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Atrocity of Season 8 of GoT


Head Cage
I heard a rumor that HBO themselves WANTED it to be 10 episodes but David and D.B. did not. Just a rumor though.
It's because the directors got an opportunity to work on Star Wars. Whether it's a new movie?s) or show I'm unsure, but they got a Lucas deal which is big, so they cut the last two seasons short episode wise and content wise because they're just chasing paper trails. HBO offered them more.money to stay, make the season's longer and possibly make more season to properly flesh them out, but the directors want that money and that fat resume.


C.R.E.A.M. get the money. Dolla, dolla bill, y'all!!!
Every place on the internet I visit is boiling over this season. They really dropped the ball here.
But it will be over in a week, I'm getting my closure. That's good.


This show is truly giving an ending no one (including the cast) wanted. Instead of developing the story & making shocking twists, they resorted to cheap gimmicks and randomness that makes no sense. These "Epic" fight scenes end up being lackluster.

I was okay with Arya killing the NK, but they completely assassinated any and every character's main traits for what? Laziness? I don't understand. This finale is going to be an atrocity.
episode 5 was very good. however, how the nk was handled may put a permanent asterisk on the series.

there is one more episode though. maybe bran will finally have a meaningful part to play and bring everything together.
This show is truly giving an ending no one (including the cast) wanted. Instead of developing the story & making shocking twists, they resorted to cheap gimmicks and randomness that makes no sense. These "Epic" fight scenes end up being lackluster.

I was okay with Arya killing the NK, but they completely assassinated any and every character's main traits for what? Laziness? I don't understand. This finale is going to be an atrocity.

i think another thing that previous seasons never really did was to put main characters in situations where NOBODY would survive. episode three did that like 20 times.
Dany doing what she did makes perfect sense tho. Think of everything she’s been thru:

-Agrees to help Jon when she didn’t have to, only to have one of her dragons die
-The Guy she fell in love with actually turns out to be her nephew AND the true heir to the Iron throne (something she’s spent her whole life trying to achieve).
-she loses half her army and Jorah in the battle of winterfell.
-She STILL loves Jon and wants to be with him, but he’s very hesitant now. She’s most likely heartbroken.
-She’s noticing how everyone is more drawn to Jon than her
-loses another one of her dragons
-watches Missandei(her best friend) get beheaded by someone sitting on her throne
-trusts Jon to not tell the secret only for Jon to tell it anyway. People are going to find out the truth.
-Varys “betrayed” her.

I’m not saying I agree with what she did. She spent all this time trying to be different from the other tyrants only for her to become one of them at the end. Sad but it’s very understandable after everything she’s been thru. Plus the last thing Missandei said was “Dracarys”. She most likely just carried out her last wish

how dany was handled thus far was amazing. the NK stuff still makes me cringe.

i am trying not to pass judgement until the season is over though. maybe bran will tie everything together and explain something.

i do not have time to list them but:
  • why did they not show sansa and arya reactions to john news? then arya leaves winterfell and says she is never coming back
  • night king explanation
there are a lot of examples like this that i hope the last episode ties in.

i just seems like there is so much more to be explained and we have only one episode left. i wish it was 3 hours long.


Long live b13 minigun
Tyrion: Hey Davos, I know I torched your son and army to death with wildfire but you wanna do your ol buddy Tyrion a traitorous favor?

Davos: Lol I'm not gonna like this am I bro? But of course, anything to forward this half assed plot. Could you imagine if Euron teleported to the exact spot I put the boat to have a random fight with Jamie?

Like I know Jamie has one hand but Euron just swam AT LEAST 2 miles and he wasn't even slightly tired? They just wanted to give him some significant way to die, when Drogon burning him alive would have done just fine.

I will say that as little sense as it made, the 5 or 6 minutes Dany and Drogon fuck up King's Landing were visually awesome and highly entertaining.


Head Cage
dude the dexter last few seasons were some of the worst tv in the history of tv. dexter should of ended after season 4/trinity killer
Agreed; however, I felt season 4 was poorly executed. It had a ton of potential.

