Ok, I'm pretty much fully recuperated from NEC XII, so it's time to do my shoutouts... If I forget anyone, it's simply because there are SO MANY of you to recognize and thank for this event... just take it as given that even if you're not mentioned, you're thought of and thanked for everything you contributed to make NEC XII an amazing event.
First and foremost:
[MENTION=1580]BigE[/MENTION] - You are the absolute man. Seriously, nobody holds a tournament like you. You make all of this possible. You basically created the NE FG Scene and have inspired others to run locals and majors... I'm also proud to say that you're a good friend of mine. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.
[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] - Another successful one under the belt, brother. Seemed like there were a few more obstacles in our way this time but not only did we overcome but we excelled... we were the ONLY tournament to make it to top 8 by the end of Saturday.
[MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] - This is the guy who keeps me calm under pressure. He's the one I turn to when I'm ready to blow up and he reminds me to calm down and that everything will be ok and it will all work out.
[MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION] - Scott, bro, you saved the day with the phone stream. Nobody's fault that we couldn't get a line, and I was EXTREMELY frustrated because of it but you picked up the ball and ran with it and scored. Do you wear a Superman shirt under your regular shirt?
[MENTION=5207]jamessmk[/MENTION] - Everyone has their "Get it done" guys, and you're one of mine. There isn't anything I can't ask of you that you won't help me out with, research with me, or help me put together. You're one of the most reliable people I know, and I feel secure going into tournaments on my side.
[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] - Mario, you rightfully earned your place on the NEC staff. I greatly appreciate the amount of work you put in with setup, cleanup and helping to find players in different rooms when we needed them for pools. Glad to have you on the MK NEC Staff. Who knew I'd one day call a Hitosaurus my brother?
[MENTION=279]AREZ God of War[/MENTION] - Eric, holy crap... you work harder than you drink! I actually had to tell you to chill more than once because you were faster at setting up and breaking down than I am. Your hard work pushed this tournament along like nobody's business. You are an invaluable member of the MK NEC staff.
[MENTION=8140]pherleece[/MENTION] - Sorry I wasn't able to get you a staff shirt, but thank you SO MUCH for all your help with the "behind the scenes" part of running a tournament. What everyone doesn't know, and many times never sees, is all the dirty work... setting up, breaking down, cleaning up, connecting wires, checking cables, running extension cords, plugging stuff in, carrying stuff, etc. You helped me do all that legwork and there are no words for how grateful I truly am. As long as you're going to tournaments, I will always want you on the MK NEC Staff.
[MENTION=18]Dark_Rob[/MENTION] - One of the most integral cogs in the machine, and it was difficult without you. I will see you at VSM soon, to chill soon, and to handle all things MK soon. Everyone should know just how important you really are to the MK Community.
[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] - unofficial NEC MK Staff. Nancy, thank you SO MUCH for all your help over the weekend. The MK Community is truly in your debt for your commitment to making NEC run so smoothly.
@Comeback Kyle - I didn't get to play in anything other than KI, and for the first time I didn't have to play you in a tournament! I still have to return the favor in UMK3 at Season's Beatings! Be ready at Winter Brawl! Great seeing you again bro... always a pleasure and always fun to chill with you.
[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] - Congratulations on your win... serious skills! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you, and to chill, even for the small time we had, with you and Morty while leaving the hotel. Regardless of AZ vs. NY or any other state, you are a member of the MK Community and a skilled and humble one at that... the mark of a champion. Enjoy every moment of that win!
[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] - Manny, no shame in losing to a player of Detroit's ability. Hold your head high and learn from the loss. You're one of the very best there is, quite possibly THE best...and this loss will only remind you that you can't be complacent when you're at the top if you want to stay there. As always it was great chilling with you and doing commentary with you on the recordings. I will see you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] - DAAAAAYYYUUUUM! Is there anything in MK you CAN'T DO? Wait.. lemme guess... you CAN'T finish outside of top 8... Seriously... you're one of the most adaptable players I've ever seen. Can't wait for the next tournament now to see what you pull out of your sleeve... Great showing as always brother.
