i think its most likely for a new character because on VA doing multiple characters is pretty normal.
at least a female character is confirmed i guess
yep ! I concur
hmmm .... this is pretty cool, and a little bit suspect, hehe .... what are you planning so far this time, Ed ?
in MK9, Sindel and Sheeva had the same voice actress; in MKX, Kelly Hu did voices for D'vorah (playable) and Sindel (NPC) .... so, high chance of being a recording for another female character to be in MK11 .....
Sheeva is in the KP2, and she is in the story mode, but she already has her own VA (Vanessa Marshall), so Beata Poźniak is doing something extra for Skarlet, or voicing other diferent female character that is not Sheeva, who we already know is a future DLC character .....
could be for Sareena or maybe, for something even better : additional story mode chapters to be sold as DLC stuff for us, hehe, that would be great !