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The MK11 New Meta and Gameplay Info Thread


In Zoning We Trust
HOLY SHIT!!!! @SaltShaker where the hell have you been dawg?
Back from the grave like Superman in JL. Went all in with Tekken 7 for a while there, but the meta changes/adjustments with MK11 were too strong to resist. Definitely feels good to be back though, feels like yesterday.

This game feels almost unfair, like a cheat at life. Virtually everything we ever asked for is coming to fruition. Now we just need one more confirmed character. :coffee:

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Back from the grave like Superman in JL. Went all in with Tekken 7 for a while there, but the meta changes/adjustments with MK11 were too strong to resist. Definitely feels good to be back though, feels like yesterday.

This game feels almost unfair, like a cheat at life. Virtually everything we ever asked for is coming to fruition. Now we just need one more confirmed character. :coffee:
Goddamn. Boi... It's good too have you back fam. I think the exact same way.

Tekken changes kinda did me wrong but I still play it at least once a week.

This mk11 gots me giddy like a school girl passing notes in class or texting nowadays. I'm super excited. Happy and looking forward to playing some real mortal Kombat.


So, I think this is the best place to post it for now.

I don't know if many of you know of it (bc for some odd reason all the NRS LATAM scene info seems to be hidden in the deepest layer of hell from people) but Brazil is having an MK11 reveal as well, in two days.

Some of the players here were invited to the event to play some exhibitions and stuff, and I am one of them.

I am planning to spend most of my time messing with Raiden, since he seems to be the least explored of all the characters so far. In case you guys have any questions about the game in general, about the characters or come up with some ideas you want me to test, I would be glad to help and if allowed I'll try to capture some footage of it.


Everyone Has A Path
I'm really hoping for custom variations in tournament. They're already self balanced by only allowing three slots in the load out, with each move taking a different number of slots.

You take a character like Sub-Zero. You use Deep Freeze for mixup conversions and Kold Shoulder to keep the corner after Amplifying. But your opponent is constantly getting out of the corner on you and playing super lame in the neutral, so that load out isnt doing as much as it could for you. So you switch from Kold Shoulder to the Ice Shurikens to rack up chip damage at the end of blockstrings so he has to approach to make up the life lead.

I feel like being able to pick individual moves could help a lot in the player matchup


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'm really hoping for custom variations in tournament. They're already self balanced by only allowing three slots in the load out, with each move taking a different number of slots.
That’s definitely not balanced imo. Not to say that it could be, but I wouldn’t assume that you can balance all possible variations just by having the specials take different numbers of slots.

In MKX we learned that even preset variations aren’t completely separate, and what you do to one can affect the other. Now multiply that x100 and you get the complications/interconnections that totally custom variations could cause.


Everyone Has A Path
That’s definitely not balanced imo. Not to say that it could be, but I wouldn’t assume that you can balance all possible variations just by having the specials take different numbers of slots.

In MKX we learned that even preset variations aren’t completely separate, and what you do to one can affect the other. Now multiply that x100 and you get the complications/interconnections that totally custom variations could cause.
You're right but I'd still like to see some experimentation with it. I've mostly been theory crafting with Sub Zero but I imagine Skarlet could have some obnoxious combinations.

At the same time though, a game sacrificing balance for fun has worked in the past. Most notably with MvC.

But the level of creativity that could come from custom loadouts shouldnt be ignored. It honestly does remind me of team building in a team fighter. Almost like the custom moves function much like assists. Just watch the K&M breakdown of that set from the Brazil reveal. The Scorpion player combined the spear buff and the Misery Blade to create a blockstring, cancel pressure build that was pretty effective up close

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
So I finally watched the Kombatkast and I have to say I liked what they're doing.
The characters and the game mechanics thus far post reveal looks better.

I liked that the meter gage has a timer or counter to tell you numerically how long you have till it's full. That count down will be key once people get the timing right and predict when you can amplify or use the defense break away.

Also subtitles are really Kool too. Especially now that we can see it during matches.

When it pertains to Kabal and how NDC is now I suspect that characters with similar cancel abilities will have their cancels governerd like this.

It also looks like we do have an updated training mode with better options on recording and playback for the AI.

From the few hours we saw the last, I think we saw a lot.

I feel pretty excited from just the few changes and additional things that's added into the game.


Sorry if this has been asked before.

Does anyone know if the bars regenerate at the same rate for everyone? Or are they character / move dependent?


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
training mode should have the option to make the dummy hit back with their fastest move after being hit or after blocking. It would help alot if new players get used to what they can do after a blocked kombo string or if they land a low poke wether they can go for a frame trap. Was ages before i started utilising pokes for frame traps on hit. I belive they have had a dummy reversal option on block but we also need somthing that activated after they are hit.


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
Have the developers talked much about the short hop? Seeing that my new main JC doesnt have a overhead im curious about mixup potential from short hops. I saw he had a green punch that caused a knockdown. I wonder if that what all short hop attacks are like or if that is his neutral jump punch.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Have the developers talked much about the short hop? Seeing that my new main JC doesnt have a overhead im curious about mixup potential from short hops. I saw he had a green punch that caused a knockdown. I wonder if that what all short hop attacks are like or if that is his neutral jump punch.
The shorthop attacks shown have seemingly all been overhead splat knockdowns, 16 Bit mentioned it as a mixup option for Johnny in the stream. Presumably the kick has more range but the punch is safer, haven't seen someone talk about the difference between the two. I don't know if you are going to be using it a ton but it's definitely going to be a mixup option, similar to other universal overheads from other series. I think you can high crush crouching pokes with it too so it's gonna be a cool offensive tool


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
The shorthop attacks shown have seemingly all been overhead splat knockdowns, 16 Bit mentioned it as a mixup option for Johnny in the stream. Presumably the kick has more range but the punch is safer, haven't seen someone talk about the difference between the two. I don't know if you are going to be using it a ton but it's definitely going to be a mixup option, similar to other universal overheads from other series. I think you can high crush crouching pokes with it too so it's gonna be a cool offensive tool
Cool so it might be a bit like sf3 universal overheads


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Cool so it might be a bit like sf3 universal overheads
Yeah I've been getting that vibe from MK11, I don't know if was intentional but they seem to be taking some inspiration from the game. It's designed as a lower damage neutral-based game like SF3, they have flawless block(parry-esque) and they have that universal "poke crushing" overhead.


Plus Frame Enjoyer
Im late as hell but i swear baraka can land at least 3 krushing blows in a combo considering:
All his kb are off punishes
Gutted is a kb that can be amplified
He can start and end a combo on a kb

He's gonna have stupid dmg I swear if they dont tweak it at all.


Plus Frame Enjoyer
Did i say he was broken? I was just saying it seems like hel stand out damage wise. Im excited to see the stupid combos people build for him, especially in the corner.