[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] - Much like Detroit, I only got a limited amount of time to talk and chill with you. You're very chill, very skilled and very humble... WHAT A BEAST OF A SONYA! That Sonya mirror with Riu48 was one of the most anticipated matches in the entire MK Community. Keep that up bro and make sure you come back for another tournament very soon. I hope next time we'll all get the chance to chill and hang out more.
@CrazyDominican - Robin, my VSM Brother, I've gotten to know you over the course of the last 3 years and it's been an absolute pleasure. Not only do we have the MK bond, but also the KI bond. KI FOREVER! Seriously, You, me, and Nit could sit there and play KI for days at a time... ULLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
[MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] - Another VSM Brother and another beast of a Sonya player. That Sonya mirror with Morty was SO HYPE. It could have gone either way, so don't dwell on the loss for too long. You guys need to run that back SOON!
[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] - Brant, it was beyond cool getting to know you. You and I see absolutely eye to eye on the MK Community. I truly tip my hat to you for being one of the first to erase the old lines of loyalties and realize that the MK Community needs to be united as a single front. You're a beast of a player, coming from GA to put most of the NE in it's place. I really hope we can work out Final Round so that the NY players can come to GA so we can all play and chill again.
[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] - Another CD Brother and another VSM Brother. Cyrax DOES NOT need more buffs...LOL. Max, or is it GQ these days? You're always one of the most passionate players there is. You care so much about playing, about this game, and about the MK Community... and about drinking with JamessMK... LOL See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=3]Krayzie[/MENTION] - It was absolutely awesome having you at VSM before NEC and then seeing you go so far into your pool at NEC. You definitely proved that you're a force to be reckoned with and you repped Cali to the fullest. Dropping them exploding oranges all over the place... do you know how long that took me to clean up?
[MENTION=2311]Sabin[/MENTION] - Art, you're a true competitor and a great member of the FGC, which now includes the MK Community, much in part because of the work you've done. Thank you for all of it... and it was awesome seeing you stream all weekend from your phone! iphone stream hypeness!
[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION] - Beast Cyrax! I was a little out of the loop as to WHY the MM happened with Brady, but it was all hype nonetheless. Great meeting you and great seeing you play. I hope to see you at more tournaments soon!
[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] - Bill, I think that your focus at NEC XII was so great that this was the FIRST TIME I've been around you where you WEREN'T talking non-stop. You're always chock-full of MK wisdom and tidbits, and always have something to MK to talk about that when you start, everyone stops and listens. Thanks for all you've done in the MK Community and it's great to know that you'll soon be visiting VSM on a regular basis...it'll be great to see you more often.
[MENTION=355]AC1984[/MENTION] - I am absolutely DREADING next summer, knowing that you're going to be leaving the country and possibly not coming back for a long time. In the last 2 years we have become great friends and brothers in arms with MK. I hope to see you at Winter Brawl, but if NEC was your last tournament, then know that the last 2 years have been filled with nothing but fond and fun memories that I will hold on to until I see you back in the states again.
[MENTION=5716]J360[/MENTION] - Great stuff seeing you play all weekend long. You repped NY and VSM hard, and I'm proud of that.
[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] - Congratulations on winning MKDC! That was a long time in the coming... I'm glad you finally see the light about the ASUS monitors! LOL... What a great showing in MK9 though... random all the way through? That takes serious balls... Always a pleasure my friend... I will see you soon!
[MENTION=2200]w1nter warz[/MENTION] - It was awesome getting to meet the man behind the name... and that keyboard you brought with you was insanely cool. Great job in MK9 and great seeing you play a little UMK3. I hope to see you soon at another tournament!
[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] - first and foremost, thank you for providing a ps3 to run MK9 on. It was awesome seeing you again... and great job in the MK9 tournament...
[MENTION=433]DanCock[/MENTION] - Man, one of these days you're going to give me a bro-hug and not feel uncomfortable doing it...LOL.. Seriously though, it's always great to see you and you did REALLY well in your pool in MK9. It sucks that you had to go so soon and miss the MK2 tournament. GO JETS!
