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Afteraftermath leaks & rumors ... enter only with a huge grain of salt (Warning: Story Spoilers)

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.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Yeah shit, you are right. I forgot robo Smoke somehow. Damn. We haven't got Enenra as playable yet, which is my very flimsy defense. But if all the ninja type characters and all the cyborgs/robots are off the table than I guess the hypest characters they can bring back for me would be Reiko and Havik. So thats cool.

I trust NRS's ability to make characters cool but Taven/Daegon are for sure on the bottom of my list for characters that need revamps.

I would KILL for Rain or Ermac, or even Cyrax or Sektor to make it in but those look very, very doubtful.

But as another user stated, for this leak to be believable there would have to be AT LEAST 3 guest characters imo, sadly. So maybe Ash, Michael Myers, and Rambo ALL make it in? Which would suck but that seems to be the pattern with guests in MK11. The only character I like is Ash but im beyond tired of guest characters at this point. I'd take Taven or Daegon over fuckin Rambo any day.
yep .... anyway, if there are 2 things that NRS already proved that they can do with extreme competence and high degree of success are :

  1. Rebuild aesthetically, refreshing and renewing, with upgraded and updated look, any old shcool character of the MK franchise; you can take as examples, Kenshi, Tanya and Tremor, how well done they were ported for the modern games .....
  2. Do great justice for guest characters, when they are put in a modern Mortal Kombat game; all of the guests, from MK9 to MK11, are all well awesome build around their source material from their original media they came up; none of them were bad designed and treated as leftover, all of them are amazing regarding look and appearance
On and with this with base, you can be sure that, whoever NRS, WB or Ed Boon himself decide to put in MK11, will be very well made, very well designed, so, I have 0% of fear and doubt about this specific aspect; they will do the best if Daegon , Rambo, whatever, end up being in this game .... :D


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
The devs are just trolling now with these character choices.
This is turning into the expendables lol.
Can't wait for the trailer for Chuck Norris.
He will be the most broken fighting game character if all time. He doesn't even loose in the mirror.
oh man, that's awesome ! :D

To this day, I have no idea why people want characters like Sareena and Reiko in the game, they are Kobra and Hsu Hao level.

Any character that has an assist is not gonna happen, they even made an assist for Hydro of all characters, this should show you to what extent they are willing to deconfirm characters.

With that said:


Those are some characters that have better chances of appearing.


Thrill Kill
If Smoke is brought back someday...

Would you prefer his design to be closer to his MK2 ninja costume, or with long white hair?


50/50 Savant - Lore>Gore
It's just a really not a believable leak from a non-reliable source with a picture he's keeping for himself and plot that makes no sense?

That's an option too ya know
The plot making no sense and being dumb and disappointing as all fuck is the only part of this I can actually believe.


I mean...i have a hard time believing this but fuck whatever. If it's true, thoughts on characters because MKX/11 already proved they just really don't know how to deliver on their own story-

Havik - i never loved him but I like that he's unique. I'd be excited to see what they can do with him now that the design team seems to be MUCH better.

Rambo - I hope not. Ash was a much better idea/fit from a lot a levels, but i wouldn't be that shocked if he was possible that this is more about studio/rights bullshit. I don't hate guest characters.

Quan Chi - A favorite of mine. I love rune trap as a concept. Gauging what they did with ice clone I look forward to seeing it locked out of comp variations for a year before being brought back as a fully unblockable move on a 35 second delay that costs all your meters and your next round. It'll have two viable setups you see twice per major cycle. Or maybe they'll finally bite the bullet and let some of the more unique moves be good again. Or just say fuck it and give him a gun, it's all on the table at this point.

Shinnok - Likes me face punching sorcs. My main in X so i'd be happy to see them try again. Not sure what they'll be doing given some of his major moves were sort of Shang placeholders, who we've already got so...

Reiko- i played him in 4 so he's always been a favorite, but it's hard to deny he's boring as sin. His Armageddon and on redesign wasn't a terrible attempt giving him shao khan flavor. Maybe that way we can get shao khan in the game since he's clearly not in it now.

Takeda - I hate him so damn much from a plot perspective, but i admit that of the kiddos he had by far the most interesting design/moveset. Maybe they'll take that to the next level and mix in some symbolic plot bs. His dad's blind so he can be mute.

