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Do you think there's a final hotfix left with the release of MK Komplete edition?


"We share blood, we are not brothers!"
Wait, you don't want me to pick up on people?

...Do you like... Want me to be less perceptive, or something? I'd like to think it's one of my strongpoints, but hey, I'll try it just for you!

Real talk: If I need to "pick on people" to stop them from spewing dumbassed hotfix suggestions that will only serve to hurt the balance of the game, then I guess you're either going to have to suck it up or stop taking about how to patch a character you clearly don't know enough about. This has already happened once, with Jax, Kano and Ermac (who got all sorts of completely unnecessary nerfs). I don't want to see it happen again.
You make it sound like if noob is top tier already, no wonder he gets ripped in tournys since everyone is running around in armor and some have crazy resets, so your saying giving him an armored move would hurt the game? Lol , his damage is below average, and good luck with the (wake up tackle) and if it gets blocked or whiffed I'd really like to see how can you break free from someone like Kung lao


Dojo Trainee
You make it sound like if noob is top tier already, no wonder he gets ripped in tournys since everyone is running around in armor and some have crazy resets, so your saying giving him an armored move would hurt the game? Lol , his damage is below average, and good luck with the (wake up tackle) and if it gets blocked or whiffed I'd really like to see how can you break free from someone like Kung lao
Oh no, Noob has a bad matchup! God FORBID! I mean, even the best characters in the game have at least a few of those, but Noob loses to Kung Lao 6-4! Whatever will he do?!

Noob's getting ripped in tournies? Well shit, that explains his strong, masculine physique.

Flawedzilla placed 5th at SCR with Noob, just FYI, and he beat Online Tony's Kabal in top 8. That matchup is regarded as a 7-3 in Kabal's favor by many, and Online Tony placed top 8 at Evo. You talk about Noob getting "ripped in tourneys". Tell me, how often do you SEE Noob played at the tournament level? Apart from Flawed maining him and Chris G playing him on the side, the only other times he's been played at a tournament level were by Tom Brady, who used him very briefly in four tournaments, and Hitoshura, who's used him at three majors and a few locals. Almost NO ONE plays this character, and you make it sound like he gets consistently bodied at majors.

"Good luck if it gets blocked or whiffed"? WELL GEE, THAT SOUNDS AWFULLY FAMILIAR! Sub-Zero's slide. Kung Lao's spin. Reptile's dash. Raiden's superman. Mileena's roll, and her standard telekick to an extent. Ermac's push/lift. Do you not get the concept of risk/reward? Most of the aforementioned attacks are EXTREMELY difficult to stuff on wakeup, due to most of them being 11 frames or less on startup, but as a corollary, they're extremely unsafe on block, whiff or both. In fact, even Kenshi's charge, both on wakeup and in neutral game, is extremely unsafe if it's jumped. You're effectively bitching about the fact that you have to take risks to get out of pressure with Noob, as you do with a majority of the cast. So... Basically, you want the game dumbed down to your level, instead of leveling up your game.

Hey, remember when I said people like you shouldn't be talking about patch buffs? I remember that.

Noob is a difficult character to use. He embodies the "easy to learn, difficult to master" concept, because while any idiot can pick him up, he has no room for error. One bad guess on a projectile can lead to full combo punishes, or at best, a serious positional disadvantage. If you want to use him, stop bitching about his difficulty curve, suck it up and develop some self-respect. If not, move on to an easy-street character who will hold your hand. In either case, stop making a concerted effort to shit on a great game and ruin it for the rest of us.


He embodies the "easy to learn, difficult to master" concept, because while any idiot can pick him up, he has no room for error. One bad guess on a projectile can lead to full combo punishes, or at best, a serious positional disadvantage.
This is exactly why I personally think Noob Saibot isn't a good character. Theres ALOT of guesswork in MK9 and it is impossible to guess correct 100% of the time. Noob Saibot is a very high risk/low reward character. You guess right with Noob, yawn. You guess wrong with Noob, brace yourself! As for the Kabal matchup, I honestly think it's terrible for Noob. Zoning Kabal with meter is just suicide. The recovery on Noobs projectiles also doesn't help in the zoning war. Noob has a large as well hitbox so Kabals NDC shenanigans really hurt him, and his only way out is a d3 or jumping out. I believe Flawezilla is just a better player than OnlineTony. Kabal has no business losing that matchup.


