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Where will you be tomorrow day and night?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Day time, will get up, avoid twitter, watch a movie and have lunch, read the paper then leave to my GS 2 hours before 9, possibly before. Get my MK tin and mask! Make sure I get my second MK tin and mask! IF not, offer to buy my MK tin and Mask. Then get my copies of Xbox and Switch MK 11! Come home and probably play for like god knows how many hours straight. But first doing story, just tired of spoilers everywhere I go lol.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
I won't be able to buy the game until Friday the 26th, so i'll be watching streams and learning until then! Excited to see MORE players get their hands on it and flesh it out more!


I'll be suffering in my job trying to solve the mysteries that my clients throw at me, and hopefully that will make the wait shorter lol But to be honest I'll probably sleep sooner monday and wake up earlier tuesday to play it before work.


9AM-11AM.... Quarterly work meeting Downtown :( ... I'll be daydreaming about MK the WHOLE time
11AM-530PM....Work (I'm the only manager working tomorrow :(
630PM-830PM.... Eat dinner and play marvel inifnite(probably for the last time online lol)
830- till I fall asleep..... Go back downtown to Gamestop and lab ALL night

Mind Flex

Mind Gamer. BOOSH
Gamestop Release at 9pm. Vacation days from work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Important Meeting at work on Friday so I'll settle for the Switch version at my desk until the weekend.



Positive Poster!
This thread is to top off the excitement of MK11's official release, especially in the States. Some of us will be at GameStop for some promo goodies while others will get the copy via digital download (BTW you can DOWNLOAD IT NOW, so when midnight strikes, you can immediately open it up).

So, where will you be tomorrow?

I'm planning to go to GameStop tomorrow evening, hopefully to get some promo items.
Doing the same shit I do every day, m'man.
I'll just have my Steam ready for that download and my labbing finger ready for that labbing.


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
Work 745-330ish.
Home for the Kombat Kast and official start to my vacation... Then it's gonna be World War Z with my buddy to try and pass the time. Might fit a power nap in there somewhere.. Then we're hopping in that shit and rekking each other all fucking night.

I prepped a junk food stash, got some frozen pizzas and a couple triple shot espressos for energy.
So fucking pumped.
The gf knows it's about to go down. She's already told me she's prepared for me to slip off the face of the Earth for a while. Which isn't all that bad for her because she's gotta study for a bunch of exams anyway. So......Let's do this shit


I'll be waiting at gamestop from 8 to 9 PM, them I'll head home to play for a a couple hours! I have a busy week so I have to make time..


I might (MIGHT) be able to grab my copy tomorrow so if that happens...well im going to be in front of my PS4 playing MK11 :D


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
I'm wondering how many energy drinks everyone is getting for release?

I'm planning on stalking up on Monster Java Mean Bean and Starbucks Tripple Shot Vannila's. I'm gonna see if I can get a case deal from local store that sells 12 for $22.

I've noticed they make a difference in my lab times. I think I'm just addicted to caffeine but I get headaches without coffee of some form. But I can react slightly faster on MKX and land harder combos when I have energy drinks.
Anyone else experience this?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Work from 7am-7pm, home to shower, eat, then off to GameStop at 9pm for my Switch copy. Got my XB1 copy digitally. Staying up until probably 3 or so in the morning. Then bringing Switch to work Tuesday and playing MK11 in whatever downtime I have.

Starting Tuesday, my life will be work, eat, sleep, and MK11.