitching all the time?

"One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working and through the other, are great things born"

/end rant


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
yeah, it's stupid as hell to bash harshly another FG .... but, seems that SF scrubs has a orgasmic pleasure spreading hatred and mocking MK9 in streams links ..... such ridiculous, imature, childish, moronic and retarded attitude, that's for sure .......

All FGs can be around, living pacific, each one in its own community, but, some assholes with no life enjoy to hate without none reason, they always feel cocky and arrogant when doing compliments to their own game, and act as truly brainless 6 year old kids when trying to analyze other game, and doing nonsense critics.

So, fuck that, hehe :D :)


It would be foolish to ignore the biggest difference between MK and the rest of the major fighting games; it's American made. And because of that, it's built around entirely different sensibilities. That's not to say that ever Japanese fighting game is the same as the other, but you can see some nearly universal similarities between them that MK doesn't share. The easiest and most obvious example is blocking. In MK it has a dedicated button. In pretty much every (2D) Japanese fighting game (or at least all the ones that come to mind quickly), you just hold back.

Because Japanese games rule the FGC, they've become the standard. And because MK isn't one, it's not just different, it's wrong.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
It would be foolish to ignore the biggest difference between MK and the rest of the major fighting games; it's American made. And because of that, it's built around entirely different sensibilities. That's not to say that ever Japanese fighting game is the same as the other, but you can see some nearly universal similarities between them that MK doesn't share. The easiest and most obvious example is blocking. In MK it has a dedicated button. In pretty much every (2D) Japanese fighting game (or at least all the ones that come to mind quickly), you just hold back.

Because Japanese games rule the FGC, they've become the standard. And because MK isn't one, it's not just different, it's wrong.
Bravo !! :);)

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Take you back to 1993. Look at the MK2 cabinet: Kids arguing, fighting, getting thrown out.

Look at the SF2 cabinet: Kids calmer, getting hype and respecting each other, at least face to face.

Fast forward to present day.....................................

Im not gonna kiss the ass of the monster known as Mortal Kombat. Those 2 words have brought me more misery and anger than just about any other game franchise out there. But when its right, its amazing. When its not, it sucks hard. Lots more things i despise/dont like vs shit i loved with MK.

anyways, im getting off topic...


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
It would be foolish to ignore the biggest difference between MK and the rest of the major fighting games; it's American made. And because of that, it's built around entirely different sensibilities. That's not to say that ever Japanese fighting game is the same as the other, but you can see some nearly universal similarities between them that MK doesn't share. The easiest and most obvious example is blocking. In MK it has a dedicated button. In pretty much every (2D) Japanese fighting game (or at least all the ones that come to mind quickly), you just hold back.

Because Japanese games rule the FGC, they've become the standard. And because MK isn't one, it's not just different, it's wrong.

I am so proud of you guys! The block button is so huge!


I'm not a mind reader but maybe some people dislike mk because its not cartoony and full of hit sparks.. That and mk has had bad game play sense mk4... I dont know and I dont care

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Like Tim stated, this series' popularity was based around a gimmick, not a groundbreaking fighting engine or gameplay. UMK3 is the only Mortal Kombat that had ever been played competitively before MK9, and during the gap between those two games, we had games that emphasized solely on the casual side of the spectrum. This image of a "casual, gimmicky" fighter ruined the reputation of this franchise from a competitive standpoint.

I'm willing to bet many of the players who bash this game have not even played it, and are basing their opinion on the fact that it isn't flashy like UMvC3. And the ones that have played it cannot adjust to change--MK9 is very different from Street Fight IV. This difference in gameplay and overall feel turns them off, and they immediately put it off as the game being terrible. I've seen many SF players try to "logically" explain the issues with MK, but what they end up doing is basically indicating all the discrepancies between MK9 and their preferred fighting game: "Block button?! wtf!!!"

I personally think MK9 has the perfect balance between casual and competitive gameplay features. On the casual side, we have a Story Mode that has set a standard ALL fighting games should abide by from now on, and features more content than any of those other popular fighting games. It is THE casual fighter to own. On the competitive side, it has TRIED to appeal to competitive players and take the franchise to a new direction. This is a first attempt, so to speak, and despite all the issues, has provided a very solid experience in tournament scenes (understatement?). You can consider this game a hallmark, and if they continue this approach in the future, I'm sure MK will eventually become a very respected fighting game among other FGCs. Until then, you'll just have to ignore the trolls and haters.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
We are the bastard child of the FG community. MK was based off gimmicks not gameplay, and through out the years, gimmicks were more important than the gameplay.
It's not going to change. Sure, MK9 is WAY better than the 3D era diarrhea but it's still not quite there in retrospect to other well established FGs. If NRS really improves the next installment, releases frame data, fixes the 3D hitboxes, fixes all the glitches, doesn't release a game with a utterly absurd amount of problems, a good trainer and a good netcode then this series will be respected; I talk shit about this game because I want the next installment to be better. Everyone should.

NRS needs to be constantly reminded of it, you can't hope that they're going to continually check on TYM because they're not. Voice it, voice it continually. Scream it loud, get that information out there. Make it known that the tournament players are not satisfied. Frankly it pisses me off when people respond with garbage like "Well, this is broken, accept it or stop playing it" I'll still play the game but I'm going to voice my opinion so that it doesn't happen again.

I know that you guys who stuck around, and/or played the 3D area crapfest are more lenient with this game, but the players who stopped playing this series after UMK3 due to how appallingly god awful it became are not. When I talk to people I openly admit that this game has problems, why am I going to hide or become offended by people talking trash about it? It's not like it's a secret.


No matter what we do, we will be looked down upon. There are only 2 options for us to achieve the respect we deserve.

1) The WRONG way, taking the fight to the other fighting games communities. Insulting them, talking about how dumb they are, or how boring they are, that doesn't help anyone. It builds more hatred, and proves to them that we are the rude and obnoxious community that they think we are.

2) The RIGHT way, do not engage in any conversation where someone insults us as a community, or our game, in a fashion that does not begin with "in my opinion" or end with "but that's just me". If they do so, then just ignore them and excuse yourself from their potentially ignorant argument of "MY GAME'S BETTER, YOU SUCK". We must show up for our game and make our passive statement that we are not going to be pushed aside. If we show up to tournaments, watch the Mortal Kombat streams, and ignore the salt that is thrown our way, we can prove that we are a civilized community. That we can support ourselves, and that we will not be bullied, or coaxed into a useless flame war.

Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words, and we must show the world, especially the other fighting game communities, that we are our own, deserving entity. That we will continue to support our game no matter what state the balance may be in, and that we aren't just Mortal Kombat fanboys, but that we are a true united community.


My problem with the "fighting game community" is not the hate, but the fact that we always see people talking about how to elevate the "fighting game community" to new heights, but when something big happens that has a good chance of benefiting the "fighting game community" as a whole if it works out people want to call it lame and stupid since it is not the fighter of their choice. It annoys me when people say those things about the MK and MLG news because from my view they're dumping on an entire community hard work.

I'm just tired of people saying how they are all for the good of the "fighting game community" when they're actually not. The MLG news proved that.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Mk9 did what other fighting games couldn't. They knew how to please the causal and competitive people without taking sides. And I don't see what the big deal is about the block button. Sc has one, and no one says shit about that. I mean Sc and Mk9 might be the outcasts of the FGC because of how different they are. Sc isn't super flashy. It's all pokes, some combos, space, grabs, and mindgames.