It's a fucking video game
No, we've already crossed into the realm of "eSports", which dedicated people have been trying to get on a level similar to "regular sports" for years. And do you know what happens in "regular sports"? Shit-talking, arguments, and fights. And do you know what "regular sports" are? Playground kids' games. Games that highly competitively adults decided to take seriously and start playing for money, fame, and glory.
The "it's a fucking video game" and "cuz eSports" arguments can't be made at the same time, because drama like this happens in virtually any competitive kids' game/sport. Fans are just as divided in those areas, with some liking the passion/disrespect/drama and others thinking some lines shouldn't be crossed.
But this pearl-clutching reaction when it happens
at all is odd, particularly from a game genre that was born out of live-and-in-person competition in urban arcades. This is
COMPETITION, not some non-competitive "if I'm on the subway and someone starts yelling in your face" scenario that keeps trying to be brought up as some weirdly out-of-place analogy. Highly competitive people want to win and want respect from fellow competitors for doing so. I, for one, have gotten into several heated arguments with rivals in more than one arcade over more than one game over more than one decade. I've seen arguments break out over Risk games. And I've yet to play a game of Spades that didn't end with yelling. And that's not counting playground basketball pick-up games with shoving matches interspersed throughout.
That's why cats are calling other cats soft, finding examples from both within eSports and outside. Yeah, in a perfect world, competition would always stay in the games. But they don't always do. Get over it.