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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Lt. Boxy Angelman

All good man.

As I said I come from an area I sydney that has a massive multicultural demographic. My friends are from all over the world and we talk a lot of shit about our different backgrounds. In saying that if any of them need me I'm there. No questions.

That's how I was looking at this situation but after reading what has been posted I can see that this is not always the case.

A bit of ignorance on my behalf.
You are a welcome exception to the rule, and I say thankya. Three cheers for people coming together and keeping accepting and open minds :) .

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Is this the guy who maintains the TYM website?




I don't even know how to respond to that except to say I'd like to puke on his fucking shoes. People are so set against things changing that they'd rather double down on talking actual trash by making shit even worse than the post that started all this. Get all the way the fuck off the FGC planet and actual Earth with how much you can miss me with that.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Just did a bit of research on the racism behind watermelon.... holy shit I had no idea.
Happened to stumble across a few terrible cartoons on YouTube and probably the most disgusting song about watermelon. The fact that the melody to this song is still openly played is a disgrace.

I can understand a lot more now how fucked up this tweet was.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Just did a bit of research on the racism behind watermelon.... holy shit I had no idea.
Happened to stumble across a few terrible cartoons on YouTube and probably the most disgusting song about watermelon. The fact that the melody to this song is still openly played is a disgrace.

I can understand a lot more now how fucked up this tweet was.
We are going to need all the changed minds like yours we can get.
I still can't fucking believe what I saw in that Jaxel tweet, and I can only imagine what kind of tense atmosphere this is going to create at shows in the future if this isn't all sorted out and dealt with now. The FGC doesn't need to become the same partisan en masse circus that we've seen American society turn into between people who want change, and people who will glorify scumbags and vilify/intimidate anyone who wants to alter things being the way they like it. As though most people wouldn't gladly leave all that shit in the past where it belongs and let the FGC move on from their old dusty hateful asses. We're in the middle of an enormous stay-at-home standstill right now, which means the opportunity is there to reshape the real life meta and decide how for real we want to be about making a future removed from the supposedly old and tough and anti-snowflake types who think this shit is a joke because they believe they're untouchable. Fuck outta here with that fake ass Frank Sinatra gangster bullshit mentality. Not our fault their world is over, same as it isn't progressives' and liberals' faults that the bigoted institutions and mentalities of old are currently dying a slow death on the world stage. It'll always be there, sure, but it'll never be able to have the same enormous foothold and benefit of the ignorant doubt that it did before the last 10-15 years of social media and information technology. Progress has the high ground.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism

Was Jaxel always crazy? I remember him from the old days at 8wayrun and he was... just kinda uncool, but I don't remember him being this disgusting.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


@Lt. Boxy Angelman @Marlow

This is an old meme but all the shapiro talk earlier makes me think yall would find this funny
Oh this was the laugh I needed.

Also, you could take all those hypotheticallys and bend them around the Champ/Jaxel argument, for sure. People will find a thousand ways to turn that argument into a what if/what about circle jerk to avoid being wrong. Or in this case, realize it is THEY who have been a naughty little girl.

That's one of the only things about the Trump years that I'm grateful for: for people with common sense and decency, it's made the line between human and trash more easy to define and choose a side on than it's ever been. I see all the people gathered at this Tulsa rally and I don't even worry about four more years of it anymore; I wonder how those people are going to explain being a part of it to the rest of the civilized world when it's over and he gets buried alive by the charges the SDNY and FBI have waiting for him. Joe Biden is a creepy old man in his own right, but he is nowhere near the stratosphere of what we're seeing now. Not even close. And he's already starting to insulate himself and his administration with capable people who will make it less scary for him to be in office.

Time is coming to smother all that hateful racist, sexist, creepy, Shapiro Trump grab 'em by the feet and hold dominion over the women bullshit wherever we find it, especially here in the FGC. I'll happily follow the lead of the LGBTQ+ community and some capable femme leadership if it means watching the old ways of misogyny and pseudo-tough-guy bullshit fade into nothingness.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Oh this was the laugh I needed.

Also, you could take all those hypotheticallys and bend them around the Champ/Jaxel argument, for sure. People will find a thousand ways to turn that argument into a what if/what about circle jerk to avoid being wrong. Or in this case, realize it is THEY who have been a naughty little girl.

