Not everyone has that luxury to buy a ethernet cable and plug it into the router. The player could be a college student, i'm sure they don't have a direct connection to the campus routers. You're also forgetting your connection depends on the area you live, even if you're wired that doesn't necessarily mean your connection will be great.
exactly, that are two different topics, which is why i posted that a ping/regio&wifi filter should be implemented.
man, there must be a lot of russian students i encountered only today...that of course excuses me being forced to play against them.
they still can play the game, even with such a filter...only thing which happens is that they might need to wait longer or organize people to play with who dont care. no one, not even the wifi player has something from a fucked up match due to a shit connection. its a waste of time on both sides.
i mean when you just care for the fucking costume and to grind as fast as possibel to it...sure...thats great for them but a ranked system is there to bring people with the same skill level together to get GOOD matches out of it. that you have to play casual to get that is just stupid and there is nothing which you can say which justifies that current system. its shit!
you can get good matches ouf of the game, casual mode shows that. but ranked in its current form is just fucked up.