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Kombat Pack 2 Has Kome!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
A USer on GameFaqs claims to have played the new story mode he also "leaks "some details.
+++believe it or not take it or leave it+++ i suspect new spoilers daily until the official reveal -LOL
ops, this seems that could be real indeed , and make a sense with whatwe saw on Aftermath ....... it's a weird story script anyway, lol !
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A USer on GameFaqs claims to have played the new story mode he also "leaks "some details.
+++believe it or not take it or leave it+++ i suspect new spoilers daily until the official reveal -LOL
I‘m probably remembering this wrong, but did Ed not say that Aftermath was the end of the story for MK11?


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
dvdgamescenter is spilling more info...same link as before -just updated

Why are you saying this again? You said it on gamefaqs too. Why say that I lie?

If you didn't like what I wrote about the movie, fin But why come everywhere and bitch about me being a liar

Here's the copy-paste of the movie thread I made. If this doesn't come true then call me a liar, but until then just stop insulting and use your brain:

Movie starts with an ancient scene in a Roman Gladiator Arena (Spartacus Starz tv series like), Raiden is there with the Roman Emperor and fighters are fighting to the death in order to obtain a Medallion that will allow them to participate in Mortal Kombat for Earthrealm. Raiden is pretty cruel in this. We see some flashbacks of Scorpion. Cut to modern times, we meet a down on his luck boxer Cole Morino in Philadelphia (in the former script Cole Turner, played by Singaporean-English actor Lewis Tan), whose wife had died and he can't make money, he has a little daughter, Emily and his mother-in-law who has custody despises him. He owns such a Medallion, handed to him through paternal ancestry.

We see him losing fights and living in a very unhealthy apartment. Jax has tracked down his Medallion and comes to his apartment to question Cole about Sonya and Kano and of he has any connection to them. He arrests Cole and takes him with a military convoy of armored vehicles. On the way to the military facility where they want to take Cole, they cross a big bridge and everyone notices it starts to get foggy and chilly, it's like a horror scene, you know what's going to happen. Turns out Shao Kahn assassins have been taking out humans who owned the Medallions in order to prevent them from fighting in the Tournament. Sub-Zero wrecks all the armored vehicles and the SF forces members die. He battles Jax as Cole falls in the water and runs home.

His daughter Emily helps him with some online hacking to find clues about Sonya Blade and the Medallion. Solving these clues, he finds coordinates to a place in Scotland. He travels there and finds Sonya Blade and Kano, who are hiding and preparing for the Tournament. Kano is not evil in this one, Sonya is not with the Special Forces (at least not anymore, they could change that in the script), she's gone a bit lunatic since finding out about the Tournament and Outworld and is a conspiracy theorist.

They are found and attacked by Reptile, who injures Kano's eye, but they manage to kill him. Sonya herself doesn't own a Medallion, but they take Cole with them because he has one and they get on a plane which will take them to specific coordinates above China, from where they need to parachute drop. On the plane, Cole is reluctant to do this, but Sonya convinces him. They jump and there's a mid-air battle with another assassin from Outworld, Rain, but he's like this incorporeal being. They finally make it down and travel through some sort of desert until they find Raiden, who takes them through doors which lead to different location all over the globe, similar to how the doors in Matrix Revolutions worked.

They get chased by Sub-Zero, but when one door closes, Sub-Zero loses their track. Eventually, they arrive at the shaolin-like training Temple in which they are to prepare for the Tournament. There's a big clock there showing only a few beats are left until the Tournament (but seconds are like days on a cosmic scale, so they still have some time). They are taken through another door to see Outworld at the Marketplace, where they get in a bar fight with tarkatans (one says ""I served with General Baraka, how dare you...?") and other races and are saved by Liu Kang and Kung Lao, who are also defenders of Earthrealm. They are kind of brothers because they were both orphaned and raised by the Order of Light and Kung Lao is mute (not sure of by choice or naturally), but this type really suits him. In the following days, there's some competition between them in training and they have to find out their inner hidden power, everyone's chi, what they can do. Liu Kang can throw fireballs, Kung Lao has his hat thing, Kano can shoot a laser beam out of his eye when angry, but Cole Turner can't find his and he's unsure what he's even doing there. He's like the weakest fighter there (bar Sonya, who can't even participate cause she doesn't have a Medallion).

