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MK1 Gameplay World Premier - June 8TH [Summer Game Fest]


We all die alone. So love yourself before you go.
I just thought about something….. what if MK1 turns out to be a 3D fighter?


I just thought about something….. what if MK1 turns out to be a 3D fighter?
Someone has already made this assumption. But people quickly found that in stores where pre-order is available, the game is marked as a 2D fighting game.


Dojo Trainee
Liu was top tier all game so his fans really shouldn’t be complaining, you clearly just didn’t like mk11 gameplay cause nothing made him shit

and it’s not most people it’sthe online minority that like to whine, if it was so hated why did it sell so well? I personally enjoyed Sonyas gameplay before everyone’s tears got her combo potential nerfed


We all die alone. So love yourself before you go.
Someone has already made this assumption. But people quickly found that in stores where pre-order is available, the game is marked as a 2D fighting game.
Wasn’t an assumption, more of a question.


Dojo Trainee
Why would you hate playing the cheapest character in the game with the most rob potential? He had his iconic moveset so not sure what else you wanted.

Can definitely understand hating playing against him though


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
I feel like this is how most people felt about every character in MK11 to be fair lmao
At least D'Vorah played wonderfully from an aesthetic and game feel standpoint. Shame she was left to be ass from a balance perspective, but hot damn is MK11 D'Vorah one of my favorite characters to play in any fighting game ever.

Ed better reveal a monster girl character tomorrow. I'll settle for Nitara if nothing else. Love me some Edenian fan play, but I need me a monster woman to cheese people with cause no one else plays her.


I wonder if fighting games could ever get advanced enough to include some kind of analytics. For example, calculate how often a punish was missed, or how often a hit confirm wasn't done correctly, or some kind of combo optimization calculation. Kind of like how chess.com goes back and analyzes your games and can even recommend training subjects.


Vampire mommy simp
To be fair, Ice Clone was almost as much a strategy as a move. Wasn't pretty much the whole strategy of Grandmaster Sub to get them in the corner, put out clone, and then pressure, lather/rinse/repeat?
Yeah, I've always felt that while Ice Clone wasn't the most iconic thing about Sub in terms of "flair" or recognizability , it was surely the most unique part of his gameplay. I missed it too.


Dojo Trainee
To be fair, Ice Clone was almost as much a strategy as a move. Wasn't pretty much the whole strategy of Grandmaster Sub to get them in the corner, put out clone, and then pressure, lather/rinse/repeat?
If that's the only reason you liked playing as him then you can't like sub zero that much.


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
Why would you hate playing the cheapest character in the game with the most rob potential? He had his iconic moveset so not sure what else you wanted.

Can definitely understand hating playing against him though
The kit was fine. I don't care about ice clone either. I just couldn't get into him. There was just something about him that didn't click with me. I ended up playing Baraka instead and I fucking loved Baraka even with his stubby ass d3