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Bottom 5 Character Project


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I don't know, either I'm amazing at timing jump punches to beat anti-airs or there is something about Scorp's jp that is better than others.

Why do people put Kano in the bottom 5? Whats wrong with him?
Yo Slips I started some tests and his jip is ridic. Take Scorpion and go full close range, make 1 regular jump back, a back dash.

LOOK AT THE DISTANCE, Scorp can jip from that distance and it beats d1's. Timing is strict to beat the d1 but it does, and the jip nails an Ermac style hitbox (it's who I was testing it against).

That is some mean range my friend!


Bone and Metal
I played with Sindel for a while again last night, still thinking she's flavor of the week. It's not like Sheeva and Jade don't have the same unexplored potential who are always sharing spots with her too. >_>

This is why I dislike bottom five lists for this game, it implies that the characters are bad when in reality it just means that there are crazier characters in the game.


Go to hell.
Just realized in my rant about Sub Zero on page 21 I forgot to post mine. Here we go:

1. Jade
2. Sheeva
3. Stryker
4. Baraka
5. CSZ
1. Jade...obviously.
2. Stryker
3. Sheeva
4. Noob
5. Cyber Sub (sorry fellow mainers, too many bad matchups .___. )

Honorable mentions: Reptile. Kano.
While reading these posts I started thinking about matchups for Sheeva. I honestly could not think of one where she has a clear advantage on. I have not fought Baraka or Jade enough to know for sure if Sheeva has an advantage over them though. This sucks. Tell me guys. How does it feel while fighting a MU where you have an advantage. I must know this feeling!

I can say for certain after over 10+ hours each of fighting against these following characters as Sheeva that she is at a clear disadvantage with these MUs for sure.
Kung Lao, Sindel, Kitana, Cyrax, Noob, Smoke, and Kabal.

Pretty sure disadvantage MUs are
Scorpion, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Mileena, Kano, Shang Tsung, and Raiden.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
While reading these posts I started thinking about matchups for Sheeva. I honestly could not think of one where she has a clear advantage on. I have not fought Baraka or Jade enough to know for sure if Sheeva has an advantage over them though. This sucks. Tell me guys. How does it feel while fighting a MU where you have an advantage. I must know this feeling!

I can say for certain after over 10+ hours each of fighting against these following characters as Sheeva that she is at a clear disadvantage with these MUs for sure.
Kung Lao, Sindel, Kitana, Cyrax, Noob, Smoke, and Kabal.

Pretty sure disadvantage MUs are
Scorpion, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Mileena, Kano, Shang Tsung, and Raiden.
Sheeva can't even get in on Baraka. Humorously enough, if Sheeva teleports, Baraka can option select what he does and do db3~db2 as an input, and either he'll spin the teleport in front or on top, or he'll 3 xx blade charge the teleport on the back.
Sheeva can't even get in on Baraka. Humorously enough, if Sheeva teleports, Baraka can option select what he does and do db3~db2 as an input, and either he'll spin the teleport in front or on top, or he'll 3 xx blade charge the teleport on the back.
Same is true for Kano. Telestomp = either upball or knives. Noob = Upclone or running clone. Kitana = iaf or ass.

What gets me so mad is that standing 1's and 2's with certain characters beat the telestomp as well. Talk about ridiculous. This 300 pound woman is landing on you with all her weight and your standing 1 knocks her out of it.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
What I don't get is why is every one all over sindel being on everyone's bottom tier list but not saying shit about baraka. Talk about rude awakening baraka is no way a bottom tier character.

Why no outrage on this???

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I honestly don't know why...he's not in my bottom 5, though in my tier list he's barely out of it, and that's simply cuz there are just better characters.

But Adel-I mean, Sindel, is by no means bottom 5. Character is dumb lol.


I definitely think that Jade and Stryker are the weakest characters in the game. After that though, it's really hard to decide who is at the bottom.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Same is true for Kano. Telestomp = either upball or knives. Noob = Upclone or running clone. Kitana = iaf or ass.