Read the OP and tell me how you can defend episode 5 being “very good”.
Dany's mental breakdown made sense and I think another TYM broke it down well enough:

I actually think Dany's breakdown is one of the more believable character developments. Going beyond the fact that she's a pure blood Targaryan, who are unstable and violent due to inbreeding, throughout the entire show she has been living under the singular idea that she has divine purpose--that she accomplished the impossible by becoming mother of dragons, that she has rightful claim to the throne, that she is allowed to take extreme measures to defeat her enemies because it's for the good of the kingdom which she believes only she herself can bring. She has always had a propensity for violence, but it was always justified by this belief that her actions were governed by divine right, like when she freed the slaves in Mereen who murdered all the masters. Furthermore, she has always preferred capital punishment as opposed to imprisonment, and only two people could ever talk her out of going this violent route: not her royal advisors Tyrion and Varys, but rather her two closest friends Jorah and Missandei.

So, flash forward to Season 8, and we see her whole belief and support system that she has held for 8 seasons fall apart. As it turns out, she has no legitimate claim to the throne because of Jon; she isn't destined to rule and save Westeros. While trying to cope with this, she is constantly confronted with the reality that Jon would be a truly benevolent ruler who commands loyalty through respect alone, which is what she wished for herself but can never have because the people of Westeros fear her. She formed these goals and ideals to help herself move past her own abuse and subjugation, and now she knows that her life has essentially been a lie. This makes it easier for her to give into her more violent impulses, and the only two people who would be able to talk her down--Jorah and Missandei--are dead.

So, cue the battle for King's Landing. This is a battle that Tyrion--someone who Dany sees as a failure of an advisor--has been saying doesn't even need to happen. Tyrion has held to the point that by asserting minimal military dominance, Cersei's people would lay down their arms and show their disloyalty to her. He held that they would ring the bells at the first sign of an unwinnable fight, which Dany simply did not believe because she has lost faith in Tyrion. And, it turns out, he was right. So, she has lost her claim to the throne, her destiny, her lover (since Jon won't knowingly sleep with his aunt), the only people she considers friends, the people of the kingdom fear her, and her life's goal is overall a sham. There was nothing hold back her violent side anymore, and all it took was Tyrion's "see, I told you so" victory of King's Landing ringing the bells to cause her to snap.

Now, do I think all of the other character developments this season are garbage? Abso-fucking-lutely.
The biggest issues I have with episode 5 is what they did with Varus and Jamie.

Varus is the master of whispers. He plots and within his plots are schemes, and within his schemes are plans, and within those plans are ideas. You mean to tell me someone who is so careful and intelligent, even more intelligent than Tyrion, would walk up to Jon Snow and say, "Hey, Jon. Want to commit treason?". He should know how loyal he is towards his queen. Ontop of that you bring up the idea of treason with Tyrion, which is fine, but you don't formulate a plan to escape safely knowing that there is a possiblity of Tyrion betraying you? Okay. Sure...

It was disappointing and his death was handled poorly.

Jamie's character development on the other hand was thrown in the trash and falls back in love with Cerci. He beats Euron, but take some fatal blows yet survives in order to reach Cerci and attempt to save her life. They reach the basement of the Red Keep and their exit is blocked by debris, then they die in each others arms. Cliche, gross and simple. I was extremely dissatisfied with what they did with his character.

I had other problems, too; however, I'm at work and don't wish to write an essay about what was wrong with the episode, or this season. I'm still finding moments that I enjoy, but if this leak of episode 6 is true, like episode 5's leaks were, then this show will end in such a horrible way that I may sell my bluray of Seasons 1-7. I'll be as dissatisfied with the show as I was with Naruto after the manga was finished.

At least I have Chernobyl. That's a really good show. I'd advise everyone to check it out. It's a 5 episode miniseries based on the events that happened at the Chernobyl nuclear factory in Russia in 1986.
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Scrubby nice guy
clearly you never watched the first 4 seasons. it was a top 3 show of all time with breaking bad
And the top3 of all time along with breaking bad is subjective so I'm not even gonna comment on that.
Btw, glad to know you know better what I've watched. Didn't expect anything else than psychic powers from such a magnificent mind like yours xDD
A bit off topic but here goes...

I was SUPER excited when I heard DB and DBW are running the show for the next Star Wars trilogy, but they have proven so inept at story telling since GoT out paced the novels that I’m now horrified.
i think another thing that previous seasons never really did was to put main characters in situations where NOBODY would survive. episode three did that like 20 times.
I'd raise you Arya and the Waif. That was the single most offensive case of plot armour in the series thus far. You could make justifications for why characters survived S8E3. Pure dumb luck, having people die in your stead (Sam, Arya), dragon rescues (Jon), fighting ability (Brienne, Jamie), but there is nothing that can excuse writing that has:

