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Mileena General Discussion


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
I'm usually ending in cmd grab and have seen my b11 get blown up too much, I guess my timing is just off. I need to throw more b2 into my game in general. Honestly I wonder if I'm not better off backing up on every knockdown and throwing low sais for a living.
Yeah, that jail's way tighter than it should be thanks to B1's crap range, but I'd say it's worth getting the timing down because of the 50/50 it opens up. I just spent a lot of time in training against a jumping AI until I got it down consistently. Of course, that doesn't account for crappy online connections, but that's a different beast entirely.
Word. Yah at the risk of sounding like a fanboy, mileena is a helluva lot of fun, more than I ever thought she'd be. I'm ok with some things that need to be figured out. I like that she's a beast to deal with up close and far away. I agree a lot of her kit is missing from prior games but in mk11 she has everything you need to open people up, plus a freaking command grab.

I do want to special cancel off f12 though, come on NRS.

Art Lean

Funny how they did this between KL seasons just to reduce the availability of in-game Krystals...

There are more color variants coming, so save your crystals for the one you like best
Whilst the logical side of my brain would love to agree with you, the needlessly compulsive side of it that strangely needs to have all of the DLC skins in all of the different shades "just in case one day I think that will look amazing as part of a new ensemble for the 2021 Winter Season collection I haven't conceptualised the fashion trends for yet!" couldn't wait and had to buy today's set knowing full well there'll be two more followed by 4 UMK3 skins and two more MK2 Rain skins.

And I'll probably buy them all and have to buy Krystals to do it because I clearly have a mental health problem.

It's why I spent stacks of krystals on Cangaceiro Kano, jacketless Shang and Avalanche Sub Zero... I'm probably never going to use them. But what if one day I really want to? :confused:
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.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Funny how they did this between KL seasons just to reduce the availability of in-game Krystals...

Whilst the logical side of my brain would love to agree with you, the needlessly compulsive side of it that strangely needs to have all of the DLC skins in all of the different shades "just in case one day I think that will look amazing as part of a new ensemble for the 2021 Winter Season collection I have conceptualised yet!" couldn't wait and had to buy today's set knowing full well there'll be two more followed by 4 UMK3 skins and two more MK2 Rain skins.

And I'll probably buy them all and have to buy Krystals to do it because I clearly have a mental health problem.

It's why I spent stacks of krystals on Cangaceiro Kano, jacketless Shang and Avalanche Sub Zero... I'm probably never going to use them. But what if one day I really want to? :confused:
yep, is just a little sweet revenge NRS is doing against all the Mileena stans harassment they did before her release , kinda "all right boys and girls, we gave you Mileena for MK11, but , you want more of her ? so you all have to pay an extra for that, treat that as "compensation taxes" for all that fucking annoying Twitter campaign you did in the past, got that ?"

hehe ..... :joker:



Mileena clearly looks to be the most rushed and/or unfinished. It's like they had a base Mileena, but ran out of time, so they took all her specials away, put them as variation moves, then called it a day. I still enjoy playing as Mileena, but I am disappointed in how plain and uninspired her variation moves are.
Exactly my thoughts. Where other characters can play differently and get different combo potential depending on the specials, Mileena feels....uninspired. They literally took her previous specials that she always had, split them into 3, then added a couple very toned down moves that barely add anything to her playstyle and called it a day.

Not gonna complain about her roll juggling only with meter because hey, it's MK11. It wouldn't be that balanced to have a character with a free-combo meterless special (looking at you Kabal and Sub-Zero!). But some of her half-assed variant moves are disappointing unfortunately.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Exactly my thoughts. Where other characters can play differently and get different combo potential depending on the specials, Mileena feels....uninspired. They literally took her previous specials that she always had, split them into 3, then added a couple very toned down moves that barely add anything to her playstyle and called it a day.

