I am not racist and it doen't make me uncomfortable.
Calling it "Wuhan-Virus" doesn't have to be racist or stigmatizing. It is an old way of naming viruses. You have West-Nile, Lyme, Ebola, Hong-Kong & Spanish flu - all names of geografical locations. It is just the way these things were named.
On the other side, some politicians use it for their own gains and the renaming was one of the few good things that the WHO did when the virus started.
The xenophobia & political bs will always be there when incidents like this happen, even if it was called COVID19 from the start. It is just the way humans are. Just take a closer look at Thailand at this moment, some are blaming farangs (white people) of importing it and giving it to the local population, just like it did when HIV struck - playing into the CCP narrative.