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Tutorials broken?


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
They're broken in more ways than one, it seems.

Kitana's tutorial, for instance, says that connecting with an air fan on a jump in allows for a kombo follow up, and AMP Fan toss's second fan hits mid -- neither of which is true after the day 1 patch. :confused:
How the hell do you do the one with baraka against scarlet Down Block up 2 .....
This one drove me crazy! Took nearly 30 minutes to complete that task. It needs absolutely perfect timing. But if you ask me this part of the tutorial is total BS. Pure luck if the game says you did it right lol.


This one drove me crazy! Took nearly 30 minutes to complete that task. It needs absolutely perfect timing. But if you ask me this part of the tutorial is total BS. Pure luck if the game says you did it right lol.

It's the only one I need :( it's hard as hell I don't even know how to approach it ...... The timing is just super fast or something


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Yeah I heard one of the Kollector ones is broken as well. They nerfed his cancels so it cannot be done


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I did that one last night and it took many attempts. I got the timing on the flawless block down consistently, but adding in the U2 was difficult. I'd hit it, start the animation, but get stuffed. You have to be VERY quick to not only get the block, but input the U2 as fast as possible. Definitely the hardest of the standard tutorials.
Same here, I agree. Haven't completed it yet, not sure I will. Every other one in tutorial class I have lol, the FB though it's easier to block a single hit with that, the U2 like you said it what feels inconsistent/random to me if it'll come out. I have gotten it out but I must be literally half a frame second late because she does the kick to the face AS he's pushing me back with the damn string. The move has armor on it (at least it looks unless that's the animation glow for the U2 FB?) yet it misses him. I kind of wished they gave you a better tip as to when to hit it, I know they have the demo thing but I feel like that's just an example to mimmick it. Definitely the toughest mechanic in the game, I kind of hope they ditch it in the future to be honest. I've noticed with competitive online matches or tourney player matches, it's not even used THAT much as I thought it would be you know? I'll try it out again today, I was also up late last night so perhaps that was affecting my reflexes. I agree, definitely the hardest.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
The U3 getup move has armor, but the U2 one (that launches) only armors on jumping attacking. So it has to activate as SOON as possible so it has enough time to get to the active frames before Baraka's move. It is very tight. I can't imagine doing it in a match. I could see myself Flawless blocking a common string with a gap, I could maybe work in the U3 with armor, but there is no way I'm ever hitting U2 mid-string in real play.

Be really exciting when top players start doing it though!
It's the only one I need :( it's hard as hell I don't even know how to approach it ...... The timing is just super fast or something
The timing is very specific, but what you must do it walk forward a little after the BF4(MB), do the 3 at the lowest possible point and then cancel into FB
Just wanted to add that my entire first night playing I spent about 3-4 hours on the tutorials alone getting stuck on some thinking I’d never be able to. The demos are really useful and I just continuously tried to emulate the timing of the controller presses. It was also the first time I ever noticed myself look super closely at the characters movement for the timing as well. I got there eventually! :D