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Closed Beta Jade Discussion

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Took you a year and a half but it's accepted.
Try to not get personal at people and present facts next time.
We're all here to make this game fun and fair for everyone.
No need to get hostile.
1. I didn’t get personal with anyone you did by bringing up some old argument

2. You have a history of crazy posts and unreasonable requests, and combative nature. So naturally I expected you to blow my post out of proportion anyway but I guess since I forgot to put “lol” or “lul” it was received different. Again, apologies

3. It was day 1, about 3 hours in and EVERYONE is crying about her when they likely don’t even understand how she works fully yet. NOBODY should be asking for anything Reo or whoever included.

My whole point was guys chill and take a moment to think about WHY SHE DOESNT have what you want her to. Before saying she’s ass and needs needs needs. But if y’all want to create supergirl 2.0 I’m fine with it ^.^

AK Harold

I think with baraka you just have to outright evade those situations as a whole where he can grab you. Which while frustrating at first is ideal to introduce some type of grappling character.


Positive Poster!
1. I didn’t get personal with anyone you did by bringing up some old argument

2. You have a history of crazy posts and unreasonable requests, and combative nature. So naturally I expected you to blow my post out of proportion anyway but I guess since I forgot to put “lol” or “lul” it was received different. Again, apologies

3. It was day 1, about 3 hours in and EVERYONE is crying about her when they likely don’t even understand how she works fully yet. NOBODY should be asking for anything Reo or whoever included.

My whole point was guys chill and take a moment to think about WHY SHE DOESNT have what you want her to. Before saying she’s ass and needs needs needs. But if y’all want to create supergirl 2.0 I’m fine with it ^.^
1. You need to understand what getting personal means. When you use another person's character in an argument such as you're wearing a blue shirt so you must be a vegetarian, you're getting personal.

Instead, try to focus on facts such as "she might not have a 6f d1 but she has so and so tools to solve her getting out of pressure". Debate things at their own level.

2. No, I do not. See, there you go getting personal again. I accept the apology but don't go back and forth getting personal and then apologising because it reduces the value of the apology and eventually you'll fail to seem sincere whether you are, or not.

3. Because EVERYONE who played her consistently saw that there are BETA Problems with her which need to get fixed because this is a BETA where we look at stuff that needs to get fixed.
Get it yet?:DOGE

4. Then say that. Be positive, say shit like "I don't think she's that bad, chill and take it easy". Instead of "Look scrubs I know so much better than you do even though I've been playing it the same timeframe you were but look my opinion is more opinion"
Be constructive.
Provide facts.

Getting the game fixed.

And for the record, 6f d1 is not unreasonable to ask for. I think EVERY d1 in the game should be uniform unless there is something special about it, such as low profiling mids with insane range or + on block or similar. But again, this is not for me to decide.
My requests are always based on what I see in numbers and facts. Been wrong, been right before. It happens. But I'd rather be wrong than never called out a problem.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Btw, just because reo is taking Ls doesn’t mean you’re right and she needs buffs lol. Dragon was MOPPING people with jade yesterday. Check him out if you all want to see how he uses her


The Ignore Button Is Free
I know they said MK11 wasn’t a super combo heavy game. I know they said Jade wasn’t a combo character. But MAN, i definitely wasn’t ready for this lol.

But from what I’ve learned so far from playing her is that she isn’t meant to do damage like that. She excels from full screen or the corner. She doesn’t really have the tools to compete upclose but she’s super obnoxious full screen, especially when she has the life lead. Impossible to zone her, really hard to jump at her, can’t whiff ANYTHING. You really have to take calculated risks going in on her. In the corner, that’s where she scores her damage and her mixups are actually worth it.

Her damage is definitely a problem tho. There’s no reason to be scared of getting punished by her, especially midscreen. I think her parry KB is the most damaging thing I’ve seen from her outside her fatal blow lol.

