I think it can last 4+ years. I really don’t believe we’re getting another NRS game in the current gen. I think they’ll keep the game alive until the next gen comes out in 3 years or so and then release an Ultimate Edition with new content, support it for a last year and move on with the next project, which I think will be a FG, but a totally new IP.
"Can" and "Will" are entirely different entities.
3rd Strike lasted a decade. SF4 lasted nearly a decade. SF5 is already 3 years old and still getting (somewhat) supported.
1st, don't think for a SECOND that NRS isn't being held to a release schedule by WB. WB purchased MK and what would become NRS for a reason, and that is NOT to sit idly by and watch gameplay mature and grow. They purchased it to pump out popular games that would last 2 or so years and make millions of dollars in the process.
MK9 needed a single patch that would have helped the game break the 2yr mark. Out of all the games NRS has released, this is the game that could have seen major play for nearly 8-10 years in tournament had NRS not had a release schedule they need to adhere to.
Injustice 2 is probably their best game to date. It will never be MK, which is why I think it runs its course in 2 years, but Injustice 2 definitely could have made the 5yr mark with further support. Again, with WB likely imposing a release schedule, the game was destined to last only as long as MK11 wasn't out.
MK11 will last only as long as it takes for Injustice 3 to be released. The only way that MK11 lasts longer is if, like Capcom of old, they have to Fighting Game IP's out that they regularly support for a longer period of time. If they follow the SF/Marvel mold, then we can expect to see Injustice 3 in 2 years but MK11 continuing to get support for additional years after its INJ3 releases.
I respect NRS a ton. I'm glad they have WB backing them financially, I just wish they weren't bound by any rules that WB imposes on them.