First of all, I want to thank NRS for giving Jade a safe poleslam and a returning boomerand which chips double.
Second, I'd really like to see the en-boomerangs return back every time I throw it, because a lot of times I sacrifice 1 bar and life to throw that boomerang and expect it to return and get rewarded for my sacrifices, but it doesn't. Hell, even the opponent is sitting there blocking expecting the returning boomerang and gets disappointed. NRS, I don't want to disappoint my opponents, I want to beat their asses!


"We share blood, we are not brothers!"
If you want to use him, stop bitching about his difficulty curve, suck it up and develop some self-respect. If not, move on to an easy-street character who will hold your hand. In either case, stop making a concerted effort to shit on a great game and ruin it for the rest of us.
First of all, i wasnt bitchin you saltyhead. Second, this has nothing to do with self-respect. do u think i wanna ruin this great game? lol why dont u pull ur head out of ur ass and interact like a real gentleman instead of acting like if this game was designed only for you. as a noob saibot player i`ve encountered alot of situations where i needed at least one armored move and ended up dying. dont give me this bullshit about levelin up my game coz i know what iam doing. and did u just say NO ONE uses noob? lol yeah that explains it i guess.

end of discussion for me.


Raiden Practitioner
Oh boy, the online 'experts' strike again. No offense to anybody here, but i think about 99% of you need to keep your opinions to yourself simply because you don't know what you are talking about. If it was up to you this game would have been rendered into an unplayable bland mess where every character has an instant win button. Now I understand why the majority of high-level players either avoid this place or don't bother posting anymore.

This game doesn't need anymore gameplay 'tweaks'. What it needs is dedicated players who play it instead of finding things to complain about.


Zoning Master
Almost NO ONE plays this character, and you make it sound like he gets consistently bodied at majors.
No one wants to use a character that has two losing 7:3 match ups against Raiden and Kabal and several other difficult match ups. You may as well use Freddy, Kenshi, and Kitana if you want to zone. These three characters are top 10 characters, so why anyone would pick Noob over them is beyond me.

Some players suggest using Noob and a top tier character as a secondary. Why? Drop Noob and put your time and effort into the top tier character. You will be more successful.


A prop on the stage of life.
What seems to be the problem here? You people responding to the ones asking for "insane nerfs" in such a severe manner need to chill the hell out. Do you honestly think shit like that is going to be put into the game? Keep your opinions to yourself? Ok Stalin, I'll just stfu because you don't like what I said. Get real. Wah, high level players don't post here because some random makes a post that doesn't matter. High level players DO post here. I just can't speak for the sub zero players because I don't know what happened there. If anything this hotfix people speak of will coincide with the release of the Komplete Edition.


Dojo Trainee
No one wants to use a character that has two losing 7:3 match ups against Raiden and Kabal and several other difficult match ups. You may as well use Freddy, Kenshi, and Kitana if you want to zone. These three characters are top 10 characters, so why anyone would pick Noob over them is beyond me.
Maxter uses him. Flawedzilla uses him. Chris G uses him. Hitoshura uses him. I use him. Again, Flawed also took fifth with him at SCR, so clearly, that's working out pretty well for him.

Intentionally picking top-tier characters makes sense, but when people say they don't understand why you WOULDN'T pick a top-tier character, it blows my mind. What is there to get? In a game as diverse and well-balanced as MK9, you can't understand why someone would rather play Noob than Kitana or Kenshi? I fucking despise Freddy, by the way, because it's literally Freddy Kreuger in Mortal Kombat. I'd sooner try and zone with Rain than play that character. I also don't know how you listed Freddy, Kenshi and Kitana as top-tier zoners and somehow left out Kabal, but whatever.

Noob doesn't lose 7-3 to Raiden, by the way. I don't understand how anyone who's ever played at the tournament level can just throw 7-3 matchup figures out there like they're dime a dozen in this game. Most matchups, even bad matchups, are doable. 7-3 implies almost no possibility of winning at the highest level of play.


Instead of spending time being nasty, spend time logically explaining why certain buffs or nerfs are a bad idea. Being rude doesn't help anybody, it just makes people turn off their ears and get defensive and potentially nasty right back.


No one wants to use a character that has two losing 7:3 match ups against Raiden and Kabal and several other difficult match ups. You may as well use Freddy, Kenshi, and Kitana if you want to zone. These three characters are top 10 characters, so why anyone would pick Noob over them is beyond me.

