I've played fighting games online since they have existed, this is my first MK game that I made an effort to try and learn and it is by far the WORST online game I have ever played in my entire life. Fighting games are supposed to be about reactions and making reads on your opponent. This game is 100% guessing and 50 / 50 scenarios which is complete garbage. Basically skill level is irrelevant its all about who can get the first knockdown and guess correctly from there on out. My wife watches me play, never touched a fighting game in her life nor does she play video games. She actually beat someone by picking baraka and mashing buttons without a clue. Why is this possible? Because it was so unpredictable her opponent had no idea what to do and by the time he realized she was clueless it was too late. He guessed wrong a few more times and by then it was over.
There are literally 0 mechanics of a fighting game at play here. Its literally just an advanced version of rock paper scissors, but I guess thats what the modern fighting game is since you have to cater to people who are mentally challenged just so people will play your game. I tried to approach this game objectively and patiently as possible but its straight up trash.
Add all this up and combo it with the cesspool servers that support online play and I nearly put my arcade stick threw my TV. Seriously some of the crap I experienced in the last hour of online has been unbelievable that I actually have a headache from it.
I wish i knew some people that actually showered who I could play this game offline with, but I am not that fortunate.
There are literally 0 mechanics of a fighting game at play here. Its literally just an advanced version of rock paper scissors, but I guess thats what the modern fighting game is since you have to cater to people who are mentally challenged just so people will play your game. I tried to approach this game objectively and patiently as possible but its straight up trash.
Add all this up and combo it with the cesspool servers that support online play and I nearly put my arcade stick threw my TV. Seriously some of the crap I experienced in the last hour of online has been unbelievable that I actually have a headache from it.
I wish i knew some people that actually showered who I could play this game offline with, but I am not that fortunate.