  • Arya knowing that a cult of assassins is after her, and gallivanting through the streets like a tourist shopping for souvenirs.
  • Arya conveniently forgetting that said assassins have disguises and getting stabbed multiple times, with appropriate twists of the blade.
  • Arya falling into a river of waste and decay, grounds for infection of an already potentially fatal set of wounds
  • Arya being saved not by a skilled doctor, but by a stage actress, whose remedy is a combination of Essos morphine and tasting terrible
  • Arya then doing parkour through the street a day or two after receiving said wounds and inappropriate treatment
  • Arya beating an opponent with demonstrably higher skill levels than her just because she trained (read: got the shit kicked out of her) while blind
E3 was poorly received for many reasons, of which plot armour was one, but there were many other legitimate gripes like it being too dark, the absolute stupidity of having trebuchets that weren't used and which were in front of the infantry, having the dothraki wielding steel weapons that would have been ineffective with Melisandre, Arya re-enacting the Abraham Lincoln scene with the NK and the worst defensive siege tactics ever. Arya and the Waif was just appalling.


Filthy Casual
I actually think Dany's breakdown is one of the more believable character developments. Going beyond the fact that she's a pure blood Targaryan, who are unstable and violent due to inbreeding, throughout the entire show she has been living under the singular idea that she has divine purpose--that she accomplished the impossible by becoming mother of dragons, that she has rightful claim to the throne, that she is allowed to take extreme measures to defeat her enemies because it's for the good of the kingdom which she believes only she herself can bring. She has always had a propensity for violence, but it was always justified by this belief that her actions were governed by divine right, like when she freed the slaves in Mereen who murdered all the masters. Furthermore, she has always preferred capital punishment as opposed to imprisonment, and only two people could ever talk her out of going this violent route: not her royal advisors Tyrion and Varys, but rather her two closest friends Jorah and Missandei.

So, flash forward to Season 8, and we see her whole belief and support system that she has held for 8 seasons fall apart. As it turns out, she has no legitimate claim to the throne because of Jon; she isn't destined to rule and save Westeros. While trying to cope with this, she is constantly confronted with the reality that Jon would be a truly benevolent ruler who commands loyalty through respect alone, which is what she wished for herself but can never have because the people of Westeros fear her. She formed these goals and ideals to help herself move past her own abuse and subjugation, and now she knows that her life has essentially been a lie. This makes it easier for her to give into her more violent impulses, and the only two people who would be able to talk her down--Jorah and Missandei--are dead.

So, cue the battle for King's Landing. This is a battle that Tyrion--someone who Dany sees as a failure of an advisor--has been saying doesn't even need to happen. Tyrion has held to the point that by asserting minimal military dominance, Cersei's people would lay down their arms and show their disloyalty to her. He held that they would ring the bells at the first sign of an unwinnable fight, which Dany simply did not believe because she has lost faith in Tyrion. And, it turns out, he was right. So, she has lost her claim to the throne, her destiny, her lover (since Jon won't knowingly sleep with his aunt), the only people she considers friends, the people of the kingdom fear her, and her life's goal is overall a sham. There was nothing hold back her violent side anymore, and all it took was Tyrion's "see, I told you so" victory of King's Landing ringing the bells to cause her to snap.

Now, do I think all of the other character developments this season are garbage? Abso-fucking-lutely.
"all it took was Tyrion's 'see, I told you so' victory of King's Landing ringing the bells to cause her to snap."

See this is the only part I disagree with. I think your analysis of her progression is spot on I just think the story failed to convey in a satisfactory way the moment she had hardened enough to napalm the surrendered city and civilians. That moment just played terribly for all of that immense gradual build up.

Danny's heel turn wasn't as frustrating for me as Jamie and Cersei's arc conclusion. That whole situation plays out in direct contradiction to what had been previously established and just hand waves away Jamie's redemption arc and let's the main villain of the series off the hook.

I won't even get into plot holes and all that because I lost faith in the shows capacity to handle the weight of all of the plot threads lol.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
It’s funny how at least 5 of the main actors of the show have mentioned they’re disappointed with this final season or how it ends. Hell even Peter Dinklage was making fun of the whole “Krypt” move in episode 3, lol. Kit literally responding to “one word to describe the final season” Kit says “disappointing”. Amelia asked if she liked final season and how it ends... and she just nervously laughs a little and has the face of “I’m so sorry, it’s gonna be terrible”.

When the ACTUAL ACTORS of the show that are paid to be on the show and promote it are saying negative things about it, you know it’s bad. I feel bad for all of them really, well kinda. They’re still rich and famous so I guess there’s that, lmao.