Not gonna complain about her roll juggling only with meter because hey, it's MK11. It wouldn't be that balanced to have a character with a free-combo meterless special (looking at you Kabal and Sub-Zero!). But some of her half-assed variant moves are disappointing unfortunately.
yep, if they could had put her phasing teleport from her MKX Ethereal variation, replacing this useless invisibility crap move, would be much better !

also, her grapple game with her Ravenous variation , or the leap grab from MK9, would be welcome instead of her command grab here

her air sais should be default move, and not a special move to be chosen separately, ugh ! :mad:

overall, or they rushed Mileena as hell to release her in time, or they made a fucking mistake (bad call) in her gameplay \ moveset design, being a bunch of lazy asses this time ..... who was the major asshole that came with this Mileena final choices for MK11 ? Maybe Derek is the dude with most guilt on this scenario, since he is "supposed" to love the character, and was asked to give some advices on her layout \ final decisions for MK 11 ? :confused:
I'm kinda disappointed Square Wave isn't a real move for her to use for variety's sake, have it replace Tele-Kick to balance it out.
Also disappointed that you can't Special Cancel f12 with Air Specials
And that you can't throw Air Sai after hitting a normal Tele-Kick

But aside from that, still having fun with her


I just want the MK2 skin, but I'll have to pay $20 to get enough Time Crystals for them
This isn't even the proper bundle. One with the pure Purple Colours will be coming down the line, of course.

hehe, the classic sais that come up with this brundle are the best gear
I find most of the character's sais in this game don't look good (Kitana's look great), but these klassic ones fit nicely.

But MK3 Mileena better be next Race Against Time...
Do you play on PC though? I want to say you do. If so, how do you get past the top 10% with all the macro users and guys who get over a Billion points in a single day? I just assume that's a lost cause...

Maybe Derek is the dude with most guilt on this scenario, since he is "supposed" to love the character, and was asked to give some advices on her layout \ final decisions for MK 11 ? :confused:
Overall, I still say she generally fits into the general character design of Mortal Kombat 11, which in my opinion, is not strong to begin with.

Having said that, Derek also designed Jade as I recall. And the Towers of Time.


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
I have to say, I've really warmed up to her throw KB. The requirements sounded impractical at first, but ever since I realized that a standard grounded BnB could take anywhere from 5-7 seconds to complete + however many seconds spent zoning or playing neutral, it suddenly didn't seem all that impossible, and I've been landing it fairly regularly. So, now not only does the opponent need to worry about a B1 or Cmd Grab after a combo, but also a potential 30% grab on top of the ~30% they've already taken. Not bad, imo.

Art Lean

Given that Mileena's now in the game, and they must have had some idea when they made the Friendships that she'd be coming... I wish they could make Kitana's Friendship be dynamically adjusted whenever it's performed on Mileena to feature whatever skin is equipped to the defeated Mileena is wearing so it feels like it's being applied to your character rather than 'another Mileena' who runs into shot in her MK2 gear.

I think that makes sense?
Funny how they did this between KL seasons just to reduce the availability of in-game Krystals...
Err... between KL seasons is when you have the most krystals (the rank rewards stack, so going to, say, God is 2100 krystals at the end of season). The 50 from the daily sets wouldn't exactly help anyone who didn't have enough krystals coming into the season.
/\ mileena's throw KB is great, I'd rather have these requirements than the escape mechanism. Any animation and a bit of zoning gives it to her. The real heartbreaker is being down in a round and hitting the throw kb, then backdashing away and getting the low sai kb when they chuck something at you. Between that, 300 damage off any touch, and an advancing fatal blow, Mileena is pretty well equipped for comebacks. Once people get used to the throw kb, I think her backthrow will be basically untechable, although you should probably be doing the cmd grab anyway.

So yes, I'm sold on low sai, I know most people are going for the regular one. They have to come to you, which is a very powerful neutral tool. You don't want to be chasing people down with stubby buttons, it sucks. It synergizes just too well with the backdash which is borderline broken. It makes s34 and b114 into a 2-way safe-ish mix which is a whole other layer to her offense. I wish she had 1 more zoning tool since they can jump in on you. I am considering experimenting with instant air sais over playtime since I don't usually use the extra strings much. Sliding sai is a little too slow and inconsistent to be a proper keep-out tool imo.

Btw dash-up f1 on block into d1 tick into cmd grab is basically free money if anyone's not doing that.
Whats the go to anti air for you guys? I'm finding success using roll to anti air because it lowers her hurt box. But d2 works and can combo at highest point.


Mileena seems to be a guerrilla warfare-type character; her gameplan seems to be a chaotic version of hit and run.

