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Joker Movie Discussion **Major Spoilers Inside**


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
** Last and final warning. There are MAJOR specific spoilers in this thread. Keep reading at your own choice! **

Saw the new Joker movie last night with my good friends. The theater was great, we had perfect seats in the middle, with full reclining seats and everything. Unfortunately, one of the BIGGEST reasons I hate going to the movies was in full effect. The noise people make while the movie is playing irritates me to NO end. Rattling a bag as loudly as possible, constantly, for 3 minute intervals, really is the most douche canoe thing you can do in a theater. Not to mention occasionally the talkers, people who get up and are apparently godzilla with keychains hopping down the aisle seemingly TRYING to make the most noise as possible. It’s insanely distracting to me. I had to actually yell “just open the fucking bag” at one point, and that was the most tame I could possibly be.

ANYYYWAY, sorry had to vent real quick.

The movie was phenomenal. My expectations were destroyed. I was expecting it to be dark because that’s all I heard. But in my head that just meant Joker being Joker. Ya know, stirring the pot, robbing places, killing, ya know, criminal behavior. I wasn’t expecting a true origin story. Yes I know it was marketed as an origin story, but I was expecting it to actually be a true origin story. And it was. It takes you to before Joker really became the Joker. It shows you his life before the “transformation”. Some small backstory from other times in his life as well. But mainly what made him ultimately go from a normalish dude with a mental illness, to an insane mass murdering psychopath that we all know and love today.

The portrayal of Arthur Fleck (Joker) was done with such realism and veracity. It did not feel like a comic book movie AT ALL, like not even a little bit. Felt like a dark drama, which is pretty much what it was. It takes you through a lot of emotions. It’s hard to make a known villain the protagonist of a movie, which is probably a big reason something like this is almost never done. You can’t have the audience relate to him and side with him completely and throughout the entire movie. You have to sorta tow the line of “I get why he’s this way and why he’s doing what he’s doing, but he’s clearly psychotic and needs serious help”. And they accomplished that beautifully in this movie. Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Joker was masterful. For me, nothing will ever be able to top Heath Ledgers performance of the Joker, it’s impossible. I just thought Heath’s portrayal was perfect, can never get better than perfect. But Joaquin made it his own. He didn’t copy anyone, his Joker is unique. I’m Sure he took inspirations from other Joker portrayals, but that’s what everyone does for any role or even movie really. Everyone is inspired by someone. Basically, Joaquin did the best Joker possible without Heath being in this world. This is just my opinion, of course.

The story telling of having the audience experience what Arthur was experiencing in his mind with the girl and other instances was brilliant. We all thought the girl was really there and into him and all that. Well, I’m sure some of you, like myself, had their suspicions. But it was done so subtly it wasn’t a big thing you were focusing on. The reveal of all this was amazingly done as well.

The intense realism of the violence was, believe it or not, refreshing. Especially considering it IS a movie based on a comic book character from the DC Universe. Sometimes it’s just satisfying to see violence portrayed as it actually happens in real life. No cut aways, no cheap camera tricks, no sugar coating it. Just real and raw, and amazing.

The part where he kills the big guy in his apartment was incredible, probably my favorite scene. Because on one hand you have this very real, terrifying murder that you just witnessed right before your eyes take place, but the comedy aspect of the midget being in the room was also once again a brilliant move. And when he went to the door and couldn’t reach the lock to get out and needed Joker’s help to leave? Perfect, and actually genuinely hilarious. You felt a little bad for laughing considering Joker just murdered a dude in cold blood, and the fact of why you’re laughing, but that just made it even funnier, at least to me. A beautiful duality of shock and awe, and another beautiful duality of anger and happiness all in one scene.

The amount of emotions you tackle in this movie is unreal. I don’t think it ever grips you enough for tears to start falling, but that’s not quite what I mean anyway.

I have much more to say, and some speculation about the ending, but I’ll wait to see if anyone even responds to this first so we can get some discussion going.

