Man isn't that how it goes? I constantly throw after successful d1s just because I know another downpoke is usually coming afterward. What happens is eventually he gets tired of getting thrown and instead of stopping the retaliatory downpokes, he starts mashing d2 instead to avoid the throw. Then
I get irritated and start trying to spam d2 just to show him up and round and round we go.

I just really don't enjoy the decision-making in Mk11 very much.
What's sad about this is I feel like the poke game is so dominant at controlling match pacing that some characters can't reliably use half their tools. I love everything about Shao's design aesthetically but when you play him you essentially use D4 and occasionally D3., S1, his D2 of course, his F3 as his fastest mid (even though it doesn't lead to anything), F2 if you're feeling daring, and jumpins. Anything else, including most of his strings, is just dangerous and inefficient.