She wants to pester the shit out of people with sais at range, make them either freeze or work their way in slowly. When the opponent gets froggy, then she can ball-roll them, do the overhead or F1-backdash/poke-into-tick throw shenanigans. Up close, her 11 string is only -2, so she can somewhat pressure people, but it seems that 11 is better served as a setup into a backdash~F2 or F43 to blowup a counterpoke.

The entire time this is happening, she's dashing back and forth all over the screen, baiting the opponent to do something.

Her gameplay fits her character very well, I'd say.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Shit. We’ve been trying to get NRS to allow Kitana to combo from her strings that put her into the air for the past year and a half. I don’t see them allowing Mileena to combo off f12 any time soon... though I hope I’m wrong.


Playing Towers of Time again has reminded me greatly about how much I loathe the modifier implementation in this game.

Also, playing practice Sets against the Hard AI has lead me to believe that NetherRealm Studios may have increased it's input reading. May have.

In general, for all of you, what are you using for your primary strings, and primary punish strings/Special Moves?

  • 1,1 is fast but has awful range.
  • B1 is alright but seems inconsistent
  • F1 is not bad at all, but of course going F1, 2 can't cancel into anything.
  • 2,3,3 seems slow
  • 3,4 doesn't seem awful
  • F4,3 seems good, but risky
  • B3 seem a bit slow as well
  • Ball Roll/Rolling Thunder take a million years to start up and gets blown up
  • Tele-Kick, see Ball Roll
  • Stabbyscotch has poor range
The more I play, the more I'm not liking her Normals and she's reminding me a bit more of Kitana in this regard, despite having more flare.

Also, I see many of you saying you prefer Low Sai over normal Soaring Sai. Why is that?
Yea, these towers are the worst. Hold block and rotate right analog stick for 10-20sec. Great gameplay lol

Here what i use... but i am probably using stuff that i shouldnt.

Have to use it as its her fastest string. But i dont like that it sometimes just whiffs or doesnt reach. Needs a tiny bit more range. I like 11 1+3 in general but also cuz it opens up higher success chance on 11 yolo roll. Stoping after 11 is also ok as you are -2. The extension 112 is bad, never use it as its dead on block so might as well use roll if i wanna be unsafe.

Sidenote: 11~sai/low sai doesnt jail (you can even get grabed out of lowsai lol); same goes for b11 and 223 into sai/low sai.

Dont like it but kinda have to use it, its her fastest mid. Definitively needs range adjustment. Mostly i use it after F2, d1 hit or to punish stuff, but i scarcely use it after d3 hit (dash~b11). B114 i use only once a match to get the KB. I dont use B112 as i dont understand the point of it.

F1 i use probably the most. Good range, jails after pokes and is 0 on block. F12 i use plenty too so the enemy cant just let go of block after F1 all the time. F124 i use only as combo ender.

Only use is the brutality.
Never use it otherwise. Just use 34 instead as it has better range, is faster, has an overhead and does more damage in combos. Same for 2334, +1 is nice but the gap makes it not worth it.

Slow but nice range. I call it the Skarlet as it is basically like one of her normals. I like it though. I use it from max range to complement B2. F2 is also +7 on hit which is nice and they have to hold b11... or should cuz at F2 max range b11 follow up is inconsistent (b11 needs more range). I also use it as F1~roll and F1~sai amp. Roll option is risky but i think you have to play Mileena like that and the sai they have to hold and it creates good space. F23 never use cuz suicide. F23 1+3 i use as combo ender for swag or switching sides.

Its okay. I use to punish slow stuff with it or on plus frames. I also stop sometime after 3 as it is +1. And obviously there is 34~ roll and 34~sai amp (creates a lot of space, i catch a lot of people with sai slide after that)

I like the move but as you said its really risky. Use it to whiff punish and to punish super unsafe stuff; also to close the gap and get in with F43~sai amp or F43~roll. F43 being unsafe hurts alot especially since F43 1+3 is unsafe as well. F43 1+3 is a good restand but the 1 Bar amp is not justified. It costs 1 Bar, at least 5%damage and maybe the better side for a restand. You also spend all your offensive bars for only mid 20 damage which further limits her limited options until one is back. Also its really wonky to hit in juggles with it. Sry, jumped on the salt train here, really want to like the restand....