When the clock strikes the hour, they are transported to a Outworld location and we get this cool scene where everyone runs away and it's like a desert wind that blows, emptying the streets. In slow motion, we get horror cameos from Outworld's champions coming from different parts: Sub-Zero, Reiko, Nitara, Drahmin, Kabal (yeah, he's evil in this one, working for Outworld) and Mileena. It's an all out Battle Royale. They fights the Earthrealm champions Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kano and Cole. Mileena refuses to fights Sonya because she doesn't have a Medallion, so she doesn't even matter. The Outworld characters are really hard to beat. Nitara fights both Kung Lao and Liu Kang in a Tower, kills Kung Lao before Liu Kang manages to end her. Sub-Zero and Mileena mortally injure Kano. Sonya holds him as he dies and he passes to her the Medallion so that she can now fight for Earthrealm. By the end, they get transported to this Earthrealm location which is a peaceful neighborhood with houses and normal American population where the last fighters standing are Liu Kang, Cole, Sonya vs Sub-Zero, Goro, Shang Tsung from the Outworld warriors (but Shang doesn't really fight in the Tournament). Goro wrecks everyone and he is unstoppable until a beaten Cole knows that Outworld winning will destroy the world and everyone, including his daughter will die, so he finds his inner secret power and his eyes turn white and he does a "Get over here!" throwing a spear through Goro's head, like in the Scorpion animated movie. Sub-Zero also gets killed.

The last 3 fighters with Medallions are Liu Kang, Cole and Sonya. Apparently, the Earthrealm delegation has won, but Shang Tsung informs them that Cole's ancestry is from Outworld, as his father, Hanzo Hasashi, is from Outworld and had left him in Earthrealm when he was a child, for his own protection (flashback of Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion), therefore Cole's victory counts for Ourworld. Liu Kang and Sonya are to fight him to decide the victor. But all 3 stand down and refuse to fight anymore. Shang Tsung levitates Sub-Zero's dead body through a portal (presumably to revive him as Noob Saibot) and goes back to Outworld saying the Tournament is not over yet. In the epilogue, Raiden sends them to find more Earthrealm champions and Cole, Sonya and Emily go in a car to the movie set of Johnny Cage.

I can't see how it will be possible to revive Reptile, Kung Lao, Nitara, Reiko, Drahmin, Kabal, Mileena, Goro for a sequel. I could see them maybe reviving Sub-Zero as Noob Saibot and maybe even Kano, choosing to betray Earthrealm in a sequel with life offered to him by Shao Kahn, thus putting him at odds with Sonya later. But more revivals would just make it redundant. So, I'd be sorry for those characters, as they are dear to me, but at least they get some screen time. Sequel will have Kitana, Johnny Cage, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, Kenshi, Red Dragons from what I hear and it will be sort of like The Raid if it gets done.

Cole Morino is his own character, I'm not sure what to say, he kind of takes away stuff from Takeda from the games, who is like a son-figure for Scorpion. I'm pretty sure they will make him playable in the next games. Chances also for Nitara, Reiko, Drahmin, Rain even though I know Ed Boon doesn't really like Drahmin or Nitara. They changed Sonya and Kano's relationship, they probably thought there was no time to develop that or that it has already been done too much.

Soooo, no Kitana?


She appears in the sequel. They have another 2 movies planned and approved, they want this one to do well to turn it into a franchise. The scripts have already been written, but I won't share the info. some stuff I wrote in the above.

Please tell me you sure about Havik?;( I really want him in mk11


Al fin alguien con cerebro

Buenas. Y....como fueron? :D No fue ningur error en lo que dije.

How does Daegon look like? And Taven?