[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION] - To be honest, I had you finishing top 8 in your pool and you did exactly that. Great job, my VSM Brother! Awesome matches in SFA2, btw... we definitely have to get some SFA3, 3s and ST under our belt as well as some UMK3. See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=8871]Death[/MENTION] - I had no clue who you were coming into NEC. I only found out later that you're one of the very best in your area and that you regularly beat the snot out of the people you practice with in MK9. Great showing in your pool...I'll be keeping an eye on you because I'll have to seed you better from now on. We'll have to play some KI one day too..
[MENTION=5186]funkdoc[/MENTION] - Josh, always a pleasure to see you. You should have come to the stream area and done some commentary! I'll see you soon though...
[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] - great seeing you again after meeting you at one of the Salty Battles tournaments. Thanks for providing a PS3 for MK9 as well and great job in the tournament! I shall see you soon my friend!
[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] - Always great seeing you... 2 tournaments in a row now I believe. Glad we can continue giving you reason to be less productive and play more MK...LOL I hope one day to get you to a VSM stream as well! See you at Winter Brawl!
[MENTION=1266]REYTHEGREAT[/MENTION] - It was great seeing you again. We didn't get to play that Scorpion MKDC mirror rematch but who cares, its MKDC! LOL... see you soon!
[MENTION=5442]rev0lver[/MENTION] - Always so negative... but you came in top 32! You were better than MORE THAN HALF the players there...and think about all the good players who were in attendance! You're good bro! You just need to believe that you're good! See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION] - Always so hype... and a fellow lover of 9.95 by Spunkadelic(yes, that's right people, my name comes from a song title from the original TMNT live action movie!). Great seeing you and GREAT Scorpion! See you at Winter Brawl... hopefully sooner.
[MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] - Great seeing you again and that BEAST REPTILE! Hope to see you again at Winter Brawl.
[MENTION=8741]RTO Toxic[/MENTION] - didn't get to talk much, really just got to meet you and introduce ourselves... great meeting you nonetheless!
[MENTION=7135]josh99[/MENTION] - It was funny getting you to admit being a troll, but damn bro... need to stop going nuts on the forum so you keep yourself unbanned! LOL... serious skills in MK9 and you should not quit going to tournaments... you're young and learning, and quitting is NOT how you're going to get better. Hope to see you at Winter Brawl.
[MENTION=7367]catch22[/MENTION] - Alex, it is always great seeing you. You do what you need to do... take care of the family. Tell Alex Jr. that we all missed him and want to see him again soon. I will see you soon enough bro... you're like long lost family from a colder state. LOL
[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] - Great meeting you bro. It was a ton of fun playing those MK2 matches... and I def want to get more in soon! You're a throwback to the days of the arcade and someone that I relate to on that level. Definitely looking forward to seeing you again!
[MENTION=2765]KT Smith[/MENTION] - Yet another VSM Brother... we didn't talk too much at NEC, but it was great to see you there. Beast mode Smoke! I will see you at VSM soon and looking forward to you doing more commentary!
[MENTION=3011]Matix[/MENTION] - Another person I simply didn't get enough time to talk to. I was glad to get to meet you and talk to you for the brief time we did, and I hope to have that pleasure again at a future event so we can chill and talk longer.
[MENTION=714]NoDoubt[/MENTION] - IF YOU TOUCH MY COMPUTER I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR HAND! LOL... Arion, you're such a dedicated UMK3 Player that your excitement overcomes you sometimes, but that isn't a bad thing. Great job and congratulations on your win! I will see you at Winter Brawl soon!
[MENTION=7728]Esoteric[/MENTION] - We only talked briefly and I look forward to talking more on skype. Great meeting you and we will see what develops soon enough with what we talked about! See you soon at another tournament!
[MENTION=7844]Bear[/MENTION] - I saw you EVERYWHERE! Great meeting you and talking to you... and a bunch of us will all get together and go to your restaurant in NYC!
[MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION] - one thing to say: J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!