What were y’alls thoughts? Did you like it? Love it? Not sure how you feel about it? Hated it? I would love to know what y’all thought on this one!


Mournful Master
I really liked the movie, Joaquin Phoenix is up there with the best Jokers.

Although I’m pretty sure soon enough neckbeards and incels will start being cringy with the Joker stuff like before. Probably just as annoying as Harley Quinn obsessed women who think she’s some sort of feminist icon/hero or something, if not even more annoying.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
thought it was great, and yeah the dissonance of those moments where the joker killed the big guy with the midget in the room was pretty well done.

throughout the movie though i couldnt help thinking to myself, jeezus is this guy ever gonna catch a break? xD


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I hang out on a movie website and this is the review I posted there...

Joker (2019) - Todd Phillips

Every now and then a film comes around that reminds you why you like films. The constant bombardment of studio productions and pretentious art house films or b-grade crap floods into your brain and you start to forget what good films actually are. You start saying things like... "Jurassic World was pretty fun, I guess" or "Yeah, I kinda liked Aquaman, sorta"... "Winter Soldier was shit but meh.. wasn't that bad, better than thor 2 I guess" and then you see a movie that snaps you back into reality with a stark understanding of what cinema is actually for, what it can do.

I can vividly remember going to see a 70mm print of Lawrence of Arabia not long after I saw The Happy Time Murders. I remember seeing Logan after Kingsmen 2 : The Golden Circle. I remember seeing a Bladerunner print in a small theater not long after seeing Transformers 4 (or w/e the one with King Arthur was)... All those times, and this time with Joker. I was just astounded at how much I loved the movie I was watching. How much it reminded me that I mainly watch fucking terrible movies, and even movies I actually say I like.

Still all the excuses, the bullshit talk, justifications, and most importantly the passes on the movies crapness in the film, are just missing in good films and you sit there thinking. Man Hereditary could be the best horror movie I have ever seen. The Big Short enthralled me from title to credits and all I wanted was more.

When you watch a good movie, it makes you reevaluate all the other movies you thought you liked and you suddenly realise that most films are just crap-o-la.

I do not want to spoil this movie, so I will not go into it to much, but what I will say is that this film is easily one the best films of the year and without a doubt in the top 5, maybe best ever comic film of all time. I LOVED this movie...

My only real complaint is that it didn't need to be a Joker film at all. Calling it Joker and setting it in Gotham actually guts the power of the film a bit. Taxi Driver being a normal city is part of why it was so powerful, it would be a lesser film set in a fantasy fiction. We as an audience are protected from Joker by a layer of fantasy.

I think I would have prefered to have the connection to Joker and Gotham and Batman as a discussion on a forum like this and not spelled out. It should have been more subtle I guess, but besides that, there is little to fault with this movie. There are of course a few things I could pick on. No movie is perfect.

When I think of this movie and to a lesser extent Logan and then I think of the Birds of Prey trailer or End Game and Spiderman 2... Those sacrine children's cartoons are just beyond fucking retarded. I mean this movie is so beyond those ones that they are not even in the same orbits. A movie like this is like Mad Max 4.. it is a mic drop to all comic films as Mad Max was a mic drop to action film. Follow this with your standard shit.. I dare ya.

Verdict : Laughter does not represent my mood.
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Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
This is definitely a movie I need to see again. Next time though, not at the theater with so many distractions.


So, people still care about super hero stuff. It's funny, when I saw the trailer i was like: "shit, again? Does this ever end? Don't people get ever bored of this? We'll get the 9999 version of the damn joker?" But wait, now it is made from a dark and human perspective, how deep The Marvel/DC trend is lasting a loooooot of time. Though i feel i'm on the minority here being tired of it, so I guess I'll have to swallow it up.
Btw i didn't come here just to rant on it. I read bad the title, thought it said move, not movie D:
Sry had to vent it in here

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
My only nitpick halfway through the movie was that it was hard to suspend my disbelief in regards to the chick down the hall actually being into him and then they addressed that perfectly.

