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Kombat League rage quits have no penalty


AI Fighter
I've been extremely mad at this glitch in Kombat League on PC ever since it was released.

I'm finally making a post about this after my past four wins in a row have all not been counting for the dumbest reason: People rage quit at the end of the game. It always happens right before the finish him screen, and for some stupid reason, Kombat League doesn't give any penalty to the person who rage quits, and the person who wins doesn't get the win. It's also not like the game doesn't recognize that I won, I see the final screen and it shows me the points that I gained for a quarter second, but then the screen immediately disappears. Also, if I go into match replays, it shows that I won.

Why does this exist? It's been so frustrating when I win a long and hard set and then all that happens is I see the disconnect sign, then I go to the menu of Kombat League, and I have no extra wins and my points haven't increased at all.
Because NRS is ass backwards. This is the company that promoted a game based on custom move sets only to tell players at the very last minute “btw half the moves can’t be used in ranked / tournament mode lol”.

Think of the time, effort and money NRS has spent on shit like the Augment system and gear that can hardly be seen in game ... yet they just ignore shit like rage quitting screwing the winner, and forcing you into bad WiFi matches.

But hey at least we can look forward to some more Kombat Kasts where we get birthday shout outs , updates on the mobile game and stupid fucking belt battles.


Block Spammer
This needs to be noticed more. I'm not entirely sure what causes it. It happened to me 3 times. Each time I did a fatality the person left and it started to make the fatality screen run at like 10fps before the error screen popped up. Next thing I notice, the win doesn't count, the bar doesn't move up, and no history of that set occurring.

I check the names of the ones involved and they completely shut off their system. This happened in Master and Grand Master.


Cowboy Pioneer
I had this happen all night yesterday I finally decided to try out Kombat League after a break from the game and I end up having atleast 6 people dc out of my wins because they just got dominated and I get nothing out of it? It honestly feels like a waste of time when it happens. I end up 10-1 instead of 16-1 because of it like it’s stupid you lose your kombat points


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
This is why I don't bother playing KL. The reasons as stated are:

1) Those ragequitters and their mentality "I lost? You don't get any points, bitch. I quit, and you fuck yourself."

2) The WiFi scrubs and their mentality to fuck any match with their worst connection. Even the ping indicators would add the current ping (150+) to more than 30+ ms lag, meaning be like 180+ ms. It's like I try to catch a chicken, who happens to have time powers and be 10m far away from me.

NRS, I'm sorry, but I'll be an elitist. Either address those issues, or we'll dub the KL as Kombat Scrub. Did you make this just to welcome the scrubs and their toxic mentalities? No sane tourney person, like us here, would want to enter. Either fix these stupid problems, or see us only in offline tournies. I knew that KL would be ESL no2, but I didn't know that this would escalate to the worst. I'm glad I won't play KL. I want KL full only of pro players, and the scrubs to be left out.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
If they just leave there's quitalities, there's a difference between when they leave/quit in mid match and flat out killing their connection. Like when it suddenly "desyncs" when things aren't going their way.


This is doubleknives
For me it usually doesn't show the bar moving up when I win the match but when I go back and check they've awarded me the points. but yeah if it isn't working that's absurd
It's not a glitch. It's just that in P2P matches the server doesn't know which one unplugged. So quitting the game ners a loss but if they unplug you're SOOL until they figure out a way to tell otherwise (something like a heartbeat ping maybe?)


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Maybe it's only if they leave during the fatality, because I've had people quit during the game, that is, while they're getting mopped, and it still counts as a win for me and I get my points.
I've had them quit in final round 1-1 and just before I won they unplug and I get Error Screen with no points and I'm assuming no penalty to the cheater.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Pretty sure it still gives the win, it just doesn’t happen immediately. I’ve had people quit where it didn’t give me the win, but after a few matches I had an extra win and I assume it was from the quitter.


Master of Quanculations
Yeah it should give you the win. I quit every match before fatality and I should get the loss for it. Haven't seen if it does or not. Dont care about ratios, just trying to get practice.

John the Savage

"Safeties disabled, combat mode engaged."
I don’t think some of you guys are understanding what’s happening. This isn’t an issue of someone quitting it’s when people completely pull their internet and dc last second.

If you get the message “the opponent has left the game” you get the win because all they did was leave early. But when you get the orange symbol and the game freaks out and it says” the game session is no longer available” or something along those line you get robbed because they literally pulled their internet. I lost a 12 game streak because someone who I had already beat pulled their internet last second and I got the loss for it.
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Mr. Righteous
I'll tell u this and I have actual witnesses for those from TYM who came to my stream trying out KL for the first time. It was a wifi Scorpion....need I say more? But ill continue...

I beat his ass, and he rage quit during the finish him screen. The screen lagged out for about 5 5-6 seconds, then the match continued for me to finish him. The match ended and I thought I had the win because I was about to rank up to sadly find out the win didn't count and i still was at Apprentice....complete utter bullshit.

This is the type of shit that makes me want to not play the game. Complete garbage of a flawed system.. One of the worst modes of the game.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
This is why I don't bother playing KL. The reasons as stated are:

1) Those ragequitters and their mentality "I lost? You don't get any points, bitch. I quit, and you fuck yourself."

2) The WiFi scrubs and their mentality to fuck any match with their worst connection. Even the ping indicators would add the current ping (150+) to more than 30+ ms lag, meaning be like 180+ ms. It's like I try to catch a chicken, who happens to have time powers and be 10m far away from me.

NRS, I'm sorry, but I'll be an elitist. Either address those issues, or we'll dub the KL as Kombat Scrub. Did you make this just to welcome the scrubs and their toxic mentalities? No sane tourney person, like us here, would want to enter. Either fix these stupid problems, or see us only in offline tournies. I knew that KL would be ESL no2, but I didn't know that this would escalate to the worst. I'm glad I won't play KL. I want KL full only of pro players, and the scrubs to be left out.
this .... even casual seems more fun, with no compromise on it .... this online plague on KL will never end, because these shitholes think that an online ranking system worths some major value as competition .... and do any kind of filthy strategy to keep their false faked record protected from real loses, lol :p

KL does not worth your time, if you seek for serious competition ..... people who are losers in real life and play MK11 with this "never losing no matter what" philosophy , and so, justify themselves doing the "plug the fuck cable out" dirty move , will fuck up this mode more and more, wait and see ! :mad:


^ You have no idea who this guy is ^
This happened to me the other day. Go into KL, first guy quits just before the end of the game, I get a quitality animation. Go to next match and realize I never get awarded the win. I lose the next two games, go into another match, and my record is still identical to when I started the day. After this fourth match, the loses finally totalled correctly, however, I never ended up getting my win for that first quitality. This was on PS4.