As I said above... if I forgot ANYONE, I'm sorry... If I forget anyone, it's simply because there are SO MANY of you to recognize and thank for this event.
First and foremost:
[MENTION=1580]BigE[/MENTION] - You are the absolute man. Seriously, nobody holds a tournament like you. You make all of this possible. You basically created the NE FG Scene and have inspired others to run locals and majors... I'm also proud to say that you're a good friend of mine. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.
[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] - Another successful one under the belt, brother. Seemed like there were a few more obstacles in our way this time but not only did we overcome but we excelled... we were the ONLY tournament to make it to top 8 by the end of Saturday.
[MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] - This is the guy who keeps me calm under pressure. He's the one I turn to when I'm ready to blow up and he reminds me to calm down and that everything will be ok and it will all work out.
[MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION] - Scott, bro, you saved the day with the phone stream. Nobody's fault that we couldn't get a line, and I was EXTREMELY frustrated because of it but you picked up the ball and ran with it and scored. Do you wear a Superman shirt under your regular shirt?
[MENTION=5207]jamessmk[/MENTION] - Everyone has their "Get it done" guys, and you're one of mine. There isn't anything I can't ask of you that you won't help me out with, research with me, or help me put together. You're one of the most reliable people I know, and I feel secure going into tournaments on my side.
[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] - Mario, you rightfully earned your place on the NEC staff. I greatly appreciate the amount of work you put in with setup, cleanup and helping to find players in different rooms when we needed them for pools. Glad to have you on the MK NEC Staff. Who knew I'd one day call a Hitosaurus my brother?
[MENTION=279]AREZ God of War[/MENTION] - Eric, holy crap... you work harder than you drink! I actually had to tell you to chill more than once because you were faster at setting up and breaking down than I am. Your hard work pushed this tournament along like nobody's business. You are an invaluable member of the MK NEC staff.
[MENTION=8140]pherleece[/MENTION] - Sorry I wasn't able to get you a staff shirt, but thank you SO MUCH for all your help with the "behind the scenes" part of running a tournament. What everyone doesn't know, and many times never sees, is all the dirty work... setting up, breaking down, cleaning up, connecting wires, checking cables, running extension cords, plugging stuff in, carrying stuff, etc. You helped me do all that legwork and there are no words for how grateful I truly am. As long as you're going to tournaments, I will always want you on the MK NEC Staff.
[MENTION=18]Dark_Rob[/MENTION] - One of the most integral cogs in the machine, and it was difficult without you. I will see you at VSM soon, to chill soon, and to handle all things MK soon. Everyone should know just how important you really are to the MK Community.
[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] - unofficial NEC MK Staff. Nancy, thank you SO MUCH for all your help over the weekend. The MK Community is truly in your debt for your commitment to making NEC run so smoothly.
@Comeback Kyle - I didn't get to play in anything other than KI, and for the first time I didn't have to play you in a tournament! I still have to return the favor in UMK3 at Season's Beatings! Be ready at Winter Brawl! Great seeing you again bro... always a pleasure and always fun to chill with you.
[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] - Congratulations on your win... serious skills! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you, and to chill, even for the small time we had, with you and Morty while leaving the hotel. Regardless of AZ vs. NY or any other state, you are a member of the MK Community and a skilled and humble one at that... the mark of a champion. Enjoy every moment of that win!
[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] - Manny, no shame in losing to a player of Detroit's ability. Hold your head high and learn from the loss. You're one of the very best there is, quite possibly THE best...and this loss will only remind you that you can't be complacent when you're at the top if you want to stay there. As always it was great chilling with you and doing commentary with you on the recordings. I will see you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] - DAAAAAYYYUUUUM! Is there anything in MK you CAN'T DO? Wait.. lemme guess... you CAN'T finish outside of top 8... Seriously... you're one of the most adaptable players I've ever seen. Can't wait for the next tournament now to see what you pull out of your sleeve... Great showing as always brother.
