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Atrocity of Season 8 of GoT


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
The series finale was better than I was expecting, tbh. Based on this season I was prepared for far worse. But it was easy to predict, honestly. I thought Arya or Jon was gonna kill Dany, and I thought Bran was gonna be the king. I also called the whole voting thing, that they would now vote on the king/queen instead of being born into it.

Still a lot of inconsistencies, teleporting, etc. But again, I was expecting a way worse finale. Also, Jon pet Ghost so that’s all that really matters, lol.


The leaks were all true!!

LMAO. Bran the Broken.


Now its time to get back on MK11 and MHW.
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The Unsullied getting their own house was a shit reward. Their house is doomed to extinction off tops since none of them have penises.

My reaction to the forced comedy in the Lords Council scene when Bronn started talking about the brothels.



Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Very good finale. My only real complaints come from issues with the other episodes of the season. They should have had a longer season that went more in depth with Bran's whole plotline, Sansa and gave more time for Dany's madness to develop. But taking this episode on its own, it was fantastic.


My blades will find your heart
Bran being elected king makes no fucking sense lmao. It's a happy ending for the sake of one. There is no way the houses wouldn't continue to fight each other for the right to be king/queen. Absolutely no way, Same thing with Sansa declaring the north is its own independent kingdom. No one would be cool with that unless they all could be independent.

There is zero way Grey Worm would let Jon go. The guy was deadly loyal and did not care what anyone thought other than the Queen. He would of killed Jon where he stood when he found out. The Dragon scene was also hilarious. Yeah, the dragon would somehow know what the iron throne is and melt it instead of killing the fucking person who killed his mother.

I'm just glad it's over at this point.


Filthy Casual
Total shit as expected. I bought the book series to read over the summer to see the story (hopefully) being told right.

Too forced, too fast, too bad.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
Grey worm not killing Jon is such nonsense.

Also, this whole "And there was peace and prosperity for five hundred years" ending is shit. The whole thing should've come back to being a terrible political struggle. Why does Yara not declare independence? Why doesn't Dorne? It is so far from what the show was.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Jon shoulda killed the Night King

Arya shoulda killed Cersei

Jaime should stayed with Brienne

Dany should not have went insane and killed innocent people after they surrendered

Bran being king is whack but based on the final season, it coulda been worse

Tyrion should not have been able to decide who is king as a prisoner. Like... wtf? Why were they asking him what should happen? How did they know Jon killed Dany? How did they know he stabbed her? Did he turn himself in? Because the Dragon took off with her and didn’t come back. And why in the hell would Jon be alive if Grey Worm knew he killed her? That makes absolutely no sense. Speaking of Grey Worm, anyone notice he teleported in front of Jon and somehow made it to the top of the stairs before Jon even got to the stairs? Why is there even still a Nightwatch? Is it just a place for bastards and unwanted people? There’s nothing to protect the “realm” from anymore. And how was the wall suddenly no longer destroyed? The Dragon melting the iron throne made absolutely no sense, why would a Dragon do that on its own? Why would it just let Jon live?

So much shit makes no sense. You have to make excuses FOR the writers for it TO make sense. People give them outs way too much.

Again, all that said, I was expecting it to be horrible. And it wasn’t AS bad as I was expecting. It was still really bad though. I still say episode 4 was the worst episode in the entire series. Episode 5 wasn’t great but at least everything but the writing was fantastic.

Dumb & Dumber ruined a great show. They wanted to end it ASAP to start working on Star Wars. Which they will definitely fuck that up too.

Glad it’s over tbh. As I said previously, Just another show in the long line of shows that had a terrible ending/last season. The only show where I’ve liked the final season and is not an anime has been Breaking Bad, tbh.


As shitty as the final season of Justified was, they had a valid excuse. Elmore Leonard, the author of the Raylan Givens novels that Justified was based on died, so they decided to end the show after his passing. There was no excuse for this dumpster fire of a final season of Game of Thrones.

I still find amusement in the fact that Gregor Clegane was tougher to kill than the Night King and that Daenerys basically solo’d King’s Landing, when some manchild on a boat (Euron) sniped a dragon that was mid flight.


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
Thus comes the age old question: which is worse; the show who’s finale is terrible but decidedly final, or the show which is cancelled before its time with no conclusion?


I haven't seen the episode yet. Think I'm gonna go do that now.
Just one question: Does it have a happy ending? And I'm talking about if it is well-written and such.


Head Cage
I liked how the Night's Watch still exists to protect the realm from...nothing?
Bear, bro. Bears.

Real talk, I thought the same thing, however, how it plays out is different. All the people in the Night's Watch leave the post and go beyond the wall. I'm assuming the new Night's Watch is just a polite way to say one is exiled. They should have just said to Jon, "To avoid war with the unsullied we're exiling you beyond the wall, never to return.", because essentially the remainder of people in the watch left with the Wildings for North, beyond the wall. They were exiled out of Westeros.