Some players suggest using Noob and a top tier character as a secondary. Why? Drop Noob and put your time and effort into the top tier character. You will be more successful.
Why don't you take your own advice and drop Freddy for a top tier character like Kabal. Hmm?
Wait, you don't want me to pick up on people?

...Do you like... Want me to be less perceptive, or something? I'd like to think it's one of my strongpoints, but hey, I'll try it just for you!

Real talk: If I need to "pick on people" to stop them from spewing dumbassed hotfix suggestions that will only serve to hurt the balance of the game, then I guess you're either going to have to suck it up or stop taking about how to patch a character you clearly don't know enough about. This has already happened once, with Jax, Kano and Ermac (who got all sorts of completely unnecessary nerfs). I don't want to see it happen again.
Is there even one positive post you have on this whole damn forum that is actually of use to people? Just state your opinion with solid arguments instead of bitching on people man. you keep saying stuff like people who ask for buffs is what is ruining this game and community, do you really think what youre doing is any better? in my opinion its even worse


Dojo Trainee
First of all, i wasnt bitchin you saltyhead. Second, this has nothing to do with self-respect. do u think i wanna ruin this great game? lol why dont u pull ur head out of ur ass and interact like a real gentleman instead of acting like if this game was designed only for you. as a noob saibot player i`ve encountered alot of situations where i needed at least one armored move and ended up dying. dont give me this bullshit about levelin up my game coz i know what iam doing. and did u just say NO ONE uses noob? lol yeah that explains it i guess.

end of discussion for me.


I say again, Flawedzilla placed 5th at SCR with Noob, and he beat a Kabal player cleanly in the process. In fact, Flawed didn't even use any other characters in the tournament. Apparently, he didn't need an armor move to get the job done.

Yeah, I DID say no one uses Noob. There are only a handful of recognized tourney players who actually use him, and most of those don't even main him. Your case was that Noob gets blown up at tournaments, so if it happens that often, show me some examples. Find me at least twenty different Noob Saibot players in tournament play over the past six months, because frankly, I could easily find twenty Kung Laos or twenty Cyraxes. Please, by all means, find me twenty Noob players if he's getting blown up so frequently. I won't wait up on that, big guy.

If your posts are any indication, you don't know what you're doing with Noob. That's just hard truth status. When you come in here and insist that you NEED an armored move to deal with Noob's bad matchups, no, you don't know what you're doing. Don't give me this self-important "AS A NOOB SAIBOT PLAYER I THINK THIS AND THIS" routine, either. I am a Noob Saibot player. I've played him heavily, since just after release. Unless you've played him against the top players in the scene extensively, you don't have a right to talk to me as though you're an authority on Noob, so until then, you're no more credible than Iam. I have never, never asked for Noob to get armor. Instead of crying for buffs, I decided to sack up and learn to use him better than expecting the developers to hold my hand. This "HEY NRS GIVE MY CHARACTER ARMOR" fad is disgusting.

Of course, this spurned from you saying he needs a better wakeup move to get out of trouble when you can easily use wakeup tackle for the same purpose as Sub's slide or Raiden's superman, and then whining about the idea of having to use guesswork in a fighting game.


Dojo Trainee
Is there even one positive post you have on this whole damn forum that is actually of use to people? Just state your opinion with solid arguments instead of bitching on people man. you keep saying stuff like people who ask for buffs is what is ruining this game and community, do you really think what youre doing is any better? in my opinion its even worse



These are just a couple very recent topics off the top of my head. I was also the one who unveiled Skarlet's 17% and 20% block traps.

You're right though, I never post anything that is actually of use to people.
Noob is under used IMO. Just like Jade, Sindel and a lot of other chars. And I don't think he needs an armored move that desperately... If you let the opponent in using Saibot, then you're doing something wrong.


Revenant Jade
Noob Saibot does NOT need armor. If he did, he would be overpowered. A character who is massively good midscreen to full screen with zoning Shadow Tackles and Slides, can track their opponent's attempted jump in with a Teleport, has an incredible reaching Grab, his Upshadow prevents cross overs even on wake-up. Noob's combos don't do much damage but it's the corner where he is deadly and he controls the zone full screen.