My only nitpick walking away from the movie was I wish they left it a little more ambiguous about whether everything from him going live on the air onward actually happened or not too, because it was hella hard to suspend my disbelief that a Jay Leno type would let that kind of conversation carry on for so long while televised, let alone what followed.

It’s not a major nitpick by any means though. Really, really loved this movie and Joaquin, as expected, was just fucking stellar.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
So, people still care about super hero stuff. It's funny, when I saw the trailer i was like: "shit, again? Does this ever end? Don't people get ever bored of this? We'll get the 9999 version of the damn joker?" But wait, now it is made from a dark and human perspective, how deep The Marvel/DC trend is lasting a loooooot of time. Though i feel i'm on the minority here being tired of it, so I guess I'll have to swallow it up.
Btw i didn't come here just to rant on it. I read bad the title, thought it said move, not movie D:
Sry had to vent it in here
You do know that Joker is a villain right? And this isn’t a typical comic book movie, it’s a dark drama, tbh.

Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
It was aight. Everything great about it has been done before and in better films, but for what it was, it was decent.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
My only nitpick halfway through the movie was that it was hard to suspend my disbelief in regards to the chick down the hall actually being into him and then they addressed that perfectly.

My only nitpick walking away from the movie was I wish they left it a little more ambiguous about whether everything from him going live on the air onward actually happened or not too, because it was hella hard to suspend my disbelief that a Jay Leno type would let that kind of conversation carry on for so long while televised, let alone what followed.

It’s not a major nitpick by any means though. Really, really loved this movie and Joaquin, as expected, was just fucking stellar.
The rest was definitely ambiguous. I feel like the talk show stuff happened. I had the same apprehensions when he kept the conversation going. But then I imagined how an actual talk show would respond. One that had a huge ego and intended on making fun of the guest for ratings. And the fact that he definitely didn’t expect him to confess to killing the 3 men. To me, I could see the host not actually believing him and just thinking he was crazy and trying to get attention. Because people have fake confessed to crimes they didn’t commit before.

That’s just me though. I need to see this movie again to really understand everything.


Haven't seen yet but I am curious, was his backstory/life actually tragic? So bad that you could see things from his POV even if you don't agree with his actions? Or is it a case of some guy getting bullied/mistreated a few times and completely overreacting?


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
Haven't seen yet but I am curious, was his backstory/life actually tragic? So bad that you could see things from his POV even if you don't agree with his actions? Or is it a case of some guy getting bullied/mistreated a few times and completely overreacting?
you're not really supposed to feel that the joker's actions are justified and the movie goes out of it's way in some scenes to show that he is not the hero in any way. it more reads as a commentary on how mental illness is treated in society.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
What a clusterfuck of a movie. Somewhat tries to conflate Antifa, mental health, class struggle, and people getting too "offended" at jokes nowadays all together. The movie is obviously angry but it is a very broad self centered anger. There is something in there about how the character interacts with women of color that is pretty interesting, I'm just not sure exactly what to say on it yet.

Part of the problem for sure is that Todd Phillips is an idiot and wanted to get his "comedy isn't fun now because people get upset" nonsense in and it really does muddy the climax up a great deal.

Still I though Joaquin Phoenix was great and while I was in the theater I bought into what the movie was selling for the most part. It is the hours after where I am going hey wait a second who are we actually criticizing here. But at least I am still thinking about it hours later.


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
Doesn't seem anything like that to me. The film is like Taxi Driver. It is just nihilistic.
the film pretty much goes out of it's way to say that it's a tragedy about how mental illness is treated. honestly one of my biggest problems with the film is that it's way to surface level in the way it shows this. I would have loved if the commentary was more in the subtext then joker just yelling "this is what you get when society forgets about people like me" in the end.

