PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Free, Minute-long Lessons to Make You Less Free:
Episode 1: Liu Kang's 12.
Are you wondering why Liu Kang seems to be the flavor of the month character, and is on the rise in everyone's tier lists?
It's because Liu benefit from this patch's universal D1 changes the most.
He can now jail into his 12 off D1 on hit. 12 no longer whiffs on some crouch-blocks either, meaning Liu players must practice the drill in this video.
Enjoy, and good luck drilling this drill into your head!
Episode 1: Liu Kang's 12.
Are you wondering why Liu Kang seems to be the flavor of the month character, and is on the rise in everyone's tier lists?
It's because Liu benefit from this patch's universal D1 changes the most.
He can now jail into his 12 off D1 on hit. 12 no longer whiffs on some crouch-blocks either, meaning Liu players must practice the drill in this video.
Enjoy, and good luck drilling this drill into your head!