Kiss the Missile
Red Messiah
Cosmetic or not this brings down the overall experience. Devs don't add shit to the store that they don't want you to buy.
Anybody remember MKX's day 1 patch? And how it reduced how many Koins you got from matches? That was to make the Krypt unlock all the more enticing. Orrrr you could spend all your time grinding to max out all of the factions to unlock the Dragon King decals, which grants you the incredible honoraof finally being able to grind more for koins. Because 30 gold per ranked match isn't unlocking shit in the Krypt
Anybody remember MKX's day 1 patch? And how it reduced how many Koins you got from matches? That was to make the Krypt unlock all the more enticing. Orrrr you could spend all your time grinding to max out all of the factions to unlock the Dragon King decals, which grants you the incredible honoraof finally being able to grind more for koins. Because 30 gold per ranked match isn't unlocking shit in the Krypt