Part of the problem for sure is that Todd Phillips is an idiot and wanted to get his "comedy isn't fun now because people get upset" nonsense in and it really does muddy the climax up a great deal.
you bring up a good point about how knowing that Todd Phillips is a bit of a shithead can kind of make the ending a little messy, but as someone with a more death of the author mindset I didn't really see this idea reflected in the text itself. the movie doesn't seem to be saying anything about comedy itself (in fact I'd argue that the film goes out of it's way to not be funny)

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
you bring up a good point about how knowing that Todd Phillips is a bit of a shithead can kind of make the ending a little messy, but as someone with a more death of the author mindset I didn't really see this idea reflected in the text itself. the movie doesn't seem to be saying anything about comedy itself (in fact I'd argue that the film goes out of it's way to not be funny)
Hell yeah death to the author. I would disagree that there is no support for it in the text - Joker while on the TV show says a specific line about how it is the same evil people in society that decides both what is right and wrong also decide what is funny or not. But for the most part I agree that subtext comes more from knowing about the media insanity surrounding the film and Todd Phillips being dumb. In that way the movie is more interesting overall as an event that happened than the actual movie itself.


I dunno why but I didn’t like his joker. I think I would have liked it way more of the character was anyone but the joker honestly... at the end I never got the feeling that this is someone capable of coming up with wild ass complex schemes that no one can deal with except batman. Nor did I feel like his screaming was anywhere near intimidating enough. Think of stuff like the way he said lines like “you get what you fucking deserve!” Vs Heath ledger “Look at me!”. One just sounded like a pissed teenager about to shoot up a school and the other sounds like the joker.
Just my 2 cents but was good film.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I dunno why but I didn’t like his joker. I think I would have liked it way more of the character was anyone but the joker honestly... at the end I never got the feeling that this is someone capable of coming up with wild ass complex schemes that no one can deal with except batman. Nor did I feel like his screaming was anywhere near intimidating enough. Think of stuff like the way he said lines like “you get what you fucking deserve!” Vs Heath ledger “Look at me!”. One just sounded like a pissed teenager about to shoot up a school and the other sounds like the joker.
Just my 2 cents but was good film.
It was a true origin story. It shows what led up to him becoming the Joker. It wasn’t about his scheming or his cleverness. The movie wasn’t made in order to facilitate admiration for the Joker. It was about his mental state and at times seeing things as he sees them. It shows how yes, he’s clearly an insane, unstable man. But it shows more than that as well. It shows how people with real mental illnesses are treated and the fact that they absolutely need help medically. Nothing is glorified in this film, and it’s done on purpose. One of the most powerful quotes from the movie that outlines it beautifully wasn’t even said, it was written down in his notes. I already posted it, but here it is again. “The worst part about having a mental illness is that everyone expects you to behave as if you DON’T”.


I was a tiny bit irritated that it was so much like Taxi Driver because that is one of my favorite movies of all time, but Joaquin did SUCH a great job it made me not care. There were enough differences so it wasn't a copy. Man he was so good in that movie. I laughed out loud twice when the rest of the theatre was completely silent haha. I think people there thought I was a psycho.


It was a true origin story. It shows what led up to him becoming the Joker. It wasn’t about his scheming or his cleverness. The movie wasn’t made in order to facilitate admiration for the Joker. It was about his mental state and at times seeing things as he sees them. It shows how yes, he’s clearly an insane, unstable man. But it shows more than that as well. It shows how people with real mental illnesses are treated and the fact that they absolutely need help medically. Nothing is glorified in this film, and it’s done on purpose. One of the most powerful quotes from the movie that outlines it beautifully wasn’t even said, it was written down in his notes. I already posted it, but here it is again. “The worst part about having a mental illness is that everyone expects you to behave as if you DON’T”.
Uh. It doesn't mean just because its a "true" origin story that it doesn't need to show the character develop into any kind of a shadow of who hes supposed to be... By your explanation a batman origin story is just about a spoiled cchild for an hour and 45 minutes then his parents die credits roll. I get your overjoyed about the mental illness and society parts about this movie and im glad you enjoy that part. I just mentioned I don't really think the guy in this movie could ever become who the joker is in any lore ever.