Let's talk about your saltiest moments 
I think mine may have been yesterday. I've fought a few Noobs, though not a ton, and I was fighting one and it was a close set and we were down to 10% life. I knocked him down in the corner, and I had a feeling that he was about to try something desperate on wakeup, so I decided to cross him up. As expected, he wake up Fatal'ed, and I landed completely behind him, facing the other way, about to punish. However (unbeknownst to me), due to the hitbox extending behind him, his wrong-way fatal blow connected with me -- from behind.
Then he teabagged and fatalitied me. I left the FGC and became a Fortnite player in that moment (ok not really, but that's what I felt like doing). That's my story.
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I think mine may have been yesterday. I've fought a few Noobs, though not a ton, and I was fighting one and it was a close set and we were down to 10% life. I knocked him down in the corner, and I had a feeling that he was about to try something desperate on wakeup, so I decided to cross him up. As expected, he wake up Fatal'ed, and I landed completely behind him, facing the other way, about to punish. However (unbeknownst to me), due to the hitbox extending behind him, his wrong-way fatal blow connected with me -- from behind.
Then he teabagged and fatalitied me. I left the FGC and became a Fortnite player in that moment (ok not really, but that's what I felt like doing). That's my story.
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