I've played Flawedzilla many, many times to know what Noob Saibot is capable of. One bad read from Noob Saibot, he is in for punishment but isn't that the point playing a high risk/great reward character? I used Mileena on him many times, his Upshadow stuffs her Teleport Kick, the moment he guessed wrong Mileena Rolls underneath him and if he used Shadow Tackle or Slide and missed, her Teleport Kick will stun him. Boot Knocka is another Noob Saibot player to mention on XBL.

People asking for insane buffs when their character is already solid (Noob Saibot, Sektor) is ridiculous. Let's assume Noob Saibot will received an armored Ex Upshadow... a tournament in the future down the road someone will represent him, we will reflect back and say to ourselves "What the beep were we thinking?" with Jax being over-armored that's one mistake I can think of.

I like Mileena but she does not need any armor. Kitana doesn't need armor, she can fart her way out of corners successfully. I like Sindel, she could use an armored Ex Cartwheel because her up close defense is not that good being prone to frame trap and cross ups (her Up4 being slow). It would be really nice if NRS did that for her but if not, I can live with that - she will just have to be played like Noob Saibot full screen zoning just without a Teleport and armor.


Altaire, your a good player and a huge contributions to this forums and the MK community in general, but seriously, you need to get off your high horse. Its really annoying reading your posts when concerning talking to or about a scrub. You know your shit, good for you. A lot of noobs obviously dont but they think they do, but I dont understand why EACH and EVERY time you respond to showcase your superiority and belittle them. Just ignore them, after stating your facts.

Flawedzilla placed 5th at SCR with Noob, just FYI, and he beat Online Tony's Kabal in top 8. That matchup is regarded as a 7-3 in Kabal's favor by many, and Online Tony placed top 8 at Evo. You talk about Noob getting "ripped in tourneys". Tell me, how often do you SEE Noob played at the tournament level? Apart from Flawed maining him and Chris G playing him on the side, the only other times he's been played at a tournament level were by Tom Brady, who used him very briefly in four tournaments, and Hitoshura, who's used him at three majors and a few locals. Almost NO ONE plays this character, and you make it sound like he gets consistently bodied at majors.
Done, thats all that needs to be said on your first post on this page. Except you continue to talk in a condescending tone to him... Is this the type of attitude you want people to refer about you? Already some in this community already has. You say that you dont care because its the internet? Thats bullshit, else you wouldnt spend that much time making your guide and these big and BM-riddled posts. Just ignore them FFS...


Zoning Master
Noob doesn't lose 7-3 to Raiden, by the way. I don't understand how anyone who's ever played at the tournament level can just throw 7-3 matchup figures out there like they're dime a dozen in this game. Most matchups, even bad matchups, are doable. 7-3 implies almost no possibility of winning at the highest level of play.
Play Perfect Legend's Raiden or Master D's Kabal, and you will understand why Noob loses 7:3 to these two characters. Admittedly, I think Kabal is Noob's worst match up as long as the Kabal player is aware of the tools he has in the match up. I have already talked about them a hundred times, but I can repeat them for you if you like.

REO, Freddy is a viable tournament character. I take my bad match ups like a man. One thing you will never see me do, however, is pick up a great yet heavy execution character and then bitch how heavy execution he is.


Dojo Trainee
Play Perfect Legend's Raiden or Master D's Kabal, and you will understand why Noob loses 7:3 to these two characters. Admittedly, I think Kabal is Noob's worst match up as long as the Kabal player is aware of the tools he has in the match up. I have already talked about them a hundred times, but I can repeat them for you if you like.

REO, Freddy is a viable tournament character. I take my bad match ups like a man. One thing you will never see me do, however, is pick up a great yet heavy execution character and then bitch how heavy execution he is.
And I suppose you're an expert on Noob, now?

If you were to talk to me about Freddy, I'd yield to you, because you have enough experience playing the character to know him better than I would (not that this is much of a feat, because I'm not exactly the Freddy of the world). Unless I'm missing something here, you've never put any hard time into Noob. It'd be news to me, anyway. I will concede that Noob loses to Kabal 7-3. I feel that it might be subject to change, but I'm taking a guilty-until-proven-innocent policy on it in the meantime. In Raiden's case, it's at least manageable if Noob just... Does more than sling shadows? Raiden's offense is honestly not that great. He has no fast mid-hitting strings, and 1 2 1 is pretty lackluster. 33 4 and B3 1 2 can both be interrupted, with the only workaround being to cancel them into V blast/teleport (both of which can be punished). He has great footsies, mostly because he blow up counter-poke attempts with back dash into B3 1 2, but other than F2 4 being a pretty good string, there's nothing remarkable about his offense. He has no mixups, and even PL could tell you that (I know because, uh, he told me when I talked to him about Raiden). I still think he's the best character in the game and I've been saying it for months, but it's certainly not because he has Sonya-grade rushdown going for him.

