I really hope nrs address tournament mode soon to give a clear view if variations will be locked.
Currently it is not feasible to allow custom variations which is such a waste of potential. The slot system they have is awesome, but if we can't select slots during character select this will make me sad.
Also the default view I wish was the options view which display the slot loadouts to both players. I know it is just beta but when people character select quickly you have no idea what slots they have. It should be displayed during load screen to give fair information for both players. Others like
@Tom Brady have expressed concern about this but I haven't heard anything official that addresses this.
I am afraid of two things for tournament play.
1. They choose to variation lock. This removes so much potential and depth for the slot system.
2. They allow custom. But with current user interface you have to go back to kustomize and select the skills then go fight. If you wanted to change a slot between games you would have to exit again to adjust. Imagine this at a major, it would be terrible to watch in addition to our notorious button checks.
Hopefully someone has the knowledge that everything will be ok. Aftef playing over 400 games of the Beta this was really my only gripe with the game.