Jade really can't hurt you unless you let her. She has no mix and while her pokes (B2, D4 in particular) are great, they are either unsafe or don't lead to any real damage. You can afford to eat the occasional 3% low considering her mid screen combo potential is so low. One decent combo and you'll be putting her at a deficit that is harder for her to make up than for you.
Her zoning game is strong, but like all zoners, patience always wins. Duck regular glaives, only jump if you see a low spark (so you don't jump into an upward glaive or land on an amped ground one), and if you see Jade jumping backwards be ready to block the air glaive (unsafe on block if not amped, great time to make some distance or reach out and say hello with an advancing normal or special).
Up close, what exactly is the threat? Her only low-starter is toe-to-toe distance, and her overhead takes all day. OH to spark is a gimmick, she's unsafe on both and if there is ever any doubt, always block high. If you eat a low spark it's a few percent and very standard oki, if you eat the OH it's her only decent combo (possibly cracking 30%, but most online Jades will just wiggle stick and kick for around 20% odd).
Her wiggle stick is good, but just get used to neutral ducking in that mid-range space and you'll be fine. You can react to the OH on sight and anything else she has can't reach or is super obvious and unsafe (low spark, standing glaive, etc). It's just like fighting an online Scorpion, be patient and let her hang herself by doing something that whiffs or is unsafe.
Better Jades will try to pressure you by ending both hit and blocked strings in an amped ground glaive. On hit this does give Jade decent advantage, you'll need to hold the strike/throw mix. On block it is an illusion. You can easily poke out and punish her for trying to go for a grab or F3 low. I know I use this frequently and too many people let me get away with it.
Her D4 is best in class and annoying, but it's only a poke and she can't get anything from it or even assert her position, the hit stun is negligible. It's a "get away from me" move. Other than that, her other close in tool is the typical Strike/Throw game everyone can play enforced with B3/B343 staggers (not as good as other staggers). Annoying, but not as annoying as something like Lui's pressure game and staggers. If you can deal with that, Jade shouldn't be a threat.
And of course, never jump in on her, her D2 is of course best in the game.
Again, remember how low her damage is (especially if you never let her hit you with the OH). If you can get a life lead, ease up and make her come to you. Jade struggles when she isn't on the defensive. Always block low unless you see the OH, don't be afraid to neutral duck, and you shouldn't have too hard of a time with her.