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Do you think there's a final hotfix left with the release of MK Komplete edition?


Bone and Metal
I use shadow slide more often, not enough Noobs end combos with it to get their opponent as far away as possible tbh. <.<
The fix should be cyrax and smoke reset, reptile ex fb corner glitch (reptile can not jump in after the ex ball hits in the corner) and other glitches. But this should be it.... they shouldnt do anything else. I think kabal isnt as good as people think, he is awesome and top 5 but not as good as being "cheap"


Dojo Trainee
Nerf CSZ divekick but give him armor somewhere Seriously is this move punishable by any member of the cast but Reptile and maybe Raiden?
Holy fucking shit, you people are in here talking about what should be patched in a game you don't know the first thing about.

Let me show you a list of characters.


These are the characters in the game who can't punish a blocked divekick every fucking time. Yes, even a "safe" divekick. Kabal doesn't even count because his IAF already renders the divekick useless, so that's effectively seven characters who CAN'T punish you for any blocked divekick. Everyone, EVERYONE else in the game can punish a blocked divekick by some means. Reptile can elbow dash. Raiden can superman. Jax can dash punch. Kenshi can charge. Cage can shadow kick. Ermac can LIFT INTO A FULL COMBO. Above and beyond all that, you can easily dash forward and block to disrupt Cyber Sub's divekick placement, which often times results in him contacting you at head level and gives ANYONE a free full combo punish. That alone makes it impossible to spam the divekick risk-free against a good player, nevermind that most of the top tier can blow him up every single time they block it (and Kabal is so good at shutting it down that he just doesn't ever have to worry about blocking it). By the way, of those characters, Jade, Noob, Smoke, Sektor and Rain can check him on block after blocking his divekick, meaning he has to block their followup attack. This gives all five of those characters an attack/grab mixup, because once you respect this option, they can just dash in and throw you. So... That just leaves Shang, Sheeva and Skarlet who really can't do anything about a blocked divekick. Three characters. THREE CHARACTERS out of 31.

People like you are everything wrong with this community. You immediately ask for the game to be dumbed down with patches instead of pulling your head out of your ass and looking for a solution. You are the reason Jax got so many unnecessary buffs. You are the reason Ermac's offense was continually stripped down. You are the reason Cyber Sub may very well get his divekick nerfed, when he has enough fucking problems already.

Here's a thought: Level up YOUR game, instead of asking NRS to dumb the game down to your level.


Play Monster Hunter!
Some of you are asking for some crazy shit that would completely change how the game was played, well some of it does sound like good ideas, its probably better to wait for the next game for some of these things. The game is finally in a moderately stable form, if we keep poking at it, chances are were going to just break it even more.

Just remove the resets and some bugs, and kabal's block infinite(when did he get a new one?).


Dojo Trainee
If I'm not mistaken, Noob can be stuffed during tackle, unless the shadow is considered onscreen well before the hitbox is active. It hits on 11f.

You'd need to be extremely quick for that. I know it's possible, but I've literally never had a wakeup tackle get stuffed before. Wakeup upshadow, on the other hand, is all too easy to stuff.

Even as a zoning tool, no one ever uses wakeup tackle after a fullscreen knockdown to get back in the zoning war sooner. It recovers faster than just standing up and throwing a tackle, and if your opponent tries to throw a meaty projectile to check you as you're recovering, it'll go right through you if you're still in invincibility frames. I can't tell you how many times this has saved my ass, especially against characters like Freddy and Kitana.

I use shadow slide more often, not enough Noobs end combos with it to get their
opponent as far away as possible tbh. <.<
Because I don't want that. Noob's comeback potential is already extremely limited, so he needs all the damage he can get. He's much better off just ending combos in a teleslam so he gets the 50/50 shadow mixup, which is safe against most of the cast. Once your opponent respects both options, you can also start doing a dash in throw to reset the situation.

Noob also shouldn't always be as far away as possible. Like Reptile, his zoning is much more effective if you're just playing footsies from around 3/4 screen distance. From fullscreen, you can jump shadows for free, and Noob's only answer to this is to anticipate it and teleslam (which is extremely unsafe and should be used sparingly). There's a sweet spot in his zoning where your opponent will get hit by a tackle even if they jump forward, which makes it impossible for them to beat that individual tackle. The key to zoning with Noob is to use good spacing to keep your opponent in this sweet spot as often as possible. From this sweet spot, you can also dash up and upshadow on reaction to jumps, if you're quick. If you dash up and do an EX upshadow into teleslam, it's 18% unbreakable damage into a mixup that can easily tack on anywhere from 7% to 22%. I'm sure some people will tell you 18% isn't worth one bar (despite the character's midscreen combos averaging around 22% damage), but the same people have probably bitched about the damage on Jax's EX dash punch, or Reptile's EX elbow dash, or Cyber Sub's EX divekick.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Oh yeah, btw NRS please fix Stryker's EN moves in the last hotfix.

