The pandemic situation is limited people from outdoors activity, which in long term will have very negative impact. Though I know a lot of folks working from home, like I do, got around it. How those who were not that fortunate suffer great loss in the financial & health department - directly, or to someone close.
At first, the self discipline was something I needed to work on, but within weeks I as good to go, unlike some people I know. Within time we managed to establish indoor social life, but because all of work from home resulted expanding that "social life" on week days, had negative effect on work. At certain point we had to slow down, cause at that rate, not Covid would put us to grave but rather something else.
We never wanted kids, but a Pit bull puppy turned out to be good replacement. 2021 does not seem any different in terms of activity, but that might be due to the winter (which finally decided to drop by with snow). I hope however that once we get into spring, and summer things will change. Maintaining lose relations with those close to us, was a game changer.
Decided to step away from MK for sometime, and started to play ESO, and that is something, that I havent done on over 13 years, and it feels good. Got into a UK community, led by an OG, we get some Twitch/Discord audio video evenings once a week, so am gonna stick to it for now. From time, when we get together with my pals, we fire up MK11, and while partying and having good time, we play for fun.
Staying positive, meaning keeping one sane, which also results on solid resistance to Covid and all kind of sh##. So, hope you are, these are tough times, but our parents, and grand parents had it worse, and they made it, so we should be fine!