My gauging of the game is that it's really just more of the same NRS gameplay and problems as I see them.
Punishment on block is light in the game, outside of really unsafe stuff or specials and even then you better do it immediately right on the nose. Looking up your fastest string in your move list will be an adventure in seeing how little it punishes. So much being highs and ducking being "meta" I guess helps make that problem worse.
The D1 is perhaps the most important move in the game and fights are filled with them. Blocking a string means hit D1, rather than say, use a string. D1 is used for so much.
Speaking of strings once again advancing strings are real important, and moreso advancing mixups. Mixup dials are real important. But good advancing mixup's are even better.
Stuff you can combo off too.
Speaking of the dials...I wish NRS would ditch the dial system finally and just do inputs as moves connect. Dial combos are unintuitive and encourage or force rushing inputs, which leads to something not working.
It's odd for a game series made out as a casual fighter to use such a backwards, clunky combo system.
The game still retains a certain...clunky feeling NRS can have with movement and flow. Not having a lot of punishment on block or having a lot of pushback can increase clunky feeling. Jumps can feel odd.
I don't feel the game is balanced. What they did to Shao Kahn vs. what other characters have, oh boy...
NRS still seems to have real trouble when it comes to zoning. I wanna see the hitboxes of projectiles or hurtboxes when you jump...because something is huge. You shouldn't have to finesse things to jump over a projectile fired a long distance away.
The amount of zoning that sometimes happens...projectiles from all angles, is just blah. Injustice 2 at least had meter rolls...MK11 has crabwalks and chip death. Zoning issues can also further balance issues. And not every characters has a teleport.
The fatal blow as it is completely changes fights when it's around, and it can feel like a win button. The concept ain't so bad...but it feels a bit strong too.
MK11 is a really well supported game financially needs a fighting system to match really. They could have a real great system but they stick with continuing issues, as if it's a brand thing.
There can be great fights, but when I see various issues I keep in mind I am seeing NRS' nonsense continuing on.