Right now EN Baton Sweep seems to have random armor properties. Sometimes it absorbs 1 hit, sometimes it absorbs 2 hits, but half of the time it has no armor at all. I just really hate losing rounds and matches because my armor properties didn't kick in when they were supposed to.

Feels like I'm testing my luck every time I try to use that move to get out of frame traps. Shit is whack.

Vulcan Hades

I seriously doubt Noob's overhead tackle is stuffable. Even if you manage to hit Noob during start up with a meaty poke or special, the clone still comes out. There is just no way to stop it. God knows I tried this for hours in training mode lol. Never succeeded once no matter how meaty my attacks were.

I know for a fact that his shadow slide and up knee are possible to stuff. I've done it plenty of times with Stryker's sweep. But his tackle seems to be considered already on screen before it becomes active. Similarly to Kabal's ground saw.

I don't really mind tbh. I think Noob really needs that otherwise he would be pretty free on wake up and a joke zoner.
The game is pretty balanced the way it is right now. Just do something about Kabal's air projectile or his rushdown, and buff Jade's damage. And nerf the resets, of course.


Ive seen the leprechaun
I hope there is another hotfix but wouldn't be surprised if there wasnt. If there is id want
1) sheevas en low grab to hit people poking her, it does sometimes but I want it to all the time
2) jax gp to be block cancelable
3) nerf scorpions hellfire damage but make it so you can combo into it
4) nightwolf should bw able to reflect cyrax net
5) make it so quan chi's rune trap is gone BUT let him use his en skeletol gift during a trance
6) some aspects of tag mode need to be fixed like juggling after someones been frozen or speared


I seriously doubt Noob's overhead tackle is stuffable. If it has 11 start up and 8 frames of invincibility, then frame data tells us that Noob is technically vulnerable for 3 frames before tackle becomes active. But in practice, even if you manage to hit Noob during start up with a meaty poke or special, the clone still comes out. There is just no way to stop it. God knows I tried this for hours in training mode lol. Never succeeded once no matter how meaty my attacks were.

I know for a fact that his shadow slide and up knee are possible to stuff. I've done it plenty of times with Stryker's sweep. But his tackle seems to be considered already on screen before it becomes active.
Wake ups have 11 frames now so it will always come out because it only has 10 startup. Kabal's saw has an 8 frame startup.
Let Mileena's roll beat Reptile's dash.

Let her D-1 be useful.
Are you kidding me? that match up is 7-3. Its considered one of the badest mu in the game. If you can beat reptile then I dont know what to say....
Why not let reptile fb beats mileena roll?, why not let reptile punish mileena by a full combo on telekick

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Are you kidding me? that match up is 7-3. Its considered one of the badest mu in the game. If you can beat reptile then I dont know what to say....
Why not let reptile fb beats mileena roll?, why not let reptile punish mileena by a full combo on telekick
Probably just randomly rolling and throwing out random normal telekicks without following it up with sai. I used to beat bad Mileena's with Rep online by just standing there and holding block...lol


Shazzy's Senpai
Are you kidding me? that match up is 7-3. Its considered one of the badest mu in the game. If you can beat reptile then I dont know what to say....
Why not let reptile fb beats mileena roll?, why not let reptile punish mileena by a full combo on telekick
I love the assumptions your making.


Dojo Trainee
I seriously doubt Noob's overhead tackle is stuffable. Even if you manage to hit Noob during start up with a meaty poke or special, the clone still comes out. There is just no way to stop it. God knows I tried this for hours in training mode lol. Never succeeded once no matter how meaty my attacks were.

I know for a fact that his shadow slide and up knee are possible to stuff. I've done it plenty of times with Stryker's sweep. But his tackle seems to be considered already on screen before it becomes active. Similarly to Kabal's ground saw.

I don't really mind tbh. I think Noob really needs that otherwise he would be pretty free on wake up and a joke zoner.
Not only that, but it's unsafe on block. If you anticipate it, it's a full combo punish. He needs to use it the same way Sub uses his slide: Just enough to make your opponent respect it.

That said, it's REALLY handy if your opponent is the sort to try and whiff punish wakeup upshadows, because at that range, the tackle is also completely safe on block.


Bring the old dash back!!!!Why are zoning characters beating out rush characters by standing full screen and pushing buttons!!!Geez. Remove resets such as cyrax, jax, and smokes. Kabal make his IAGB have more recovery. Why have 2 on screen??Didnt they nerf kanos knives because of that. Exactly.. Buff the shit tier. BUT MAINLY BRING THE OLD DASH BACK!!!


Because Kitana doesnt have a fast low buzzsaw that takes chip everytime its on screen. At least with Kitana i can D+4 my way in. You think im going to jump the buzzsaw and eat a IAGB or nomad dash. No i wont be jumping. Ill be blocking and taking chip..Thats why people complain about kabal. He has amazing IAGB and a low buzzsaw.