I just watched Sajam's video about EVO entrants. He talked a lot about UNIST and how the hype generated by the game's own community made it grow immensely. He also talked about how important it is in general for a community to enjoy the game they're playing.
The exact opposite is gonna happen to MK11. We, as a community, are gonna kill this game if we keep going the way we're going. I don't wanna see anyone blaming NRS when this game dies, because it'll be our fault.
Outside of idiotic fanboys, I see no one from outside the NRS community talking shit about MK11. It's more of the opposite actually. The ones talking shit about this game and driving people away are ourselves.
depends of the point of view .... other fighting games comunities, not talking about MK11, can mean too that they do not care about the game, so, they do not see themselves wasting their time criticizing something that is irrelevant to them .... what could sound as respectful , could be more that they don't give a shit for a game they don't care for, so, why waste timing talking about it ?
on other side, NRS FGC, trashing MK 11 for its obvious weak points, errors and other stuff that everyone already know it's not ok, could be that fans worry about the game, about the game series, the MK franchise, and wanna to see it evolve, and ask sometimes, for some fair changes for MK11, nothing wrong about that ..... if MK11 can be better somehow, through patches and balancing updates, and some of the fanbase suggestions are good, why not ?
anyway, I agree that, yep, you have those small groups of annoying millenials crybabies, that will put flamewar and spit bad words for no reason, only to try or pretending to be relevant brainless mass opinion, but in the end of the day, are only stupid kids , scrubs and noobs that don't want to get better and complain for anything at all, being a game or anything in life, hehe
so, it's a struggle within, regarding what the fuck it's right or wrong in this case scenario, hehe