Game's great, but the increased mental stack is real. It takes some getting used to.
World Tour mode is fun at first, but kind of grindy and about 5 hours too long. That said, it's really amazing they used WT to actually teach people FG fundamentals like blocking correctly, punishing, whiff punishing, throw breaking.. I feel this is gonna do a lot to actually get people into fighting games.
I'm not sure how I feel about Modern controls. It's generally not too big of an issue, but losing a ranked set because my opponent can whiff punish a light with a one button CA feels..terrible.
Roster's alright, feels like every character is super well designed to the point it got me to pick up Dhalsim for the first time since SF2T.
Battle Hub is my favourite thing ever, I like it much more than Strive's lobby system. I'm hoping against hope here that MK1 delivers something similar, but I know it's certainly not a focus for NRS.