[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] - Much like Detroit, I only got a limited amount of time to talk and chill with you. You're very chill, very skilled and very humble... WHAT A BEAST OF A SONYA! That Sonya mirror with Riu48 was one of the most anticipated matches in the entire MK Community. Keep that up bro and make sure you come back for another tournament very soon. I hope next time we'll all get the chance to chill and hang out more.
@CrazyDominican - Robin, my VSM Brother, I've gotten to know you over the course of the last 3 years and it's been an absolute pleasure. Not only do we have the MK bond, but also the KI bond. KI FOREVER! Seriously, You, me, and Nit could sit there and play KI for days at a time... ULLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
[MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] - Another VSM Brother and another beast of a Sonya player. That Sonya mirror with Morty was SO HYPE. It could have gone either way, so don't dwell on the loss for too long. You guys need to run that back SOON!
[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] - Brant, it was beyond cool getting to know you. You and I see absolutely eye to eye on the MK Community. I truly tip my hat to you for being one of the first to erase the old lines of loyalties and realize that the MK Community needs to be united as a single front. You're a beast of a player, coming from GA to put most of the NE in it's place. I really hope we can work out Final Round so that the NY players can come to GA so we can all play and chill again.
[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] - Another CD Brother and another VSM Brother. Cyrax DOES NOT need more buffs...LOL. Max, or is it GQ these days? You're always one of the most passionate players there is. You care so much about playing, about this game, and about the MK Community... and about drinking with JamessMK... LOL See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=3]Krayzie[/MENTION] - It was absolutely awesome having you at VSM before NEC and then seeing you go so far into your pool at NEC. You definitely proved that you're a force to be reckoned with and you repped Cali to the fullest. Dropping them exploding oranges all over the place... do you know how long that took me to clean up?
[MENTION=2311]Sabin[/MENTION] - Art, you're a true competitor and a great member of the FGC, which now includes the MK Community, much in part because of the work you've done. Thank you for all of it... and it was awesome seeing you stream all weekend from your phone! iphone stream hypeness!
[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION] - Beast Cyrax! I was a little out of the loop as to WHY the MM happened with Brady, but it was all hype nonetheless. Great meeting you and great seeing you play. I hope to see you at more tournaments soon!
[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] - Bill, I think that your focus at NEC XII was so great that this was the FIRST TIME I've been around you where you WEREN'T talking non-stop. You're always chock-full of MK wisdom and tidbits, and always have something to MK to talk about that when you start, everyone stops and listens. Thanks for all you've done in the MK Community and it's great to know that you'll soon be visiting VSM on a regular basis...it'll be great to see you more often.
[MENTION=355]AC1984[/MENTION] - I am absolutely DREADING next summer, knowing that you're going to be leaving the country and possibly not coming back for a long time. In the last 2 years we have become great friends and brothers in arms with MK. I hope to see you at Winter Brawl, but if NEC was your last tournament, then know that the last 2 years have been filled with nothing but fond and fun memories that I will hold on to until I see you back in the states again.
[MENTION=5716]J360[/MENTION] - Great stuff seeing you play all weekend long. You repped NY and VSM hard, and I'm proud of that.
[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] - Congratulations on winning MKDC! That was a long time in the coming... I'm glad you finally see the light about the ASUS monitors! LOL... What a great showing in MK9 though... random all the way through? That takes serious balls... Always a pleasure my friend... I will see you soon!
[MENTION=2200]w1nter warz[/MENTION] - It was awesome getting to meet the man behind the name... and that keyboard you brought with you was insanely cool. Great job in MK9 and great seeing you play a little UMK3. I hope to see you soon at another tournament!
[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] - first and foremost, thank you for providing a ps3 to run MK9 on. It was awesome seeing you again... and great job in the MK9 tournament...
[MENTION=433]DanCock[/MENTION] - Man, one of these days you're going to give me a bro-hug and not feel uncomfortable doing it...LOL.. Seriously though, it's always great to see you and you did REALLY well in your pool in MK9. It sucks that you had to go so soon and miss the MK2 tournament. GO JETS!
