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Closed Beta Jade Discussion


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Thing is, even with Jade`s problems, shes insanely good at footsies, which is much more prevelant than in previous MK games

I think she will be fine, but I do agree with others that she could be forced into the rock paper scissor situations.

Bugfixes, and small buffs to her some of her frame data will put her in a good place on launch.


I think the discourse should probably take a shift. Whether people are getting bodied with Jade or bodying other players with Jade, it doesn't automatically invalidate whatever fence people are sitting on.

I think we need to calm down generally speaking though because if she feels incomplete, it's because we are playing an incomplete build of her. People are working themselves into a stressful tizzy over a character that will probably be a whole new world on release.

I keep harping on Blue Beetle because in the beta, he lacked so much in the way of safety on block that it wasn't even funny, but they amended those deficiencies upon release and he could be played extremely safe and fun to boot.

I'm not saying don't voice concerns, merely that we should take most of this with a grain of salt, try to enjoy the experience and go from there.


She doesn't necessarily need big combos, she just needs more dmg on conversions. Shadow kick doing more dmg would fix that. She currently punishes for 18% max, hitting just a bit harder for like 22-23% would be just fine imo. If they also change the KB to trigger on the 3rd shadow kick regardless of the other conditions she would be able to kill in 4 punishes, which I think is pretty fair bc rn it takes 6-7 midscreen punishes to kill and I can see that becoming really obnoxious when the game comes out with some high dmg mixup characters in it.
This is just from messing around in towers getting used to excution, mechanics etc.

Ill whiff the b1 on purpose, the 2 pushes forward pretty good and is an overhead. Good anti air if spacing is right , better range than d2, its start up is better than f21 aswell

Amazing pushback on hit, 3 is a low. Whiffed shadow kick after gets within decent range (reptile dash mk9) for possible pressure. Might be a good option might not. Could be matchup dependant.

I think low projectile is a must to condition to land her oh's . Once the opponent knows the animation of her very memorable oh's, the in close lows will come a lot easier.

She can also zone and play a bit of possum while looking like youre backing into a corner and running out of space, then out come amp shadow kick or her other tele ability and you have your opponent in the corner.

Scorp thread has similar complaints, frames, gaps, etc. Im sure nrs knows what theyre doing. In her kombat kast they defined her as a space control character/zoner, probably the blueprint on how they want her to play

The more im messing around with her, the more potential i see. I think she has pretty good tools to be unpredictable


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.

The concern isn't about her placing on the tier list, it's about letting the variation system work.

As it is, Jade doesn't let players play her outside of zoning and in return that makes her "boring."

I also want to point out that her trailer showcased all of her abilities that we currently have access to in the beta so if they are keeping things a secret, then this concern would be gone. But if it's not..

AK Harold

She seems very rewarding to play well right now. I do wish she has larger deterrent for random teleports or unsafe plays in general but maybe it would be too much.

It feels like at times players are forced to do stupid things against her so amping her damage may be bad.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
I’m confused , do you know that this string is like a 6hit string ?

I’m a bit confused , are you aware this is a like a 6hit string ? If cancelled on third hit the kicks won’t come out
Yes, it needs to be canceled into before the kicks happen unfortunately. You don't get the full string and then a special at the end.

It's a tricky move too because you can hit the B2 just at the tip and be too far away for the bf2 special to hit when you cancel it. Unless you're in the corner, it might be safer to shadow kick.

Her punishes def lackluster. A scorpion can play reckless without much risk vs her.
This is the problem I was having. A mediocre 12,bf2 is not a big enough punish to teach scorpion players to stop TPing. Really weakens her zoning game because you never get that big reward for pushing an opponent into a sloppy move.


Mr. Righteous
Another thing Uncle JBeezY noticed....Jade's ability icons are mixed up.

Her Air Glaive art should be the Upward Glaive art and vice versa.

Also they didnt complete her brutality list. Only press and hold 2? Really? I mean, its minor but yeah.


Noob Saibot
Yes, it needs to be canceled into before the kicks happen unfortunately. You don't get the full string and then a special at the end.

It's a tricky move too because you can hit the B2 just at the tip and be too far away for the bf2 special to hit when you cancel it. Unless you're in the corner, it might be safer to shadow kick.
You can cancel after the kicks come out but before The flip kick
I’m just wondering when to input cause it seems to be tricky


Jade is definetly not boring. She literally plays this game in the fullest. She is very spacing oriented with good full screen presence and ability to decline yours. Like her damage is an issue, but I am calm on realease damage will be normalized accross the kast.

I will probably stick to struggling with Jade for entire beta. Not only I really like her visually but I think playing her will help me understand MK11 neutral much better.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
She seems very rewarding to play well right now. I do wish she has larger deterrent for random teleports or unsafe plays in general but maybe it would be too much.

It feels like at times players are forced to do stupid things against her so amping her damage may be bad.
Yeah she definitely does that, even with how her stuff is now. It's a design choice, it seems, so that's not really too big a deal. Maybe a slight bump in damage, and she's cool.

Who knows what build of Jade this is, and how much she's been changed since.


Death Before Dishonor
Jade is alright, some negative issues i've noticed hopefully they were changed for the full game release.

- She lacks the ability to combo after F21 midscreen which sucks because the second hit is a launcher. At least give us the ability to do her dash kick.
- Her (Razor-Rang) BF1mb projectile looks like it should give you enough stun up close to combo afterwards but doesn't.
- (Upward Razor-Rang) DB1 projectile seems like a waste when you have better tools to anti-air like her D2. It also lacks speed to reach opponent from fullscreen. A forward step or two from opponent can whiff your projectile.
- Jade can't seem to do more than 25% damage midscreen or corner.
- (Vanishing Winds) DB3mb whiffs and keeps you on the same side in the corner after a 43
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Mind Flex

Mind Gamer. BOOSH
I'll start by saying Jade feels like she is generally in a good place to me.

I do wish I was punishing Dashes and Teleports harder. I've just been doing b343bf2 or b3434 if I want to push them away. What is the optimal punish people are using for these? Also I wish her Krushing Blows had less requirements. Characters that can consistently get their krushing blow without some kind of setup seem like they will have an edge long term. KB Shadow kick on a counter hit might be too strong but it would also open up one combo launcher consistently from match to match whereas now I can go 10 matches in a row before it naturally occurs in a match.

I'm usually against anything that is universal among all characters, but I kinda feel like 6f D1 should be something universal at this point. Give them different frames on the back end or different range, but at least give them all the same start up.