Eddy Wang
Skarlet scientist
Shao Kahn fabricating character from Magik isn't a bad thing, its actually a standard that show the kind of character he can trust, the ones he forges himself, just as he did with Ermac and Mileena. Ermac only Betrays Kahn later on because Jerrod awakens in him, but since MKX they retconed and made him allign with Kotal Kahnn over Mileena because plot reasons.I just think skarlet is a minor retcon without a rich history compared to sindel. Most likely the reason for that.
That and as an ermac fan I kind of felt her mk 9 bio was literally a lazy female ermac bio. Shao kahn made her from blood magic...men. imo I think her new bio gives her s but more development but you gotta admit if skarlet voice whispers into your ear bet youd like that just so long as she dont drain you of your blood of course. Lol
The Skarlet retcon made her an attention whore witch that has as the ultimate goal is to seek more power so just she can realize she will betray her own master, that when she is not intending to involve with someone else physical which is all kinds of boring.
I would Pick Bloodlust MK9 Ninja Skarlet any day over attention whore Skarlet, which subsequently turns out to be far more weaker, the change just didn't click, neither did the playstyle.
She was a killing machine, a supernatural being made for one single purpose, mayhem, chaos, wreck, not to have feelings, definitely not for feeling jealousy of characters like Edenians "COF COF Kitana, COF COF Jade".