Sareena - Given that if you know nothing about plot you'd probably describe her as the hot topic manager chucking kitchen knives i've never been super interested by her.

Taven/Daegon - You can group sareena with this as well. These were all boring and stupid designs. That said the character design team has done a really great job with returning characters. While I don't love balance/gameplay/plot of MK11 every character is on point, so i'm willing to believe they could somehow make these more interesting (maybe that's the shinnok fusion thing....which again is absurd that this could even be real....but whatever). Still I would much rather see that talent being used on reworks of Hotaru/Ashira/Mavado/Nitara, who at least had a unique concept/aesthetic, even if executed poorly, than basically what happens when you take takeda's personality and make it into a character.


Y’all would just argue that she’s not black/white/Persian/Asian/Latina enough.
Who wants that headache?
I don’t care because I KNOW she’s not human, she’s a species descended from the elder Gods. I guess people didn’t read that part of the Lore. Who knows...


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
I hope Reiko get some unique moves. His signature moves are the teleport, shoulder charge, shuriken throw and that swirly kick he shares with Li Mei. yawn
And what would you guys consider signature for Sareena? Knife toss and that overhead punch move?
I hope the designers give them some unique traits or passives.


Thrill Kill
Smoke is irrelevant. Cyrax basically took over his role in the new timeline, and they didn’t make either of them a playable character.
Plus, it’s a dumb name. Smoke - the ninja with the power of emphysema.
Dr. Decker, please, be more kind towards Smoke


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
I hope its not true, because otherwise two kombat packs would be so bad for me, except for Sareena


Agent of Chaosrealm
Does anyone know if the leaker in question is the same guy that made this leak WAY back? If it is the same guy then there could be some truth. He got like half of the stuff right and the other half wrong when it comes to the plot, but was pretty much spot on with DLC characters so far. Pretty sure it was made before the first datamine happened so I don't think it was piggybacking off of anything else, it was just a legit leak.

All of the DLC characters so far have been ones from his list. But he said that Reiko and Sareena are also coming...

EDIT: Point is if it's him then the DLC characters could be (at least mostly) legit but the story stuff maybe not.

That is my question, too. If it's the same guy, this is 100% legit. Note that the leaker from yesterday, 'dvdgamescentral' claims to be the guy who said that Raiden and Shang Tsung will 'trap' Scorpion. This texted leak you've quoted is the ONLY leak that made that claim, back then.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This is the Reddit screenshot I was sent by someone I know who's always been pretty reliable about knowing what's coming.

Make of it what you will.
It says nothing of Rambo or a replacement for Ash.
But if it's true, it would leave enough characters for one more ful Kombat Pack, and an odd character out.


I like this one better, and it makes a lot more sense than Rambo being impulsively added at the last minute.

If it's right, this is what I think you get:

Kai, as the new White Lotus representative, since Liu Kang is a Time God and Kung Lao is doing who knows what. Also I'm 90% sure he's Krypt Guy, and 50/50 that they're going to do an Oni in Killer Instinct and make him free DLC.
Ashrah, who as the Oni Demoness of the Netherrealm looking for redemption can be tied to any angle of the story.
Daegon, the founder of the Red Dragon, getting ready to do his Armageddon thing.
Havik, the Cleric of Chaosrealm, ready to finally being the Chaos VS Order story into future-gen MK.
Deathstroke, as a precursor to Injustice 3.
John Wick, because Keanu Reeves is about to take over gaming forever and also it's being heavily rumored that Neo is going to be in IJ3 as well, so why not? AND he could have a Friendship with his little dog, too.
And Quan Chi, the sorcerer who literally started ALL of this by teaming up with Shinnok.

At this point, I don't care what leak is right as long as the game gets better and Havik is in/we get the Armageddon 2.0 story. I'll be happy even if it's horrible, because I've waited almost two decades for the story to get a proper not ridiculously mailed in ending.



Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
Kai and Deathstroke are basically unbelievable to me, in a pure marketing sense. Kai basically the least important character in the least important MK game, and if you want a INJ3 tie in there are so many better options than Deathstroke from both a visibility and profitability point of view. How could you possibly expect to move units and sales with Kai? At least Jarek had the funny meme ending that has lived on through the ages.

Like Daegon and Taven are odd ducks too, but at least they were nominally the "main characters" of one of the games in the franchise, a lot more believable and workable from a sell dlc standpoint.
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