Kinda bad. I use it rarely for the double low or for B3~yolo roll up close. B3~sai doesnt jail.

Like it a lot, use it a good amount. As said complements F2 well. If Kano can use a silly OH and get away with it so can we :D

Besides that i use d1, d3, sweep (really like this one), short hop 1.

Straight Sai vs low sai
For me its straight sai all the way. Mileena has already high risk so adding a risky move for a safe one is meh. Regular sai is faster, amp is a safe low with big pushback and if they duck early to avoid 1 hit of pushback (ducking early/crouch blocking makes one of the high projectiles whiff) it gets even safer. Low sai on the other hand gets always punished. The 50/50 you get from 34 and F43 remind me of the 50/50 Jade gets with Edenian Spark... You risk your life and they 5%. Totally not worth the risk, can probably be fuzzied too.

I know u asked about air sai vs lowsai... but for me its not that much that air sai is better than low sai but that you have to give up regular sai for low sai. Air sai gets more and more disappointing though. Beside of IAsai they dont seem to add much. You can extend combos further after ex roll but damage is still lower than regular 1bar~d2 combos.

I use sai slide or rolling thunder as my third slot but i dont think any of them are really needed atm. But lack of options you know.

Wow... this got way longer than i planed lol

P.S. Anybody figured out what S4 is supposed to be for? :-/
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Yea, these towers are the worst. Hold block and rotate right analog stick for 10-20sec. Great gameplay lol
Thanks for the detailed post man, I appreciate it! For me, I use a Hori Fighting Commander for Xbox One. No sticks, no konsumables for me. So when I do a Tower, I have to do it raw. That certainly makes things more frustrating for me.

Having said that, I cleared Stage 5 and unlocked all of Mileena's items from those Stages. I never bother with the 6th Stage Character Towers, as I don't think it'd be possible for me to do them and there's no specific gear from them outside of Augments.

but i am probably using stuff that i shouldnt.
Oh that's alright. I played fifteen matches against the Hard AI in "Single Fight" and went 5-10. That's the worst I've played in, well, a very long time :confused:.

The whiffing on 1,1 is frustrating. I do like 1,1,1+3, however I've had it happen several times where the 1+3 simply doesn't come out, despite successfully hitting the 1,1, and hitting Throw.

I need to start working the B1,1, 4 Krushing Blow in more. I do use Rolling Thunder, and I find the B1 much harder to land over regular Ball Roll. Everything else though, I typically find easier to land.

I started using F1 more and it's helping. I just need to get better at hit confirming it.

I oft get blown up using a raw F2, so I've scaled back.

F4,3 is really one of my primary strings right now, but yeah, the blow ups are real.

B3,4's only purpose seems to be a nostalgia tingle.

I do need to start using B2 a lot more. I've rarely used it and I know that's a mistake.

I have decided to keep regular Soaring Sai. For now, I'm going to keep my load out as: Stabbyscotch, Rolling Thunder, and Play Time.

Wow... this got way longer than i planed lol
I do appreciate it!

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
@Juxtapose does your controller have a "Mode" button or switch? Some 3rd part controllers let you swap your dpad to being detected as left or right analog stick. I do that with my Obsidian Hitbox. Just hokd block, then spam consumables. You can't walk or jump, but konsumables usually make it so that doesn't matter


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
I'm really digging Rolling Thunder the more I use it. Using it to hit people out of the air is hella satisfying and you get a lil bit more combo damage with it.

As useful and as GOOD as the command grab is, I find myself personally not using it at ALL. I honestly get the regular throw krushing blow (don't jump or get knocked down for 10 seconds) more than that because I just can't get the timing down for it. And I hate the inputs. My thumbs are too damn thicc for alladat.

Might switch command grab with Sai Slide and see how that works out for me.

Also I hate how I do really good just going through kasuals most of the time, but as soon as I try to set up some rounds with a friend or someone cough cough @Espio cough cough I get my ass handed to me.

I either get bodied, or I make someone rage quit. There's no in-between. I just wanna do long sets with someone who is on the same skill level as me lmao is that too much to ask for.