As for gear, I feel like the ability that gives her extra strings are a must. I have yet to take that off. Other than that, I feel like you can use things like the low projectile, the air one, the upwards one and the run stuff. DO NOT USE THE MOVE THAT REPLACES THE ORIGINAL BF2!!!

But yea, Jade is ok. It’s just a beta. We’ll see how she’ll turn out.
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Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Honestly, she is rock paper scissors atm tbh

the only one where I think you can use both versions is Kabal, simply cause u give no shits about air saws


Scorpion Scrub
So can she do run cancel extensions on some of her strings? I didn't get to test that but with 11 pages of discussion I figure she can't.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
1. You need to understand what getting personal means. When you use another person's character in an argument such as you're wearing a blue shirt so you must be a vegetarian, you're getting personal.

Instead, try to focus on facts such as "she might not have a 6f d1 but she has so and so tools to solve her getting out of pressure". Debate things at their own level.

2. No, I do not. See, there you go getting personal again. I accept the apology but don't go back and forth getting personal and then apologising because it reduces the value of the apology and eventually you'll fail to seem sincere whether you are, or not.

3. Because EVERYONE who played her consistently saw that there are BETA Problems with her which need to get fixed because this is a BETA where we look at stuff that needs to get fixed.
Get it yet?:DOGE

4. Then say that. Be positive, say shit like "I don't think she's that bad, chill and take it easy". Instead of "Look scrubs I know so much better than you do even though I've been playing it the same timeframe you were but look my opinion is more opinion"
Be constructive.
Provide facts.

Getting the game fixed.
I’ll bite one last time lol cause I feel like I’m being trolled now! Me saying nobody (including myself) should ask for changes in a beta for a character available for 3 hrs prior is getting personal? Uh ok then I guess

To answer you about having a 6fD1 :

They have said 100 times this build is old. She might have a 6f d1 and increased damage in the full game. We don’t know. She’s not a pressure character but sure you know that since it’s “your character” whatever that means... I play her as well and Instead of constant negativity i at least try to find a aloutikn to my problem first.


Positive Poster!
I’ll bite one last time lol cause I feel like I’m being trolled now! Me saying nobody (including myself) should ask for changes in a beta for a character available for 3 hrs prior? Uh ok then I guess
Fair opinion to have.
Mine is that if I see f2 whiff within its own hitbox, I'll call it out.
If I see a character without a specific tool that I feel it should have based on how I see top level players struggle using that character, I'll call it out.

To answer you about having a 6fD1 :

They have said 100 times this build is old. She might have a 6f d1 and increased damage in the full game. We don’t know. She’s not a pressure character but sure you know that since it’s “your character” whatever that means... I play her as well and Instead of octant negativity i at least try to find a aloutikn to my problem first.
Also fair, but we have this build to go off of.
If she has whatever I called out already fixed, it was for naught.
If she has something else that covers said problem, I was wrong and I'll gladly admit to it.

Whatever the case, my best intention to make her as good as she can be without being dumb.
That's all I want.

I'm sure that's all you want too.

EDIT: And yeah I'm fucking ardent and I bite onto bone like a Staffordshire Terrier, I'll give you that. It's how you get successful in life. Tried, worked. No biscuits for the losing dog.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Honestly, the only reason why I said that about Kabal

People have been using an aerial build and footsies cause of his air dash


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
I played a jade that tried to us run cancels a lot for pressure and I punished him for it A LOT. The recovery makes it pretty trash imo.
With the Run, you play the mind game of canceling it or committing to it

if ya just continue to run cancel it become predictable and punishable


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
So can she do run cancel extensions on some of her strings? I didn't get to test that but with 11 pages of discussion I figure she can't.
I'd be surprised if there were, she doesn't get a ton of pop or hit stun off any of her strings and the run cancel seems very slow.


Unicorn Papi
With the Run, you play the mind game of canceling it or committing to it

if ya just continue to run cancel it become predictable and punishable
But you can low fireball it when the start the animation if they wanna cancel early or if they wanna run all the way in b12....but we'll see once the game comes out because they said this was an old build like the stress test.