[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION] - To be honest, I had you finishing top 8 in your pool and you did exactly that. Great job, my VSM Brother! Awesome matches in SFA2, btw... we definitely have to get some SFA3, 3s and ST under our belt as well as some UMK3. See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=8871]Death[/MENTION] - I had no clue who you were coming into NEC. I only found out later that you're one of the very best in your area and that you regularly beat the snot out of the people you practice with in MK9. Great showing in your pool...I'll be keeping an eye on you because I'll have to seed you better from now on. We'll have to play some KI one day too..
[MENTION=5186]funkdoc[/MENTION] - Josh, always a pleasure to see you. You should have come to the stream area and done some commentary! I'll see you soon though...
[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] - great seeing you again after meeting you at one of the Salty Battles tournaments. Thanks for providing a PS3 for MK9 as well and great job in the tournament! I shall see you soon my friend!
[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] - Always great seeing you... 2 tournaments in a row now I believe. Glad we can continue giving you reason to be less productive and play more MK...LOL I hope one day to get you to a VSM stream as well! See you at Winter Brawl!
[MENTION=1266]REYTHEGREAT[/MENTION] - It was great seeing you again. We didn't get to play that Scorpion MKDC mirror rematch but who cares, its MKDC! LOL... see you soon!
[MENTION=5442]rev0lver[/MENTION] - Always so negative... but you came in top 32! You were better than MORE THAN HALF the players there...and think about all the good players who were in attendance! You're good bro! You just need to believe that you're good! See you at VSM soon.
[MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION] - Always so hype... and a fellow lover of 9.95 by Spunkadelic(yes, that's right people, my name comes from a song title from the original TMNT live action movie!). Great seeing you and GREAT Scorpion! See you at Winter Brawl... hopefully sooner.
[MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] - Great seeing you again and that BEAST REPTILE! Hope to see you again at Winter Brawl.
[MENTION=8741]RTO Toxic[/MENTION] - didn't get to talk much, really just got to meet you and introduce ourselves... great meeting you nonetheless!
[MENTION=7135]josh99[/MENTION] - It was funny getting you to admit being a troll, but damn bro... need to stop going nuts on the forum so you keep yourself unbanned! LOL... serious skills in MK9 and you should not quit going to tournaments... you're young and learning, and quitting is NOT how you're going to get better. Hope to see you at Winter Brawl.
[MENTION=7367]catch22[/MENTION] - Alex, it is always great seeing you. You do what you need to do... take care of the family. Tell Alex Jr. that we all missed him and want to see him again soon. I will see you soon enough bro... you're like long lost family from a colder state. LOL
[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] - Great meeting you bro. It was a ton of fun playing those MK2 matches... and I def want to get more in soon! You're a throwback to the days of the arcade and someone that I relate to on that level. Definitely looking forward to seeing you again!
[MENTION=2765]KT Smith[/MENTION] - Yet another VSM Brother... we didn't talk too much at NEC, but it was great to see you there. Beast mode Smoke! I will see you at VSM soon and looking forward to you doing more commentary!
[MENTION=3011]Matix[/MENTION] - Another person I simply didn't get enough time to talk to. I was glad to get to meet you and talk to you for the brief time we did, and I hope to have that pleasure again at a future event so we can chill and talk longer.
[MENTION=714]NoDoubt[/MENTION] - IF YOU TOUCH MY COMPUTER I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR HAND! LOL... Arion, you're such a dedicated UMK3 Player that your excitement overcomes you sometimes, but that isn't a bad thing. Great job and congratulations on your win! I will see you at Winter Brawl soon!
[MENTION=7728]Esoteric[/MENTION] - We only talked briefly and I look forward to talking more on skype. Great meeting you and we will see what develops soon enough with what we talked about! See you soon at another tournament!
[MENTION=7844]Bear[/MENTION] - I saw you EVERYWHERE! Great meeting you and talking to you... and a bunch of us will all get together and go to your restaurant in NYC!
[MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION] - one thing to say: J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!
As I said above... if I forgot ANYONE, I'm sorry... If I forget anyone, it's simply because there are SO MANY of you to recognize and thank for this event.