Simply put, Raiden's offense just isn't what makes him a threat. It's definitely better than Noob's, but not so much that Noob can't go punch for punch with him without getting completely dominated. Against a character like, say, Kung Lao, it's a different story. His pressure is just too great, and Noob doesn't even have a low hitbox to make life easier. Hell, he can barely punish the post-patch low hat without being extremely quick, and while it doesn't jail anymore, that doesn't stop Perfect Legend from capitalizing on it in any matchup where he knows it's safe (again, something else he talked to me about). Of course, Raiden's offense IS still better than Noob's and due to the teleport, Noob has to march to Raiden's beat, so no one will argue that the matchup isn't in Raiden's favor. That said, I am HARD pressed to believe it's as bad as 7-3. If that's a 7-3, then Kabal vs. Cyber Sub is 10-0, if it's not somehow going into the negatives. Bad online Kabals make it almost impossible for Cyber Sub to do anything, so I don't even want to think about what a REO or Warda Kabal would do (but rest assured, J360 tells me the horror stories).

This is seriously the same school of thought that lead to "SMOKE IS NOOB'S WORST MATCHUP BECAUSE IF NOOB MINDLESSLY SLINGS SHADOWS SMOKE WILL WIN". I won't implicate anyone for saying that, though I think most of us know exactly who it is.


REO, Freddy is a viable tournament character. I take my bad match ups like a man. One thing you will never see me do, however, is pick up a great yet heavy execution character and then bitch how heavy execution he is.
What are you trying to imply? Just because I complain I can't play my character as well online doesn't mean I bitch about his execution whatsoever at tournaments or anything. Yeah, I get salty sometimes when I mess up on execution that costs me a game, but that's the norm. I guess I should say I'm sorry for not being one of those try-hards that play online for the sole purpose of winning?

Yeah, you can beat me online, good for you. I bet I would still rock you and anyone else offline who's beaten me 5-0 online and put money on it.


Dojo Trainee
Altaire, your a good player and a huge contributions to this forums and the MK community in general, but seriously, you need to get off your high horse. Its really annoying reading your posts when concerning talking to or about a scrub. You know your shit, good for you. A lot of noobs obviously dont but they think they do, but I dont understand why EACH and EVERY time you respond to showcase your superiority and belittle them. Just ignore them, after stating your facts.

Done, thats all that needs to be said on your first post on this page. Except you continue to talk in a condescending tone to him... Is this the type of attitude you want people to refer about you? Already some in this community already has. You say that you dont care because its the internet? Thats bullshit, else you wouldnt spend that much time making your guide and these big and BM-riddled posts. Just ignore them FFS...
...Where is the logic in that? I spend time working on my guide and "BM-riddled posts" (whatever the hell BM is) because I like contributing to the community, making my mark and seeing the game evolve. Sharing and trading ideas is how we facilitate that. All I said is that I don't care if people on the internet hate me, because... Oh well, it's the internet. If I come into conflict with anyone on the internet I'm more personally acquainted with, then it's a bigger issue, but most of you are just names with vaguely defined personalities. The instant I close my laptop, you cease to exist. I'm simply looking at it subjectively: If you have no bearing on my social setting, even my extended social setting, I couldn't care less if you hate me. Hell, YOU can hate me if you like; I'll just shrug and move on with my life, because while I mean no disrespect, I just don't care about your opinion of me. It's nothing against you, it's just that I don't know you, other than vaguely recognizing your name from somewhere on the boards.

As far as I'm concerned, someone has to have the balls to tell it like it is. When I see someone post a patch suggestion that could be potentially detrimental, all it makes me think is "Oh, great, Jax all over again". No, I'm not one of those people who thinks Jax is SSSSS+ tier, but I do think he got a few buffs too many for no reason other than the community begged for it. Tyrant didn't ask for them. CD Jr didn't ask for them. Who did? Why, the Jax boards, of course.