In his demo build, his frame data suggested that he should be controlling space with his super fast and safe high projectile while playing footises and whiff punishing with his high F344 and mid F44 strings.
I know it was just a demo build and stuff will change, but stuff has been pretty consistent with only slight tweaks so far, so I think it won't be too far off.
Johnny literally has the best and safest high projectile out of all the characters shown so far. That's nuts.
Skarlets high blood shot is super good at 21frame startup and -5 on block.
Kano's knives are up there too with 20frame startup and -7 on block.
Johnny's Forceballs are 14frame startup and -5 on block. That's crazy fast AND safe.
He'll definitely be good for sure, and you could change his forceballs to the arced high and low ones too.
No matter what though, if anyone is worried that Johnny isn't going to be good, take a look at his rough frame data here and I think your mind will change.
If you thought Scorpion was good at whiff punishing and footsies, then Johnny is a god.
This is what F344 looks like:
244 goes into the same multi-kicks as F344 that lead to the same spacing for whiff punishing.
Full Frame Data from demo build: