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Dash Speed Tier List


Tired, But Strong
Adapt or quit, it’s pretty simple really.
Hmm, I can't say I agree with this. In general I think it's a fine principle, but definitely not one that the developers want to encourage. I absolutely agree that people shouldn't be so quick to ask for changes, let this all rock for a hot minute so we don't have another kneejerk alteration of the game, but NRS clearly wants them to provide their opinions and sought after changes when they feel strongly about something. They're all about feedback. They don't want to enforce their vision, they want to make the game players want to play - If it weren't so, they never would have changed dashes. The folks that asked for this would be the ones adapting or quitting. Is it fair that they get their way and others have to keep their mouth shut? Personally, I'm not of that mind.

So, rather than ask people to adapt or quit, I'd just ask people to really think things through when they provide their feedback and try to improve the game. I'm sure most folks here have taken some science classes in their lifetime and were taught to understand the importance of data and results when it comes to proving one's hypotheses. Likewise, hypotheticals shouldn't be considered good enough on their own when it comes to arguing FG design. If folks're hating the game when it's released, if folks think that wavedashing or dash blocking is damaging to the game, I think they definitely ought to take some time to gather themselves some example matches and prep some thorough arguments seasoned with tasty data and logic to prove it. Thoughtfully digest your own experience and assess both your perspective and the opposition's when you're forming your thoughts and arguments.

NRS wants a game for the people, by the people. But like a proper democracy, kneejerk reactions and ignorance can make the process more damaging than beneficial... as can trying to silence people's voices. Let's promote discussion - healthy, informed discussion.

... That went on longer than I intended, and certainly got preachier. But I guess I do think it's really important to be considerate when you're providing feedback to devs that are openly accepting it. It puts something of a responsibility on your shoulders. I'll be honest, as someone who thinks about game design a lot I have complicated feelings about devs putting player feedback before their own vision of the game, but when they do... those feelings make me all the more inclined to make sure that it's not misused abused.


Plus on block.
I couldn’t care less how it “looks”, that is beyond irrelevant to me. It’s not a bug, glitch or exploit. It’s just a product of how the game was designed and how buffers work. Since this was how it was done in MK9, they very clearly didn’t mind if that mechanic was in MK11 as well. I love the block dashing. These doomsday claims that come up are really getting annoying. Adapt or quit, it’s pretty simple really.
I’m not doomsaying because I’m not asking for it to be removed yet. I’m saying it will be adjusted or removed because it clearly was not intended to exist or exist in this capacity.

You’re sounding like a Melee player right now and it’s honstly kind of jarring.

Exploits aren’t features, letting an exploit go unchecked does not retroactively make it not an exploit. This isn’t me saying that some exploits can’t be good, this is me saying the way this exploit functions seems to go against NRS’ current design philosophy.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
This was the first thing I tested in the beta. It was possible just not as good because of dash speeds and recovery. It was in MK9’s entire lifespan and no one had a problem with it. Instead of crying from the rooftops, how about instead, we actually play the game and see how it all works.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Is wave dashing or dash blocking still in the game? If it is how does one do it?


This was the first thing I tested in the beta. It was possible just not as good because of dash speeds and recovery. It was in MK9’s entire lifespan and no one had a problem with it. Instead of crying from the rooftops, how about instead, we actually play the game and see how it all works.
this isn't the same as dash blocking - it;s actually inputted differently. Dash blocking is dash (block to cancel) then dash. This is done by dash (block to cancel) then forward block forward block in a repeated rhythm. For whatever reason it like gives your character momentum due to the recovery frames and is like a rapid fire dash block. It lets you move at speeds that clearly aren't intended. Here is an applicable link.

i know this was a while ago, this is an exploit though and definitely not intended.