That's one of the only things about the Trump years that I'm grateful for: for people with common sense and decency, it's made the line between human and trash more easy to define and choose a side on than it's ever been. I see all the people gathered at this Tulsa rally and I don't even worry about four more years of it anymore; I wonder how those people are going to explain being a part of it to the rest of the civilized world when it's over and he gets buried alive by the charges the SDNY and FBI have waiting for him. Joe Biden is a creepy old man in his own right, but he is nowhere near the stratosphere of what we're seeing now. Not even close. And he's already starting to insulate himself and his administration with capable people who will make it less scary for him to be in office.

Time is coming to smother all that hateful racist, sexist, creepy, Shapiro Trump grab 'em by the feet and hold dominion over the women bullshit wherever we find it.
As I am daddy I must deliver punishment


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Re: the dumb meme.

A lot of you are too young to have experienced the old arcade culture, but saying shit like that would probably result in A) being asked to leave the arcade and/or B) getting your ass kicked. Even when FG arcade culture was at its peak of intolerance (sexism/homophobia, generally), aggressive racism wasn't common.

Jaxel and people who are sharing this believe a lot of BS stories about the old days.


Dojo Trainee
I whole heatedly agree. The FGC has long been known as toxic. The old guard and their enablers are starting to squirm and complain because a fire is finally being held to their feet.

Also, The thing people seem to not understand about 'cancel culture' is that while the internet may try to 'cancel' someone it doesn't actually stick unless they've done something. I'm happy to be proven wrong.
That soccer player who got fired for something his wife tweeted? Drew Brees being universally castigated for answering an interview question honestly, and then condemned again by the other side for apologizing? The whole city was chanting “Fuck Drew Brees” at one point- I don’t know if you count that as ‘sticking’. There is a very real element of thought policing here, whether or not someone’s career is actually damaged. NOT to say that flat out racism and rampant toxicity shouldn’t be policed. No tears for Fchamp.


Administrator and Community Engineer
That soccer player who got fired for something his wife tweeted? Drew Brees being universally castigated for answering an interview question honestly, and then condemned again by the other side for apologizing? The whole city was chanting “Fuck Drew Brees” at one point- I don’t know if you count that as ‘sticking’. There is a very real element of thought policing here, whether or not someone’s career is actually damaged. NOT to say that flat out racism and rampant toxicity shouldn’t be policed. No tears for Fchamp.
As far as Drew Brees.. Honesty is not an excuse for insensitivity. By implying that people who use their rights to protest peacefully for equality, by kneeling during the anthem (not burning a flag, or breaking things, or spitting, just kneeling!) are somehow disrespecting the USA and the civil rights movement, is dangerous. He deserved every bit of the backlash he got.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Re: the dumb meme.

A lot of you are too young to have experienced the old arcade culture, but saying shit like that would probably result in A) being asked to leave the arcade and/or B) getting your ass kicked. Even when FG arcade culture was at its peak of intolerance (sexism/homophobia, generally), aggressive racism wasn't common.

Jaxel and people who are sharing this believe a lot of BS stories about the old days.
100% facts. People seem desperate to reinvent the narrative of history as though it wasn't as gross and unwelcome then as it is now.


Dojo Trainee
As far as Drew Brees.. Honesty is not an excuse for insensitivity. By implying that people who use their rights to protest peacefully for equality, by kneeling during the anthem (not burning a flag, or breaking things, or spitting, just kneeling!) are somehow disrespecting the USA and the civil rights movement, is dangerous. He deserved every bit of the backlash he got.
Yeah it was a stupid idea that needed correcting. So tbf drew brees is not a good example of someone who did/said nothing wrong. Still, that forceful corrective feedback is standard now, and it doesn’t always correct bad ideas. And the threat of being targeted by it discourages some important conversations from being had honestly in the open, like whether defunding police is really a good idea.


Administrator and Community Engineer
So to clarify, Jaxel doesn't maintain our website. The backend and main coding of the custom bits of TYM is maintained by @admin (who I'm guessing the person commenting about the TYM upgrade funding was thinking of), and I do most of the maintaining of the Xenforo-specific settings and tweaks.

The front page news section, Streams section, Caldendar etc. are powered by XenPorta, which is a plugin written by Jaxel. So in that sense, the site is tied to his past development work. But I in no way condone his remarks, and obviously it's critical to find a way to distance ourselves from him, and from that kind of nonsense, without destroying the site functionality for all of you. Work in progress.