I agree. This new game (another genre) will probably be launched for the next generation of consoles, imo. What do you think?
The new generation is scheduled to come out late 2020, so yeah, that'd make sense! If it comes out even a bit later, I wouldn't be surprised if NRS pushes back their next project for it.
Still though, I think that the new project will replace Injustice 3, at least for now. Just a hunch.
poor dude .... maybe suffer from bipolar disorder ? It's kinda almost as he made account in TYM only to pose as an attention whore for his weird nonsense political ideas "what the hell" threads ....
Damn, harsh lol. He can't even defend himself now.
The dude was the kind of person that thought everyone that disagreed with him was on the side of extremist SJWs, but in reality he just said some really awkward things sometimes.
Aside from the obsession with the whole SJW thing though, the one thing he said that really irked me was:
"If we get a 3rd world war we will have soldiers battling with dildos and womens with hairless armpit throwing laptops with wall of text to explain why fat girls are beautiful (oh wait, girls don't go to war...)".
As someone currently in the US Army that has hundreds of sisters that'd die for our country, yeah, that's not cool or true. They'd put you to sleep if you'd call them an SJW for disagreeing with them too. That's so far off, politically and otherwise, from what they are that it's laughable.