I haven't seen much of him and haven't paid much attention so now I barely remember. It was a pic with him in the shadows which didn't reveal much and one from the waist up in which he was standing next to Takeda and looked much bigger and buff, acting like an older bro, they were surrounded by enemies. He had a golden necklace of some sort

Cameo characters will have new appearance?
Definitely. I saw Kenshi
Daegon will be released shortly. i haven't played him yet.
Aftermath 2.0 will probably have a similar price as Aftermath 1. Or you can just buy the 3 chars in KP2 and 6 chars in KP3 for 54$, if price doesn't change.

so what is the timeline for daegon? like july or august
Announcement after Aftermath releases: Havik, Daegon and guest (most likely Rambo)

hey. so did mileena take sareenas spot on the roster? that sucks
No, as far as today they are both planned

How about currently? Both planned?
Sareena gone sadly

Sorry, I'm probably just confused: is Shinnok planned to be a playable character, or just an NPC in the next story DLC? Thanks!
Playable together with Taven.

No chance of the cyber ninjas? Or smoke?
No cybers.
can you konfirm havik will make mk 11
also so kp 2 is 3 kharakters. and kp 3 is 6. is this korrekt. ???
No, KP2 is scheduled to be 6 characters revealed right after Aftermath. The 3 revealed and 3 more. You can buy KP2 and without the story, you don't pay the same money twice. Or people who bought the Aftermath story can just get the 3 more characters.

I'll be first in line to admit I'm wrong about you, but what you're describing is a PR nightmare.

For example define 'revealed RIGHT after Aftermath'. How much time are you talking about?

Knowing that you're here reading this makes me just want to keep the info I have for myself.

This thread is not meant for you


A USer on GameFaqs claims to have played the new story mode he also "leaks "some details.
+++believe it or not take it or leave it+++ i suspect new spoilers daily until the official reveal -LOL
Look, this shit is crazy. It's not happening. This story implies so much new content that I think people don't realize, many new locations to develop, many cameos models, and not only that, these events are a little bit big for a simple DLC expansion. Think pricing and how it related to what we got in Aftermath, this doesn't make any sense considering people already were not fond of the pricing of the last pack, imagine how much THIS would cost.

Not only that, it implies no more guests, which is insane too.


Thrill Kill
A USer on GameFaqs claims to have played the new story mode he also "leaks "some details.
+++believe it or not take it or leave it+++ i suspect new spoilers daily until the official reveal -LOL
Waaaay too convoluted, even by NRS standards.

The only thing I could see happening is the Kamidogus (keys?) being in the story.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Wut Havik and Daegon to be released first? What kind of shit lmao that is BS. 3D era characters that no one outside of die hard MK fans know and want.

He’s BS hard.


A USer on GameFaqs claims to have played the new story mode he also "leaks "some details.
+++believe it or not take it or leave it+++ i suspect new spoilers daily until the official reveal -LOL
Notable things:

"Quan Chi is not evil in this" bullshit.

*Cetrion is kept as a slave" thats what i wanna see.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Wut Havik and Daegon to be released first? What kind of shit lmao that is BS. 3D era characters that no one outside of die hard MK fans know and want.

He’s BS hard.
StormGoddess has messed up the quotes. Half of what is quoted is back from May, when Aftermath was announced. Which is why there's no mention of Rain.

The part where he says he wants to keep the info to himself was directed at me. Those are very old.


What is not really clear for me with the leak :

Next pack is a KP of 3 characters (Rain, Mileena, Rambo) , then there will be Aftermath 2 story mode with 5 characters ?

Or Aftermath 2 story comes with the first 3, like Aftermath 1 ? So we'll see Havik, Takeda, etc in that story, but they won't be playable with it, but after ?

+ I'm really starting to believe Sareena was never meant to be playable, but leakers put her name on it to hype her fans.
I only trust Mileena, Rain and Rambo ! since Thethiny keeps on finding Mileena Gears and audio files also Skins ! Aftermath 2 seems too good to be true but anyway we will find out this week !