What gets me so mad is that standing 1's and 2's with certain characters beat the telestomp as well. Talk about ridiculous. This 300 pound woman is landing on you with all her weight and your standing 1 knocks her out of it.
Scorpion's D1 beats tele stomp :p


Cock Master!!
I honestly don't know why...he's not in my bottom 5, though in my tier list he's barely out of it, and that's simply cuz there are just better characters.

But Adel-I mean, Sindel, is by no means bottom 5. Character is dumb lol.
I don't buy that he's just outside of bottom tier. The game is rush down heavy and he's almost as good as Sonya and jax in that department on par with cage. 6 frame anti air. Chop chop seems like it would do well vs wake ups. I see him as just outside of top 12.

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The hottest girls in this game are a tie between Sindel and Sheeva, that is all.

I don't think the Jade v.s. Sheeva match is super bad for Sheeva, but the fact that a teleporting Sheeva can get full combo punished off of a telestomp if Jade enhance glows, making Sheeva more hesitant to use her prominent mind games tool. Jade outzones her with shadow flash if the Jade player is on point, the boomerangs are about the same speed as her fireball though. Good Jades anti- air like nobody's business, it's an uphill battle to get in and by the time you do, she has meter to glow and punish your combo attempt, not sure if this match is dead even or not, up close Sheeva has the edge I think, so I guess it's semi-even.

The Baraka matchup is so annoying for Sheeva though, good luck effectively getting in consistently or telestomping, it's about as annoying as a Kung Lao match up, the blade charge hits you whether crouching or stand blocking and is safe, Baraka's projectile has better recovery, he can trade effectively. The matchup isn't Kung Lao bad, but Sheeva truly cannot pressure Baraka consistently or troll with the telestomp, he can spin or do his chop chop blades on reaction, which he can folow up with a blade charge for 19%, shutting down telestomp shenanigans. Baraka is like a hybrid of Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Sonya

Baraka's quicker than her up close, with the exception of 1,2, back 1 and 2,1,2,forward 1 every combo Baraka does easily beats out her attacks and Baraka's mix ups are much quicker too. The match is listed as even..but I think it's a 6-4 in Baraka's favor, not unwinnable, but not totally even. This is from playing a couple really good Baraka players, ThaRedsoul and Permodius.
I just don't understand what makes this match up even...Sheeva doesn't out do Baraka in anything other than damage output off of less hits, but how often are you really going to land the low grab into her back 2, 1+2, anti air grab or fireball combo for 41-43% , especially on a high level Baraka? Her highest damage is far too situational, especially considering his down 1 and down 4 are better pokes than anything she has to stop her in her tracks, unless she armors it. It's hard to land her BNB combos like 1,2,back 1,4, grab in punch because you can't really punish anything Baraka does and in most cases even if you could, Sheeva's speed sometimes prevents that. Baraka has no real legit reason to jump in...unless he jumping over a fireball to full combo punish.

Note: Not saying Sheeva can't beat him. just it's not easy.

I also find it fascinating how Sheeva is one of the only characters in the game who inherently has no match ups where they're just straight up in her favor, her best match ups are all even.

People talk about Jade and Stryker, but at least they have a couple matchups where they have a clear advantage.

I think Sheeva is better than Jade and Stryker slightly though.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
He's not as good because, while he has advantage out the ass, it's on slow strings. And his faster strings put him at disadvantage. Rushdown isn't where Baraka shines, it's his footsies, and they're great. But footsies alone get you so far as a character.

I thought he was top 10, until I realized that there's not really many characters he legitimately beats outright. He has a decent amount of bad matchups, though...not a lot, but definitely not top 12 when it comes to matchups.


Go to hell.
How is Ermac put at 21? Just because some retards put him bottom 5?
I don't understand why anybody can say someone sucks besides metioning a character like Jade or Stryker without them explaining why and putting it up for argument. Ermac has some of the best kombos in the game, good rushdown, great specials, awesome zoning, argueably the best punisher. Who else hits mileena's teleport with mid-30% punishment? I get Sub Zero after running sets all day with my friends and online with dudes like TwoDays and yeah... Sub Zero has to work. Ermac though is a beast, his match up chart is great. Nothing is un winnable. I just seriously do not understand how he is below Skarlet, Rain, Liu Kang, Cage, Reptile, etc.

My brain hurts.