I'd be alright with Scorpion and Sub Zero being brothers, if they didn't already immediately hate each other. What is the fucking point of this if you're just going to redo their original feud?
I wish NRS had some balls like Midway. It just seems like reboot timeline after reboot timeline. Lets reboot it again in 4 yrs because our writers are fn garb. When I was 14 playing MK3 at a local donut shop I was in awe of the EarthRealm invasion storyline. Like what tf, we got a beat cop out defending earth. The overall storyline actually mattered, and you gave af about the direction of the franchise.
If NRs had big balls over big brows, they wouldve rebooted MK1 well before all these earthrealm twits existed. Shouldve started with the Great Kung Lao n Company fn hell.
Since they didnt, and they wish to shoehorn all the mainstays, can they at least show some semblance of creativity?
Raiden- Should zero lightning ability. Just make him a bad ass with a staff. Real simple heh?
Scorp - Shouldnt exist if it isnt Hanzo. Only reason he is a hell wraith is out of vengeance. Couldve easily created a new hell wraith with similar moveset with different motive.
Have two cryos subs with diff movesets if you want a brother story. Theres enough ice shit to go around.
Kitana- Make her the queen. Why is she fem simping on Mileena's ortho ass?
Cage-Doesnt exist yet
Etcetera. Just poor ass story telling with no thought in pushing forward the overall arc." Derp derp derp, we'll just switch things and our sheep fan base will give us 120 and lap it all up. Gear up for inj 3 crew."