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Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Robocop owns, looking forward to some doofy shit with him. He's never been the most agile dude, so I'll be interested to see what kind of attacked they give him (expecting a lot of lunging shoulder checks and not a lot of kicking)

Can't wait for Ash. He's gotta be still on the way.

Like I always say when people start complaining about Guest characters is you have no idea how hard they hit outside of our little NRS bubble. I have so many non-fighting game friends who love MK and Injustice just because of dumb shit like Leatherface and the Ninja Turtles. If guest characters bring more people into the FG fold AND help make the games a commercial success so we keep getting them, what's not to like?


Let's not forget that back in the 90s, Ultimate MK3 and MK Trilogy came out on systems that had already received MK3 (and many people had bought the original accordingly). And all they largely did was add a few characters, then cut and pasted them to multiply them... and yet those were released at full price $50 releases irrespective of whether you'd owned the original base game.
This is pretty much what I tell people that start ranting and raving whenever DLC or some type of expansion pack for a game is announced and go on about the "good old days". The "good old days" never existed because things weren't much different back in the SNES/Genesis era. There was a time before DLC where the developers would add more content and charge you 50 to 60 dollars by calling it a new title. So if DLC didn't exist, we'd just be back to what happened in the past. For instance, MK11 would had been just released with the base roster characters and then about a year later get an updated version with the DLC characters along with the new story mode and maybe some game tweaks. Either that or the additional content wouldn't be in the game at all.

I mean how many versions of Street Fighter 2 were there? About 5 or 6 right? If any company did that nowadays and it cost $50, people would be flipping out the same way they do in regards to DLC.


PSN: Cansuela
Holy goddamn fuck, it's actually happening....

RoboCop's voice is weirdly high-pitched, but whatever, I'll take what I can get!
What do you think his play style will be like? I just feel like he’s going to be super dry and boring. I hope not, but I don’t get putting both Terminator and Robocop in this game.

The guests in general are a bit underwhelming for me. Robocop hasn’t been relevant in what....25 years? Spawn for 20 (though with the previous connection/rumors for spawn in MK this makes sense) ? Terminator is I guess more relevant but only slightly.

I guess there’s a limited pool of pop culture characters available where the IP or rights people would condone the character being brutally murdered, so maybe that’s why.

Don’t mean to rain on your parade, glad you got your main! Everything else looks absolutely amazing. Huge update!

I really want more ninjas and the robots in this game though. Hope some of them make it.
… I really hope this isn't the end. I want Havik, dammit!

Come to think of it, it'll be awesome if Havik is in the story mode in the next story DLC - if there will be any.

Kronika is AGAIN the final boss, it seems.
Maybe or maybe she's a sub-boss in this expansion and Shang Tsung becomes the final boss.

Oh I hope they finally gave Shang that sword fatality that was cut out of MK1 for this expansion.
I don't know what to feel about this.

The new stages, the friendships and the stage fatalities are awesome

I'm sure the story mode will make no sense (just like the main story mode). i don't care at all about it.

I didn't really care about Fujin and Sheeva, and we knew they were coming so nothing really surprising. I like Fujin's design.
But man, Robocop looks sick ! His voice is a bit weird, but the character seems badass.

The most frustrating part is that Ash Williams isn't in the pack !!!

$40 is overpriced for this, I'll wait for a good sale to buy it.
Robocop owns, looking forward to some doofy shit with him. He's never been the most agile dude, so I'll be interested to see what kind of attacked they give him (expecting a lot of lunging shoulder checks and not a lot of kicking)

Can't wait for Ash. He's gotta be still on the way.

Like I always say when people start complaining about Guest characters is you have no idea how hard they hit outside of our little NRS bubble. I have so many non-fighting game friends who love MK and Injustice just because of dumb shit like Leatherface and the Ninja Turtles. If guest characters bring more people into the FG fold AND help make the games a commercial success so we keep getting them, what's not to like?
There's a lot to not like but that's a conversation for another day.

Do we know if there's going to be more DLC after or is this a hard confirmation this is all we get for MK11

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Price is looking good, i'm conflicted AF giving how the game was managed so far, but I'm tempted to pre-order the expansion, specially if will give me KP1 for free.

good presentation and a proper expansion.


I'm very interested in the story continuation, but have no interest in Sheeva, Fujin, or Robocop. Skin packs to me are a bonus and not a reason to buy something either. At $59.99 + Tax Canadian, that's the price of a new game and insanely expensive for an expansion set.

