Fanboys will keep being fanboys. You don't think MK/BB/Tekken/SC fanboys hate capcom games equally as much? Or that the SF fanboys hate Marvel and vice versa? Especially when it comes to streams and the internet (thank you anonymity)A polarizing article to be sure. Much of it seems to be aimed at getting the capcom players and event orgainizers on board(albeit by hurling insults at them). To be perfectly honest I have less than affectionate feelings for the Street Fighter community and the capcom community in general. With the exception of a few genuine guys who walk their own path and dont give a fuck what others think like Sabin for instance, the capcom fanboys have never been that kind to us. We are a joke to most of them. So I find it very difficult to give a shit about their internal problems,differences of opinion, drama.
It isnt like MK would ever be included in any of this as the capcom community would never allow it. As long as they harbor these feelings and view us the way that they do the MK community will always be on its own. And Im damn fine with that. I would rather be in a small room with 50 guys that love playing MK then be in a large room with 500 guys with 450 of them snickering and laughing at us.
Alot of people will say Im being naive, that the MK community cant be so insular if we want to grow. That we need to reach out and be part of the FGC as a whole. My anwser to that? Dont look at us like we are the problem. Talk to the Capcom Mafia that shun everything that wasnt birthed by Capcom. Its isnt like we havent tried. They dont want us, so fuck em. As long as we have friends like Big Eric or Sweet johnny Cage and LI Joe its not like we are going to lose our tournaments.
If it sounds like Im being a little hateful of FGC's that arent MK, understand its because you can only get told your a piece of shit by someone so many times before you really dont want to hear it anymore and just want them to fuck off.
As far as the vVv article goes. Most of it doesnt apply to us. To the rest of the FGC we dont exist or at best we're the red headed step child. But I do have to ask, in an article so fully directed at capcom players why even mention REO and CD jr's names? In an article that is likely to get alot of heated responses it would be sad to see some of that heat fall on REO and CD jr when they have absolutely nothing to do with whats being said.
Personally I have no problem with vVv.....................................so long as they always treat REO and CD jr right and with the respect they deserve.
In the end, I would say most people in real life are just fighting game fans that have strong preference to a certain branch of the FGC. It can't just be that all the "top players" are special and that they'll try any game. I personally prefer SF/Marvel over MK9 but that doesn't mean I have to like one and hate the other. I can like both but just simply have preferences and I feel that a large portion of the FGC is in that same boat. Look at the whole team spooky (spooky, nerdjosh, min, arturo), look at the games levelup stream once in awhile (gundam, TMNT etc etc) and Markman (where its plain as day that he prefers tekken) they are just fighting game fans.
You categorizing a bunch of people just puts an example for others to do the same, and in some cases against the thing you like. If you want to be all negative, then don't be surprise that all you get is negativity. A lot of "capcom fans" hate capcom games. Look at the people who complained mvc3 was a stepback from mvc2 and hate capcom for it. Look at the initial responses of SF4, and capcom fighting jam etc etc. List goes on. Basically people like games not due to the developer, but the game itself. I highly doubt people are fans just because of the name "capcom" or "namco".
Even with your attitude of "fuck them" hurts people that would even be sympathetic to your side. What about anime fighters like blazblue, guilty gear, arcana hearts, melty blood, KOF and etc. What are they not worth being on "MKs level" that they deserve the hate as well?
To you saying it doesn't apply to MK, well I have to disagree and that it highly applies to MK. What if MK instead of SF was game., would you want things to turn out like Or would you rather have the community such as TYM help lead the way for MK in e-sports? Lastly once again, by picking only MK, it furthers the divide of the FGC. A lot of players that haven't given MK a chance prior to MK9 only gave it a chance due to it being in community ran tournaments and by then becoming aware of the MK community. What because they chose MK and not skullgirls its "tough luck" and they deserve not to be given the same opportunity to atleast present themselves to the fighting game community?
Lastly did you not hear the podcast between VVV and Spooky? Spooky was basically talked down to in that whole podcast by somebody that knows the "real adult world". Is Spooky not a part of the MK community? Did he not do MK justice the best he could? Or is he a "capcom fanboy"? In my honest opinion, I view spooky as one of the prime examples of a member of the FGC, an individual that gives all games a chance and is willing to help all games within the FGC. Same with ultradavid and Arturo. In the case of MK, both have tried the game, learned the game and contribute to that scene (commentating and being a tourney player).