I'll wait for a sale at this point, even though I want the story. The Kombat Pack was overpriced and not worth it to me personally, and it also went on sale for 50% off in about a month, so I'll wait this time and enjoy the free new stages, Stage Fatalities, and Friendships that we're all going to get.


I'm very interested in the story continuation, but have no interest in Sheeva, Fujin, or Robocop. Skin packs to me are a bonus and not a reason to buy something either. At $59.99 + Tax Canadian, that's the price of a new game and insanely expensive for an expansion set.

I'll wait for a sale at this point, even though I want the story. The Kombat Pack was overpriced and not worth it to me personally, and it also went on sale for 50% off in about a month, so I'll wait this time and enjoy the free new stages, Stage Fatalities, and Friendships that we're all going to get.
Exactly. Not worth it at full price at all.
WB games and DLC drops super fast in price, especially on PC. Just be patient. It will be 15-20$ 3 months later.


Exactly. Not worth it at full price at all.
WB games and DLC drops super fast in price, especially on PC. Just be patient. It will be 15-20$ 3 months later.
Bingo; this is exactly what I'll be doing. I have plenty to play in the meantime, and I learned my lesson well with the first Kombat Pack.

Not crapping on anyone who will be taking the plunge right at launch, for those who do, I hope you really enjoy it!

Art Lean

MK3 - UMK3:

-Added Scorpion, Classic Sub-Zero, Reptile, Ermac, Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Human Smoke, Rain & Noob-Saibot (home ports)
-New stages: Scorpion's Lair, Jade's Desert, Kavern, Waterfront, Noob's Dorfen, Lost Portal
-Game wide balance changes
-2v2 Mode
-Tournament Mode
-Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures

MK11 - Aftermath:

-Adds Fujin, Sheeva and Robocop
-A couple new chapters in Story Mode
-3 Skin packs
-Possibly balance changes but nothing confirmed/advertised
Stages, friendships, stage fatalities are free.

Seems like UMK3 was the better buy. Over 20 years ago. Sad.
But you're comparing the amount of effort that goes into making new assets in this game that had hundreds of people working on it, that look amazing, with real actors, lots of voice acting, motion capture, and comparing that to the effort that would have been made in UMK3 and Trilogy, for example:

Classic Sub, Reptile, Ermac, Smoke, Rain and Noob would have simply involved John Turk posing for animations in one red costume, then they recoloured them.
Kitana, Mileena and Jade would have likewise only involved Becky Gable in one red costume doing the same.

That's 9 characters comprised of maybe one day's filming and only requiring two actors and no new voice acting. Their new additions to the story were comprised of still images and a block of text, not even FMV like in MK1's intros.

Credits of UMK3: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0221670/fullcredits

Credits of MK11: https://www.igdb.com/games/mortal-kombat-11/credits

The fatalities were barely animated, the end results either cutting the sprite apart like a Monty Python animation (as opposed to the collapsing death animations 1 and 2 had) or making them all explode identically.

Sure the new levels were nice enough looking for their time, but they undoubtedly didn't require anywhere near as much work as is required in making the new ones in MK11.

Then if you take MKT assets they added, you've got MK1 levels with their dynamic animations all removed (and two deleted entirely) that didn't have their original music, the Pit bottom with floor missing at either end, the Pit 2 doesn't work because they couldn't be bothered to film new animations for it, bosses who were clearly never designed to be played with who handle like barely animated filing cabinets, among many other obviously cut corners. The biggest effort they went to with MKT was to film a new Johnny Cage due to messy business reasons.

MKT in particularly felt lazy as hell to me even back in the day, incredibly poor implementation of assets from the first two games and quite literally the quality of MK1 and 2 just felt like it had been thoroughly reduced and replaced with 4 skulls, 3 ribcages, 25 legs.


I think this is probably the final pack. Boon already confirmed they're working on their next game.
The way that game dev usually works, they'll have moved the bulk of their team onto their next game once MK11 went gold. Keeping a smaller sect of the team on MK11 to work on DLC.

There will be more content to come. Boon said this game will get support for years, in a very recent interview featured on the front page of this very site.

This is not the end.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Can already tell this new story mode is gonna have a fucked up cliff hanger.
Maybe a set up for another expansion with the remaining three characters?

Havik, Hotaru and Sareena.


The way that game dev usually works, they'll have moved the bulk of their team onto their next game once MK11 went gold. Keeping a smaller sect of the team on MK11 to work on DLC.

There will be more content to come. Boon said this game will get support for years, in a very recent interview featured on the front page of this very site.

This is not the end.
Here's hoping!